Sunday, 27 October 2024

The Transnational Media Class: Jenny Holland Exposes Media Manipulation Across Nations

Media elites are distorting global narratives, fueling division and hiding the truth. Jenny Holland warns that corporate media in Western nations is serving a globalist agenda, not the people.

Media Distortion is Widespread

Jenny Holland offers a stark warning about the dangerous influence of corporate media. According to her, media elites manipulate narratives across the globe, creating a "transnational media class” that is out of touch with the public. This group, she claims, is united by their globalist interests, not by any loyalty to the countries they represent.

Holland explained to Ben Harnwell on Monday’s WarRoo that this media class "has more in common with elites in other nations than with their own people.” She points to the reporting on nationalist movements, which is often distorted to portray them as far-right or extremist. In her view, this bias fuels division and unrest, rather than informing citizens.

Shocking Media Narratives

One of the most disturbing examples Holland provides is an analysis by Enrico Francescani, an Italian journalist. In the wake of riots in the UK following the murder of three girls, Francescani blamed the unrest on Russian trolls and social media misinformation. He ignored the root cause— the horrific crime—and focused on a narrative that fit his agenda. "Even someone like myself, who has followed media manipulation for years, was shocked,” Holland says.

The fact that this analysis came from an Italian journalist, not an American, underscored for her how widespread this manipulation is.

Media Class is Out of Touch

Holland argues that this transnational media class is disconnected from the realities faced by ordinary people. "They fly in the same exclusive lounges, send their kids to the same schools, and have no connection to the public they’re supposed to serve,” she notes. This elite group shares talking points, regardless of the country, leading to uniform narratives that stifle free speech and suppress dissent.

One notable example is in Ireland, where a woman was murdered by an illegal immigrant. The fiancé of the victim made a powerful statement, advocating that society should prioritize its own citizens. But this was twisted by the media. "He was maligned as a figure of the far-right,” Holland says, even though his remarks were about protecting those who contribute to society.

Social Impact of Media Manipulation

Holland stresses that this manipulation isn’t just theoretical; it has real-world consequences. Nationalist movements that challenge the status quo are painted as dangerous, while the media ignores the frustrations of ordinary citizens. "The elites’ agenda has no legs in terms of voter numbers,” she argues, "but that doesn’t stop them from pushing it.”

According to Holland, the media’s failure to report honestly on these movements contributes to social unrest across Western nations. "This is happening in country after country,” she warns, "and it’s creating a dangerous divide.”

A Call for Media Accountability

Jenny Holland’s commentary illuminates the growing problem of media manipulation. The "transnational media class” distorts narratives to fit a globalist agenda, ignoring the voices of ordinary citizens. Holland’s message is clear: until the media is held accountable, division and unrest will continue to grow.

For more context watch the full Monday segment featuring Jenny Holland:

Jenny E Holland: Journalism vs The People

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