Monday, 07 October 2024

Democrat civil war breaks the surface

Democrat civil war breaks the surface Democrat civil war breaks the surface

First, they lost the comedians. They let the politics get in the way of the funny. You never do that. The late-night shows became sappy appeals. Comedy Central would play half an hour of an Englishman explaining how stupid we all are in America. “Clapter” replaced laughter. The message became the point. And funny men like Shane Gillis, Bill Burr, and Dave Chappelle rebelled.

But progressive politics are getting in the way of a whole lot more these days. Public safety is a top concern. Illegal immigration is impacting daily life in Boston, Manhattan, and Chicago. Public opinion on transitioning children is finally — mercifully — starting to sink.

Fear is in the air, panic is contagious, and party discipline is creaking, if not yet cracking.

Democrats are seriously worried about their electoral prospects. A party famous for its discipline and unity on the floor and in primaries (if not in Twitter spats) is splintering.

Hillary Clinton threw her support behind a primary challenger against a sitting Democratic congressman, Squad member Jamaal Bowman of New York. Endorsements don’t often have as big an impact as people pretend, but that’s not the point. The point is the naked aggression against a sitting left-wing congressman from the former head of the party.

A Thursday article in the heterodox, anti-groupthink British publication UnHerd finally highlighted the obvious problem facing Bernie Sanders, Vermont’s longtime “independent” senator and presidential primary darling. Called “Bernie Sanders has lost Vermont,” the piece explains the deepening divisions in the whitest state in the union and the loss of the working class.

It was bound to happen. The quirky old man used to be a color-blind socialist who was OK with his state’s gun culture and had some more libertarian views. There’s no room for that in the new progressivism of the Democratic Party, and by the 2020 primary, he’d gotten the order and toed the line.

And where is Joe Biden in all this? He’s staring blankly, wandering off stage, and moving like he’s made of brittle straw. The White House can deny it (and it does), but it’s plain to see. Fear is in the air, panic is contagious, and party discipline is creaking, if not yet cracking.

On Wednesday, former President Donald Trump returned to D.C. to meet with Apple’s Tim Cook; JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon; the CEOs of Nasdaq, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, American Express, Bank of America; and about 70 other top business leaders who once turned their backs on him. He was well received.

On Friday, Trump pulled ahead of Biden for the first time in 538’s election forecast.

This thing is far from certain, and far from over, but if Trump wins in November, you can expect the slashing and cutting inside the Democratic Party to turn into whooping and shooting. The party of Jefferson and Jackson is heading toward civil war.

UnHerd:Bernie Sanders has lost Vermont

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Target’s internal kiddie meltdown exposed

Remember the Target boycott? It got less attention than Bud Light, but honestly deserved more. While Bud Light is guilty of disrespecting its customers, Target was marketing transexual clothing and bathing suits to children. Literally, children.

Worse than that, it turned out the pervert in charge of this operation was donating portions of the profits to a nonprofit that worked to hide transitioning minors from their parents. So, targeting your kids in the store then using your money to permanently wound your children and disarm your parental rights. Pretty insane stuff. And the retail giant didn’t even apologize. The CEO was outright belligerent in defense of his company’s grooming.

It did, however, stop targeting kids in all its stores. The heat was too much. But even that small retreat from grooming kids in Christian, rural areas was enough to cause an internal meltdown among far-left employees. Thanks to a leaker inside, Glenn Beck was able to expose it all on his Friday show. You can check it out here.

Blaze TV Exclusive: Target insider exposes radicals on staff after pride backlash

The Fire Rises: The Federalist: Massachusetts bill would allow women to sell their unborn children.

The Massachusetts House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill Wednesday that would allow women to sell their unborn children to the highest bidder. Really. That means the political home of America’s abolition movement is back in the business of selling humans, but it’s OK because it’s in the name of rich gay privilege instead of rich farmer privilege. What forward-thinking times we live in. Patience Griswold reports:

The “Parentage Equality” bill seeks to redefine parenthood. Parenthood is recognized on its natural biological basis, or in cases of adoption, justice for a child who has suffered loss by providing them with a safe, loving home. This bill redefines it on the basis of a “person’s intent to be a parent of a child.” In doing so, it strips all mention of mothers and fathers from parentage law, replacing these vital familial roles with gender-erased language.

Finally, and most concerning, under H.4672, Massachusetts would allow for commercial surrogacy both in cases wherein the woman carrying the child is genetically unrelated to the child and in cases where she is exchanging her biological child for money.

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