Saturday, 28 September 2024

Biden wants amnesty for 100k+ illegal immigrants

Biden wants amnesty for 100k+ illegal immigrants Biden wants amnesty for 100k+ illegal immigrants

Joe Biden is rumored to be passing an executive order that would give hundreds of thousands of undocumented spouses of American citizens amnesty. The proposal is set to be called “Parole in Place.”

“Which of course will open up a pathway to permanent legal status and U.S. citizenships for some beneficiaries by removing an obstacle in U.S. law that prevents those who entered the U.S. illegally from obtaining green cards without leaving the country,” Sara Gonzales, who is less than thrilled, says.

However, Gonzales doesn’t believe the plan stops there, referencing the “Great Replacement Theory.”

“You have to be a far-right crazy crackpot to think that that’s what they’re doing. This isn’t about bringing in a bunch of new Democrat voters,” Gonzales mocks.

Another plan being prepared by the Biden administration would streamline the process for “dreamers” and other “undocumented immigrants” to request waivers that would make it easier for them to obtain temporary visas.

Blaze Media digital strategist Logan Hall is on the same page as Gonzales.

“I’m really so sick of the newspeak around this, calling them undocumented,” he says, adding, “All these nonsense terms.”

“They’re illegals, and so the idea is that this newspeak kind of frames it in a different way, to where the left owns the terms of the debate. And now, whenever you use these terms, you are entering their playing field,” he continues.

The mainstream media has even been framing Biden’s plan as “immigration relief.”

“I don’t know how they spin this, to where it’s immigration relief. Turning hundreds of thousands of illegals into citizens or granting them legal status is somehow relief, but this is just how insane the left has gone,” Hall says.

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