Thursday, 24 October 2024

Steve Stern Mobilizes Millions in Election Security: Unprecedented Enthusiasm for Trump Grows

Steve Stern has been spearheading massive election security group calls, attracting over a million participants and appeared on Thursday’s WarRoom to talk about it. The next call, scheduled for October 30th, aims to double participation to 2 million. With growing enthusiasm for Donald Trump, Stern highlights the importance of securing votes and ensuring election integrity.

Massive Election Security Calls Led by Steve Stern

Stern has been at the forefront of organizing group calls centered on election security, and the results are remarkable. In his recent appearance on “Battleground,” Stern shared that over one million people joined the latest call, facilitated by 82 podcasters. The purpose of these calls is to address concerns around voter integrity and to mobilize grassroots efforts to ensure fair elections. Stern credited Steve Bannon for sparking the initiative and stated, “You need Steve Bannon to let you know what to do.”

October 30th Call: Aiming for 2 Million Participants

The next major election security call is scheduled for October 30th, and Stern has set a lofty goal: "We’re aiming for 2 million participants this time.” The calls are instrumental in providing real-time updates and actionable steps on election security and training participants to become poll watchers and workers. Stern urged everyone to join, saying, "We’re going to bring you the top people in the country.”

Enthusiasm for President Trump Surges

A key outcome of these calls has been the overwhelming enthusiasm for President Donald Trump. Stern noted that he’s never seen such high levels of support for a candidate, stating, "I have never seen the enthusiasm for a president like Donald Trump ever before.” Trump continues to lead in betting markets and polls, reflecting the strong momentum behind his 2024 campaign. Stern added that even long lines at early voting sites, like those in Tennessee, signal the growing excitement.

Election Integrity and Poll Watcher Training

One of the primary focuses of these group calls is ensuring that every vote is counted accurately. Stern stressed the need for participants to become poll watchers and poll workers to help safeguard the process. “We have 200,000 poll watchers and workers now, double what we had last time,” he explained. Stern emphasized that the Republican Party is working harder than ever to prevent voter fraud and ensure transparency. He recommended that everyone go to “” to get involved.

Next Steps and How to Join

For anyone interested in participating in the October 30th call, Stern provided his email ([email protected]) and urged them to visit “” for more details. He also warned participants to double-check their ballots to avoid common mistakes, such as incomplete voting or marking the wrong candidates.

Unstoppable Momentum

Stern’s election security calls have created a sense of urgency and excitement among Trump supporters. As he put it, “For the first time in history, I feel like people are really getting up and they understand what’s happening to this country.” With the next call set to be even bigger and more impactful, the momentum behind Trump’s 2024 campaign and election security efforts shows no signs of slowing down.

Get Involved Now

Don’t miss out on the October 30th call. Help safeguard the election, and be a part of the movement that is propelling President Trump to victory in 2024.

Steve Stern Discusses His 1 Million Person Election Security Phone Call

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