Saturday, 26 October 2024

SFSU campus police abandon investigation into Riley Gaines' alleged assault and ransom demands by LGBT radicals

SFSU campus police abandon investigation into Riley Gaines' alleged assault and ransom demands by LGBT radicals SFSU campus police abandon investigation into Riley Gaines' alleged assault and ransom demands by LGBT radicals

All-American, all-female swim star Riley Gaines traveled to San Francisco State University in April 2023 to speak about the importance of keeping women's spaces female-only. Enraged that the former NCAA swimmer was allowed to speak and desperate to prevent her from being heard, LGBT activists and other radicals worked feverishly to shut down the event.

Gaines claimed she was ultimately assaulted, mobbed by hysterical protesters, and effectively held hostage in a room for hours.

While Gaines apparently held out hope that the San Francisco State University Police might do something about the incident, she learned earlier this month that campus police have apparently suspended their investigation, writing off her concerns as baseless.

"I guess audio, video, & eyewitness evidence aren't admissible in SF," Gaines stated on X.

What's the background?

Blaze News previously reported that Gaines appeared at an April 6 Turning Point USA and Leadership Institute event at SFSU to discuss the invasion of female-only spaces by transvestites — the entry of the male swimmer formerly known as William Thomas into women's swimming serving as her prime example.

Protesters allegedly organized by the university's Queer and Trans Resource Center bleated in the hallways outside the event but ramped things up when those who listened to what Gaines had to say began filing out of the classroom.

According to Gaines, violent protesters busted into the classroom, turned off the lights, and assaulted her.

Police had to escort her past the hysterical mob, which continued to pelt Gaines with vicious insults, such as "transphobic b****," along with various LGBT slogans.

The athlete was taken to a safe room; however, the door was locked. As her escorts figured out a way to get Gaines clear of the mob, she defiantly turned to face them and their signs, which read, "Go the f*** home," "trans lives matter," and "trans women are women."

Gaines reportedly ended up barricaded in a room with police protection for over three hours, during which time LGBT activists allegedly demanded money for her safe passage off-campus.

Police announced around 11:36 p.m. that those remaining radicals waiting for Gaines were unlawfully assembled, then walked the female speaker off-campus. No arrests were made.

After the incident, Jamillah Moore, vice president of student affairs at SFSU, thanked the protesters in a statement and underscored that "the trans community is welcome and belongs at San Francisco State University."

No accountability

Gaines told Fox News Digital this week that she recently wrote to the San Francisco State University Police Department about the incident "where I was held hostage."

"Can you please let me know if you have completed your investigation?" Gaines wrote in a January email. "I wondered if you can share with me any conclusions you have reached regarding your investigation and whether any charges will be filed against the individuals who sought to threaten, intimidate and harm me?"

"Is there a timetable concerning this matter? Is there any additional information you need from me?" added Gaines.

A female officer who Gaines indicated was present at the incident responded in an email dated Feb. 2, "After a thorough investigation, the alleged charges in this case are unfounded and have been suspended pending further lead."

According to the officer, campus police wrote to Gaines in June and July of last year "for a case follow up" but that such queries "went answered."

Gaines told Fox News Digital she provided campus police with ample testimony and an official statement in April 2023 and was advised against duplicating her efforts.

"We talked for multiple hours. I told them over and over and over and over and over again what had happened, which, all the while, both of the officers that I was talking to were there, so it is not like they didn’t know what happened," said Gaines.

The officer reportedly requested in the Feb. 2 letter "any photos and/or videos you may have in your possession as well as the contact information for anyone who was present that may have digital evidence."

"Please do so and the case may be further investigated," added the officer.

The former NCAA swimmer made clear on X that there is plenty of media available to corroborate her claims, which campus police nevertheless suggested were "unfounded."

The SFSUPD reportedly did not provide comment to Fox News Digital.

Gaines figures the apparent reluctance to pursue the case will embolden radicals further.

"This just encourages what happened to me to happen to other people because the precedent has now been set," said Gaines. "We don't see this happening to liberal speakers or to anyone with a dissenting viewpoint to that of my own."

Gaines has received an outpouring of support in response to the news that the campus police have supposedly thrown in the towel.

Charlie Kirk, the founder and CEO of Turning Point USA, wrote on X, "This is outrageous. San Francisco police have suspended their investigation into the assault of Riley Gaines when a violent mob HELD HER FOR RANSOM — as caught on camera! Our @TPUSA students at SFSU hosted Riley and would be more than willing to participate in an investigation."

Actor and comedian Rob Schneider wrote, "Riley Gaines is a Heroine and a great example for ALL WOMEN! So of course the misogynistic Left ignores her and won't come to her aide and side with Men taking women's places in sports. Americans see through this sham and will end this nightmare soon!"

Genevieve Gluck, the co-founder of the feminist publication Reduxx, stated, "This is a form of psychological abuse, it's gaslighting."

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