Saturday, 26 October 2024

Former Dem senator demands the media stop fact-checking Biden until they fact-check Trump every day: 'He vomits lies!'

Former Dem senator demands the media stop fact-checking Biden until they fact-check Trump every day: 'He vomits lies!' Former Dem senator demands the media stop fact-checking Biden until they fact-check Trump every day: 'He vomits lies!'

Former Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill berated the media in an unhinged rant that demanded they stop fact-checking President Joe Biden until they fact-check former President Donald Trump.

McCaskill was on the "Morning Joe" show on MSNBC when she complained that the U.S. was an embarrassment to other countries because of Trump.

"What everyone says when you travel, 'Well, you wouldn't elect him again, would you? Hasn't the country learned? You wouldn't ever give this guy power again, would you? Tell us that he's not going to be re-elected. Please, tell us you've learned your lesson,'" she said.

"So the only blemish on the great country of America worldwide is, in fact, Donald Trump," McCaskill added.

"And can I make a suggestion? I move that every newspaper in America quits doing any fact-checks on Joe Biden until they fact-check Donald Trump every morning on the front page," she continued. "It is ridiculous that the New York Times fact-checked Joe Biden on something. I mean, he vomits lies, Trump vomits lies. Every day, over and over and over again."

She went on to deride the New York Times for fact-checking Biden while being "numb" to the "torrent of lies" coming out of Trump. Host Joe Scarborough agreed with McCaskill and said that constant lying was a technique used by fascists.

The Times had fact-checked Biden on several economic claims he made and called them "misleading statements." Among those was a false accusation about the tax rate of the top 400 wealthiest households that depended on spurious data that ignored other taxes paid. The Times also accused the president of overestimating the amount of private investment spurred by the CHIPS and Science Act by three times as much as the true figure.

McCaskill was a U.S. senator representing Missouri from 2007 until 2019.

Here's the video of her comments:

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