Monday, 28 October 2024

Democrats’ illegal immigration gambit paves the way for one-party rule

Democrats’ illegal immigration gambit paves the way for one-party rule Democrats’ illegal immigration gambit paves the way for one-party rule

Immigration is the No. 1 issue for American voters, according to the hardly right-wing PBS. Indeed, 41% of Americans polled put immigration at the top of their concerns, well ahead of our inflationary economy and the cost of fuel.

In the Republican presidential primary in South Carolina on Saturday, the same issue predominated. Voters who chose Donald Trump over Nikki Haley believed he would address the problem of our overrun borders better than his opponent.

All Democrats endowed with more than borderline intelligence must understand what the game is.

Fueling these concerns was the slaying last week of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student at Augusta University, allegedly by José Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan illegal alien with a long criminal rap sheet.

Instead of deportation, despite his confirmed criminal behavior, Ibarra was sent by bus from El Paso to New York City and from there traveled to Athens, Georgia, where he allegedly committed his ghastly murder. Republicans with considerable justification are now blaming this enormity on the Biden administration and its reckless support for illegal immigration, whatever the costs.

Will the Democrats’ deliberate attempt to fill the country with illegal aliens cost them the November election? Put me down as a skeptic! So far, this outrage has not cost the Democrats any significant election during Joe Biden’s presidency, at least none that I’m aware of. You’d think a majority of voters would be so enraged that they’d already have kicked out of office those who caused this man-made catastrophe.

Dream on!

As long as the Democrats can mobilize a large turnout of the black vote in the cities and bring to the polls perpetually indignant unmarried, college-educated women fixated on their supposedly endangered abortion rights and (lest I forget!) overgrown kids wanting their college debts canceled, they can win elections handily.

What evidence is there to the contrary? Certainly not the recent special election in New York’s 3rd Congressional District. A large majority of the voters elected a congressional candidate who had supported Biden’s policies on immigration, even though they also expressed concern about illegal aliens entering our country.

Yes, our cities are overrun by “migrants” committing crimes. But should I believe that places that give us wacko prosecutors like Alvin Bragg and Larry Krassner, mayors like Brock Johnson, and governors like Gavin Newsom and Kathy Hochul will turn on the Democrats just because they’re filling up American cities with illegal immigrants living on taxpayers’ largess? That’s about as likely as Santa Claus coming down my chimney on Christmas Eve.

In a few days’ time, the corporate media will have phased out Ibarra and his crimes, not to mention all the Venezuelan gangs crossing our borders. Then they can return the public’s attention to real things, like Trump’s servile relation to Putin and other authoritarian leaders and how putting criminals behind bars is a code word for “white supremacy.”

For about half the country, those are the kinds of stories that matter. Far less important to them is how cities have been turned into war zones or that criminal illegal aliens are murdering kindly, churchgoing coeds.

As proof that crimes does pay, let’s consider what few options will be available to President Trump if (contrary to my gloomy predictions) he prevails in November. It’s unlikely he’ll succeed in deporting large numbers of those “undocumented” guests who have been lured here as future Democratic voters.

Pardon my skepticism about sending these interlopers back! A vast array of Democratic judges and administrators will make sure that never happens. We’ll also see mass demonstrations organized to prevent any repatriation of illegal aliens, whom the press, liberal churchmen, and George Soros-backed NGOs will describe as a blessing that continues to enrich us. In fact, any attempt to remove them will be treated as tantamount to resurrecting the Nazi Party.

What I’m suggesting is that the Democrats have found a foolproof method to advance their goal of turning America into a one-party state. Democratic states are already showering their new clientele with all kinds of goodies, from housing and medical insurance to the right to participate in local elections. And they can do this easily in deep-blue states where no matter how shamelessly they cater to the masses of illegal aliens, it is impossible for them to lose national elections.

Nor do Democratic voters seem to care that illegal aliens have been given rights that American citizens do not enjoy — for example, being able to fly without identification and entering the country without proof of vaccination. Our privileged newcomers are also released after having committed criminal acts, unlike pro-life demonstrators who are now rotting in prison.

All Democrats endowed with more than borderline intelligence must understand what the game is. The illegal immigrants pouring into our cities, including the criminals among them, will eventually become Democratic voters and even now help by their presence to expand Democratic representation in Congress. Why should Democrats care if they wreak havoc in the meantime?

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