Tuesday, 08 October 2024

Brace yourself: Making computers from human brains is the new environmentalism

Brace yourself: Making computers from human brains is the new environmentalism Brace yourself: Making computers from human brains is the new environmentalism

For decades, we’ve been conditioned to accept lower living standards, lower rates of consumption, fewer and more expensive goods and services, and all-round more meager lives — not for the sake of spiritual health and discipline but out of a bogus environmentalism that makes a show of worshipping nature to enrich and entrench the illegitimate elite.

Now, consummating that demented plan, technology has been pushed across a much different “final frontier” than advertised. Instead of saving civilization by bringing human ingenuity into the depths of outer space, we’re about to be told that life can only be preserved if we make a much more violating sacrifice — offering up human brains to run the energy-starved supercomputers we need to automate “green” governance out of human hands.

Wokeness judges humanity too corrupt and wicked to achieve true justice on its own but unconditionally rejects God as the only source of complete and perfect justice.

“World's first bioprocessor uses 16 human brain organoids for ‘a million times less power’ consumption than a digital chip,” runs the headline, and the details must be read to be believed:

A Swiss biocomputing startup has launched an online platform that provides remote access to 16 human brain organoids. FinalSpark claims its Neuroplatform is the world’s first online platform delivering access to biological neurons in vitro. Moreover, bioprocessors like this “consume a million times less power than traditional digital processors,” the company says.

FinalSpark says its Neuroplatform is capable of learning and processing information, and due to its low power consumption, it could reduce the environmental impacts of computing. In a recent research paper about its developments, FinalSpark claims that training a single LLM like GPT-3 required approximately 10GWh — about 6,000 times greater energy consumption than the average European citizen uses in a whole year. Such energy expenditure could be massively cut following the successful deployment of bioprocessors.

It doesn’t take a weatherman to detect which way these winds of posthuman change are a-blowin’. As I’ve cautioned many times, wokeness — which is really simply the idolization of perfect justice, worshipping a distorted fragment of God instead of His whole — can’t be actualized without a woke supercomputer. That’s because wokeness judges humanity too corrupt and wicked to achieve true justice on its own but unconditionally rejects God as the only source of complete and perfect justice.

Yet ironically, today’s priestly caste of “green” elites actually deny that other organisms, or even planet Earth itself, can save or redeem us. They reject the hierarchy, predation, violence, and masculinity of the natural world and see the Earth as, at most, concerned with its own flourishing — which, as we’re incessantly lectured, human beings are constantly hurting and putting at existential risk.

The equation is simple. Their logic leads straight to one conclusion: Without man, God, or nature to save us, our only hope, in fact our duty, is to be found in building machines. And not just machines — superhuman machines built to rule us as humans have never been ruled before. Utterly. Comprehensively. Inside and out — down to the molecular, if not subatomic, level.

But that’s just the start. Not only must these machines utterly dominate and control us in this way in order for our elite to realize their plans; we must actually become the fuel for these machines. Back in the post-’60s era of peak environmentalist panic, “Soylent Green is people!” became a pop-culture rallying cry of those who feared a future elite who fed us to each other under cover of conservationist convenience. Today there’s no need for fantasy or metaphor to drive the point home: As much as they surely want to feed us people, the higher ambition is to cut out the middleman and turn our bodies into “green” bioreactors for our mechanical overlords.

That’s why, even though our digital rights must be constitutionally protected, we have to ensure that no American has a right to borg. “You will live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension,” one wag (ironically named Hegel Borg) reacted to the Neuroplatform news, quoting an 1898 Nikola Tesla quip that has turned into a meme. True, but misleading — the more serious problem, as our holiest men have known for ages, is that, spiritually, the mystery of our fallen condition is a man-made horror beyond our comprehension. Down the path of innovating an artificial new horror to be, we shall find no salvation.

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