Saturday, 26 October 2024

Biden claims he received medical evaluation after debate, but the fine print tells the actual story: 'Brief check'

Biden claims he received medical evaluation after debate, but the fine print tells the actual story: 'Brief check' Biden claims he received medical evaluation after debate, but the fine print tells the actual story: 'Brief check'

President Joe Biden is now claiming that he received a post-debate medical evaluation.

During an hour-long meeting with Democratic governors late Wednesday, one governor asked Biden about his physical condition, according to Politico. The question reportedly prompted Biden to say he remains in good health, which he knows because he received a medical checkup after the debate. He even knocked on wood "for effect," Politico reported.

Contradictions inside the White House press shop are not the only problem.

The admission raised a serious question on Thursday: Who is telling the truth?

That's because in the hours before Biden's meeting with the Democratic governors, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that Biden had not been seen by a doctor.

"Has the president had any medical exams since his last physical in February?" CNN correspondent MJ Lee asked.

"We were able to talk to his doctor about that, and that is a 'no,'" Jean-Pierre responded.

Later in the press briefing, a second reporter asked why Biden has not received a medical evaluation if, as the White House has insisted, he was infected with a cold and a doctor was with him on the debate trip. Jean-Pierre did not answer the question directly. She did, however, downplay the seriousness of Biden's cold, which was confusing because the cold itself was one of the excuses offered for Biden's poor debate performance.

Not only did Biden contradict Jean-Pierre, but so did her own deputy.

"Several days [after the debate], the president was seen to check on his cold and was recovering well," White House senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates told CNN.

Contradictions inside the White House press shop are not the only problem.

As Biden and the White House now try to use the checkup to assuage questions about Biden's health, the truth is that any checkup was brief and did not include a full battery of cognitive tests.

Politico reported that Biden received a "short checkup ... due to lingering symptoms from his cold." A source told the outlet the exam was "brief and did not include any major tests." CNN, moreover, corroborated the reporting, with sources saying Biden received only a "brief check," not a formal physical.

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