Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Time for America First to Save Our Energy Independence from Global Interests

On Monday’s WarRoom, Dave Brat, Ben Harnwell, and Forer US Ambassador to Denmark Carla Sands, the trio emphasized how international forces are driving U.S. energy policies, weakening America’s energy independence. They discussed the need for a return to “America First” policies, underlining how the current administration’s decisions are benefiting global adversaries like Russia and China at the expense of American consumers and security.

Global Forces Driving U.S. Energy Policy

Dave Brat, a former Congressman and economic expert, pointed out a critical issue: U.S. energy policy is no longer being driven by domestic priorities. Instead, international forces and pressures from global energy markets are influencing decisions that impact everyday Americans. This shift is putting America in a vulnerable position, where foreign powers have increasing control over the country’s energy future.

Brat highlighted how the Biden administration’s early decision to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline played into this dynamic. By halting domestic energy projects, the U.S. has grown more reliant on foreign energy sources, including adversarial nations like Russia. Brat criticized the Biden administration for allowing Russia to complete its Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, which increased Europe’s dependence on Russian energy and strengthened Russia’s geopolitical position.

How America’s Energy Policy Weakens National Security

Ambassador Carla Sands built on Brat’s points, emphasizing how energy policies under the current administration have directly weakened U.S. national security. She recalled her role in the Trump administration, where they blocked the completion of Nord Stream 2. Sands argued that this policy kept Russia’s influence in check and was a significant win for both the U.S. and Europe. But now, with Biden reversing course on energy independence, adversaries like Russia and Iran are regaining strength.

Sands also connected this international energy weakness to recent global conflicts, pointing out how the Biden administration’s actions have indirectly emboldened both Russian aggression in Ukraine and Iranian-supported groups like Hamas. She stressed that under President Trump’s leadership, peace was maintained through strength, particularly by limiting the financial power of these adversaries through strict energy sanctions.

The Cost to American Consumers

Brat and Sands emphasized how these internationally driven policies harm American consumers. Increased regulation, particularly under environmental pretenses, has led to higher prices and reduced consumer choices. As Brat pointed out, these regulations are benefiting foreign manufacturers, especially in China, which dominates the production of materials used in renewable energy technologies like solar panels and wind turbines.

Brat highlighted the irony of electric vehicle (EV) policies in states like California, where residents are pushed to buy EVs, only to be told they can’t charge them due to strain on the power grid. This is just one example of how poorly thought-out energy policies undermine American consumers while playing into global agendas.

America First: A Solution for Energy Independence

The discussion concluded with a clear call for action: a return to “America First” policies. Brat and Sands stressed that restoring energy independence requires reducing regulations, supporting domestic energy production, and prioritizing American interests over global influences. They urged voters to support leaders in the 2024 election who will reinstate policies that put American energy and security first rather than allowing foreign powers to dictate U.S. energy policy.

With candidates like Trump and JD Vance advocating for this shift, the 2024 election could be pivotal for reclaiming U.S. energy independence.

For more of our coverage of America First agenda for Energy Independence:

Democrats’ Energy Policies Dig a Deep Hole: Shortages Loom Large as they Push for More Electrification

Kamala Harris’s Energy Plan Mirrors CA Blackouts: Power Outages, High Costs, and Reliance on Foreign Imports

Kamala Harris’s Fracking Fiasco: How Her Anti-Energy Policies Threaten America’s Prosperity, David Bernhardt in the WarRoom

For more context from Carla Sands’s Monday WarRoom appearance:


Carla Sands: Harris Turns Back On American Manufacturing

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