Thursday, 24 October 2024

Steve Bannon Blazes a Path to Reclaim the People’s Government: Demands End to Endless Wars and Elites’ Control

Bannon’s Warning to the Establishment: Power Lies With the People

One year ago, Steve Bannon made fiery remarks on his WarRoom podcast about the unchecked power of political elites, reminding his audience how ordinary Americans hold the key to changing the nation’s course. He spoke passionately about how the American people, not the political or financial elite, can decide where the nation’s resources should go. Bannon’s core message is that without the consent of the people, the elites are powerless.

As he prepares to return to the microphone, with only days left in his prison sentence for defying a congressional subpoena, it’s a good time to reflect on Steve Bannon’s populist message. At the time, Bannon was warning the American people about the billions of dollars being funneled from their taxes through the US House into the war in Ukraine while many Americans struggled to make ends meet in their own homes. His point at the time was clear: endless war funding comes at the cost of helping Americans at home.

The Real Cost of War: Billions Spent Abroad, Problems Ignored at Home

Bannon’s frustration, during his 2023 WarRoom segment, centered on the fact that $115 billion had been sent to Ukraine while domestic issues like the invasion of the southern border and economic hardships remained largely unaddressed. He questioned the decision-making behind the massive spending on foreign conflicts. His critique was biting: wouldn’t that money have been better spent on securing America’s own borders or revitalizing struggling communities?

He also mocked Vice President Kamala Harris then for her simplistic defense of the funding, stating that her rhetoric about “sovereignty,” “territorial integrity,” and “self-determination” was out of touch with the real concerns of the American people. For Bannon, this symbolized how disconnected the elites are from the average American’s struggles.

Honoring the Dead: The Moral Obligation to Think Before Sending Soldiers

One of Bannon’s strongest points was the moral responsibility that leaders have when sending soldiers to war. Referring to the loss of life in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, Bannon urged Americans to stop and think before committing to foreign conflicts. He invoked the image of 50,000 dead in Vietnam and questioned whether leaders truly respect the lives lost.

“We owe it to the honored dead,” Bannon said. “We owe it to them to think this through.” He stressed that sending troops into endless wars without clear objectives or accountability is a betrayal of those who have already sacrificed so much.

The Elites’ War Machine: Who Really Profits?

Bannon also called out the war machine that profits from these foreign interventions. According to him, Wall Street and global elites are on every side of these wars, making money off the backs of soldiers and ordinary citizens. He expressed disgust at how these elites push for more conflict while ordinary people pay the price, whether through lost lives or economic hardship.

Bannon’s Populist Vision: Power to the People, Not the Elites

Bannon’s message has always been clear: the American people are the backbone of the nation, and without their consent, the elites can do nothing. His call for truth and accountability in foreign policy and government spending resonates deeply with many who feel abandoned by the political establishment.

As Bannon prepares to return to public life, his populist message will likely continue to rally those disillusioned with endless wars, reckless spending, and the unchecked power of the elites. For Bannon, the fight is far from over.

Steve Bannon is scheduled to be released from his confinement on Oct. 29th.

For more of our coverage of his release:

Steve Bannon’s Release Set for October 29, Still On, First Step Act Slowed Rolled and Just Now Denied

Steve Bannon Reminds The Deplorables: "Without Your Consent, [The Elites] Can’t Do Anything”

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