Monday, 28 October 2024

Royce White on Soros Family Influence: “Crack Dealer Logic” Corrupting America

Royce White, Senate candidate from Minnesota and guest host on Steve Bannon’s Saturday WarRoom  did not hold back in his take down of  George Soros and his son, Alex Soros. White accused the Soros family of using their wealth to corrupt American politics, damaging democracy for personal gain. He referred to the billionaire’s approach to politics as “crack dealer logic,” a term meant to illustrate how Soros manipulates power for the benefit of an elite few while the rest of the nation suffers.

Soros’ Influence and Elite Control

White argues that George Soros and other billionaires have too much influence over global and American politics. “There is a crisis in American political culture when a man like this is able to give billions” to control the political system, White stated. He criticized the Democratic Party for embracing figures like Soros, asserting that their financial power serves only to benefit the elite at the expense of ordinary citizens. White sees this as part of a broader strategy to rob people of their civil liberties, undermining their ability to govern themselves.

Crack Dealer Logic: Manipulation for Power

White used the phrase “crack dealer logic” to describe Soros’ moral relativism and his manipulation of political dynamics. According to White, Soros compares societal issues like the Holocaust to market transactions, using them to justify his financial and political actions. “It’s the same crack dealer logic that uses addiction to control people,” White explained. In his view, Soros exploits political crises and uses his wealth to control politicians, keeping power in the hands of a select few while leaving the rest of the country to suffer.

White’s analogy of “crack dealer logic” paints Soros as someone who offers solutions to problems he helped create only to gain more control over society. He suggests that this approach is not only corrupt but dangerous. “George Soros is a thief,” White declares, accusing Soros of profiting from political instability while eroding the nation’s democratic foundations.

A Nation Left to Suffer

White argued that Soros’ actions result in widespread injustice. While the elite few benefit from his manipulation of politics, the rest of America suffers from rising inequality, violence, and loss of freedoms. He linked Soros’ influence to increasing social decay, saying, “The American people are left to suffer injustices and the removal of their civil liberties to govern themselves.” According to White, Soros and his allies ensure that the masses remain dependent, just like addicts under a dealer’s control.

The Removal of Civil Liberties

White warned that Soros’ influence is stripping Americans of their ability to govern themselves. He claimed that the billionaire’s power not only corrupts politicians but also undermines the people’s right to shape their own destinies. “It’s about more than money. It’s about control,” White said, emphasizing how Soros’ political donations result in policies that limit individual freedoms.

In White’s view, the rise of elites like George and Alex Soros represents a direct threat to the core values of American democracy. The more power they gain, the more the common people lose their voice.

For more of our coverage of Royce White:

"Go Into the Belly of the Beast”: A Call From Royce White to Rescue Deep Blue Territories and Save the Republic

Royce White and Dave Brat Call for Unity: America First Platform to Bridge Racial Divides and Save the Nation

Time to Reclaim Our Citizenship: Royce White Exposes the Democratic ‘Ponzi Scheme’ on Black Americans

Wage Slaves and Civic Duty: Royce White’s Call to Action Against Economic Imperialism

For more context to Royce White’s Saturday appearance on the WarRoom:

Royce White: Globalists, Like George And Alex Soros, Have The Morals Of Drug Dealers

Royce White: Now’s The Time To Identify Who’s With Us And Who’s A Sellout Globalist

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