Wednesday, 16 October 2024

'NIAID cannot be trusted': Fauci's agency planned to make monkeypox more deadly, says congressional report

'NIAID cannot be trusted': Fauci's agency planned to make monkeypox more deadly, says congressional report 'NIAID cannot be trusted': Fauci's agency planned to make monkeypox more deadly, says congressional report

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases under Anthony Fauci funded deadly gain-of-function research on coronaviruses at the likely epicenter of the pandemic. Although millions of Americans died from COVID-19, the NIAID apparently did not learn its lesson.

According to congressional investigators, the NIAID received approval to execute radical gain-of-function experiments on MPXV, the virus that causes monkeypox.

Monkeypox is endemic in various African regions but made a global play in April 2022. The New England Journal of Medicine indicated on the basis of diagnoses in 16 countries that 98% of the persons infected with the virus were homosexual.

Those infected with monkeypox often experience a painful rash that can look like pimples or blisters, respiratory problems, exhaustion, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and chills. Like COVID-19, monkeypox can be spread via respiratory droplets, through "direct contact with a rash or sores of someone who has the virus," and through "contact with clothing, bedding, and other items used by a person" with the virus.

While it's unclear what nightmarish symptoms a lab-engineered version of monkeypox could produce, it's clear that some of Fauci's people were eager to find out.

Over the past two years, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce — which has jurisdiction over public health agencies — has been looking into a particular research project that was "planned and/or conducted" at the NIAID prior to Fauci's retirement.

Committee members were alerted to the experiment by a Sept. 15, 2022, interview in Science magazine, in which Dr. Bernard Moss, a NIAID pox virologist, revealed that his team was working on endowing a West African variant of monkeypox responsible for the global outbreak at the time, "clade 2," with genes from a far more deadly variant, "clade 1."

Whereas clade 2 has roughly a 1% mortality rate, clade 2 reportedly has a mortality rate ranging from 10%-15%.

Congressional investigators noted that Moss' admission troubled some of his peers.

Epidemiologist Thomas Inglesby, director of the Center for Health Security at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, told the magazine the following month that if a more powerful version of the outbreak strain ever escaped the NIAID lab, it could trigger an "epidemic with substantially more lethality."

The committee noted in an interim staff report Tuesday, "If the experiment transferred genes from clade IIb MPXV — which caused the 2022-2023 mpox epidemic — into clade I virus, the resulting chimeric virus could have a reproductive number (R₀) of 1.10 to 2.40 coupled with a case fatality rate of 10 – 15 percent in the unvaccinated."

According to the interim report, the Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institutes of Health, and the NIAID "repeatedly obstructed and misled" the committee about the experiment referenced by Moss in Science.

'NIAID cannot be trusted to oversee its own research of pathogens responsibly.'

Whereas HHS and the NIH denied that that the experiment(s) had been proposed, planned, approved, or conducted, the committee noted that internal NIH documents "show this experiment was formally proposed and received approval before the NIH's Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) on June 30, 2015."

HHS Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Melanie Egorin confirmed in a March 19 letter to the committee that the experiment was greenlit.

The committee has been unable to confirm whether or not the dangerous experiment actually took place but indicated there was a window of time between June 2015 and May 2023 when researchers could have done so.

In the first three years, there were reportedly no requirements imposed on the experiment. In 2018, scientists were asked only to notify the NIH's IBC when getting ready to make clade 2 more potent.

Science indicated that at the very least, part of the experiment was conducted. Researchers moved genes from clade 2 to clade 1.

"The deliberate, prolonged effort to deceive the Committee is unacceptable and potentially criminal," said the interim report. "HHS, the NIH, and NIAID continue to insist the GOFROC experiment transferring material from clade I into clade II was never conducted, despite being approved for a period of over eight years. However, HHS has repeatedly refuse to produce any documents to corroborate this claim."

The report suggested that the refusal to cough up evidence might suggest "that the information not produced was unfavorable" and that the HHS is effectively lying.

Despite painting HHS as obstructionist, the report emphasized that the "NIAID is the agency that bears the most responsibility for misleading the Committee."

The primary conclusion drawn at this point in the investigation is that NIAID cannot be trusted to oversee its own research of pathogens responsibly. It cannot be trusted to determine whether an experiment on a potential pandemic pathogen or enhanced potential pandemic pathogen poses unacceptable biosafety risk or a serious public health threat. Lastly, NIAID cannot be trusted to honestly communicate with Congress and the public about controversial GOFROC experiments.

Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) said of the report, "In order to start rebuilding trust in our government health agency guidance, agencies like the NIH must be honest and transparent with Congress and the American people."

"This report demonstrates a disturbing lack of judgment and accountability from HHS, the NIH, and particularly, NIAID. It is unacceptable and demonstrates the clear need for reform," added Rodgers.

Justin Goodman, senior vice president of the White Coat Waste Project — a watchdog that helped expose EcoHealth Alliance's and Fauci's ties to the gain-of-function experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology — told Blaze News, "These treacherous monkeypox gain-of-function experiments are the latest example of Fauci's rampant waste, fraud, and abuse and disregard for taxpayers and lawmakers."

"Even though Fauci is gone from government, his atrocious animal testing legacy is alive and well, and we're working with Republicans and Democrats to cut NIH's reckless spending," continued Goodman. "The solution is simple: Stop the money. Stop the madness."

An HHS spokesman said in a statement, "The committee is looking for an issue where there isn't one. HHS and its divisions, including NIH, follow strict biosafety measures as our scientists work to better understand and protect the public from infectious diseases — like mpox."

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