Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Hispanic voter uses MSNBC's airwaves to spread facts about the border crisis: 'The southern border needs to be closed'

Hispanic voter uses MSNBC's airwaves to spread facts about the border crisis: 'The southern border needs to be closed' Hispanic voter uses MSNBC's airwaves to spread facts about the border crisis: 'The southern border needs to be closed'

A Hispanic Florida voter told MSNBC this week why President Joe Biden's border policies are problematic for his re-election campaign.

The Biden campaign distributed a memo this week, according to NBC News, expressing belief that Biden can win the Sunshine State in 2024, though the odds are stacked against him. Not only did Donald Trump win the state in 2016 and 2020, but Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) overwhelmingly won re-election two years ago, bolstered by Florida's large contingent of Hispanic voters.

It would be an uphill battle for Biden, to say the least. And if other Florida voters feel the same way as Isabella Rodriquez, Biden has virtually no shot at re-election.

"I think the southern border needs to be closed. I think it is unsafe for our country," said Rodriguez, a Republican voter.

"I'd love to believe the idea that everybody that is crossing the southern border is doing so in search of the American dream, but that's just not true," she continued. "I do agree with the wall. I think it makes sense. I think you lock your doors at night to make your house safe, and I think we need some kind of measure to keep our border safe as well."

Rodriguez's comments are not surprising.

According to Gallup, immigration has become the No. 1 election issue for voters, a result of a border crisis that exploded under Biden's watch.

Not only are Americans concerned about the millions of migrants who have entered the U.S. under Biden, but they're concerned about the crime associated with the migration, which is tightly controlled by Mexican cartels.

The issue, moreover, has become local for tens of millions of Americans who live in sanctuary cities and states because migrants are being bused to those localities. Whereas immigration has always been an important issue for voters who live on the southern border, it's now a primary concern of voters who live thousands of miles away from la frontera.

Importantly, voters blame Biden for the crisis and overwhelmingly disapprove of his handling of immigration, a telling data point considering the critical role immigration will play in the 2024 election.

Voters, on the other hand, generally trust Trump to handle immigration issues.

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