Monday, 23 September 2024

Jill Biden gets testy when CBS anchor confronts her over Joe's dismal polling: 'Losing in all the battleground states'

Jill Biden gets testy when CBS anchor confronts her over Joe's dismal polling: 'Losing in all the battleground states' Jill Biden gets testy when CBS anchor confronts her over Joe's dismal polling: 'Losing in all the battleground states'

First lady Jill Biden showed she was not happy that a CBS anchor chose to confront her on Wednesday about her husband's bad poll numbers.

After a segment on "CBS Mornings" highlighting the National Teacher of the Year winner, Biden briefly addressed the 2024 campaign. She offered a simplistic view of the forthcoming election, telling voters the choice is between "chaos," referring to Donald Trump, or "steady, wisdom, experience," referring to her husband, while predicting confidently that President Biden will be re-elected.

But CBS anchor Tony Dokoupil wasn't buying it.

"But when these polls — like the Wall Street Journal one — land in the White House, and [Biden's] losing in all the battleground states ..." he said before Jill cut him off.

"No, he's not losing in the battleground states," Jill interjected.

"All but one," Dokoupil fact checked.

"He is coming up," Jill continued, "and he's even or doing better. So, you know what? Once people start to focus in and they see their two choices, it's obvious that Joe will win this election."

The newest WSJ poll confirms what other polls surveying key battleground states have found: Trump is winning six of those seven states critical to winning the White House — at least for now.

The only state in which Trump does not have an outright lead is Wisconsin, where he and Biden are tied.

The poll's results:

  • Arizona:Trump (47%) v. Biden (42%)
  • Georgia: Trump (44%) v. Biden (44%)
  • Michigan:Trump (48%) v. Biden (45%)
  • Nevada: Trump (48%) v. Biden (44%)
  • North Carolina:Trump (49%) v. Biden (43%)
  • Pennsylvania: Trump (47%) v. Biden (44%)
  • Wisconsin: Trump (46%) v. Biden (46%)
  • It's not clear, then, why Jill Biden denied that President Biden is losing in the polls. Perhaps, she was not aware of the Wall Street Journal poll. On the other hand, Biden's dismal polling is not a new phenomenon; rather, it has characterized the entirety of the 2024 contest thus far.

    The reason why the battleground state polls receive so much attention is because Biden won six of those seven states in 2020, only losing North Carolina to Trump.

    That means whoever wins the lion's share of those states in November will be the probable victor. Losing them, then, is not a winning strategy.

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