Wednesday, 09 October 2024

Biden BUTCHERS gun speech, attempts to quote Thomas Jefferson

Biden BUTCHERS gun speech, attempts to quote Thomas Jefferson Biden BUTCHERS gun speech, attempts to quote Thomas Jefferson

President Joe Biden, in his speech at the Everytown for Gun Safety's annual training conference, did what he always does any time he steps on the stage: made a complete fool of himself.

Pat Gray and the “Unleashed” team unpack the speech — from the butchered Thomas Jefferson quote to the wildly inaccurate assertion that Biden was once a constitutional professor (plus every absurdity in between).

“There is so much here in 2 minutes and 11 seconds,” sighs Pat, playing the clip.

At one point during his speech, Biden referenced a “school shooting in Iowa that killed a student and a teacher.”

“My predecessor was asked about it,” Biden stated, referencing Trump. “He said, ‘You have to get over it.”’

“That’s way out of context,” criticizes Pat.

“More children are killed in America by guns than cancer and car accidents combined,” Biden then stated.

“You have to really bend over backwards to try to make that stat work,” says Pat, noting that “you have to include suicides and accidental gun deaths” to justify those numbers.

In one of his worst moments, Biden claimed that after he was vice president, he “became a professor at the University of Pennsylvania” where he “taught a constitutional law class.”

“No, no you didn’t,” corrects Pat. “It's been fact-checked by all the liberal agencies; everybody has said it's not true, it didn't happen, and he keeps saying it anyway.”

Biden then went on to horribly butcher the famous line from Thomas Jefferson’s letter to William Stephens Smith in which he stated, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

But Biden’s version was: “the blood of liberty.” That’s it.

“I’ve never heard that phrase,” says Pat. “He wasn’t even close.”

To hear more of Biden’s bumbling speech and Pat’s commentary, watch the clip below.

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