Thursday, 24 October 2024

The corrupt revolving door of vaccine bureaucrats is worse than you think

The corrupt revolving door of vaccine bureaucrats is worse than you think The corrupt revolving door of vaccine bureaucrats is worse than you think

If you thought the torrent of studies and data showing the COVID shots caused catastrophic levels of excess death would make the Centers for Disease Control reconsider, think again. The CDC just recommended more shots for all age groups and will continue to do so for one simple reason: the money.

On June 27, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices unanimously recommended both COVID and flu shots for children over six months old this fall. Despite being ineffective and dangerous for all age groups, the vaccine is now suggested years after the pandemic ended, targeting children who were never at risk. The committee ignored safety and efficacy concerns, focusing solely on the expiration of CDC’s Bridge Access Program, which funds free shots for children.

You got to love venture socialism. These guys really know how to play the game.

How in the world can the committee be so obtuse about the dangers and ineffectiveness of the shot this late in the game?

How is it that nobody expressed concern about a new bombshell study from Germany comparing various German states by mortality and vaccination rate, which found “no beneficial effects” of the COVID shots at the community level and that “the more vaccinations were administered in a federal state, the greater the increase in excess mortality.”

How is it that nobody discussed a new Italian study that found “all-cause death risks to be even higher for those vaccinated with one and two doses compared to the unvaccinated and that the booster doses were ineffective”?

How is it that a new Korean study, which found a 22.5% increase in Alzheimer’s disease and 238% increase in mild cognitive impairment in those injected compared to the unvaccinated, caused not even a modicum of circumspection through the ranks of these health care gurus?

Follow the money.

In May, the Department of Health and Human Services announced the appointment of eight new members to ACIP, which doubled the current roster of the group that signs off on vaccine recommendations. The Informed Consent Action Network discovered that all eight new members have a direct financial interest with vaccine manufacturers.

For example, Dr. Helen Talbot, the new chairman of the committee, has received more than $425,000 in research funding from Sanofi, which produces some of the main flu vaccines, as well as several key injections on the child vaccination schedule, such as pertussis and meningitis.

Dr. Edwin Asturias, an infectious disease doctor at Children's Hospital Colorado, has received several million dollars in research funding from various vaccine manufacturers, including Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline, two of the makers of the dangerous RSV vaccine.

Four other members — Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, Dr. Noel Brewer, Dr. Helen Chu, and Dr. Albert Shaw — have received funding from either Pfizer or GSK. Is it really any surprise that these members just voted to green light more boosters for a vaccine that is universally regarded as dangerous and ineffective?

Money talks, data and science walk.

The entire HHS edifice of vaccine promotion and approval is a viper’s nest populated by the manufacturers themselves — all the while they enjoy indemnity from all liability. An FDA email obtained by the British Medical Journal shows that FDA bosses proactively inform employees that they are free to work for the very manufacturers they just regulated. Here is what BMJ editor Peter Doshi found regarding one of the employees who worked on COVID vaccines and is now headed to Moderna.

During his final three years at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration the physician scientist Doran Fink’s work focused on reviewing covid-19 vaccines. But a decade after joining the agency Fink had accepted a job with Moderna, the covid vaccine manufacturer, and was undergoing mandatory FDA exit requirements. As he left for the private sector, the FDA’s ethics programme staff emailed him guidelines on post-employment restrictions, “tailored to your situation.”

The email, obtained by The BMJ under a freedom of information request, explained that, although US law prohibits a variety of types of lobbying contact, “they do not prohibit the former employee from other activities, including working ‘behind the scenes.’”

Moderna recently received approval for its mRNA vaccine for RSV and a $176 million contract to develop a bird flu vaccine. Does anyone believe Moderna will ever face rejection from these same gatekeepers?

This revelation is even more concerning after the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling last month in Murthy v. Missouri, the government censorship case. The majority opinion made it impossible for citizens to sue HHS officials collaborating with Big Tech companies to censor those expressing concerns about vaccine safety. Now we know these officials are in the back pockets of vaccine makers. We fund the research and marketing of dangerous products, pay government bureaucrats to censor critical information, approve these shots, and mandate them for school attendance!

You got to love venture socialism. These guys really know how to play the game. The question is what Republicans in Congress are doing more than three years into the COVID vaccine calamity, even as these same malefactors continue to approve dangerous mRNA shots. They will continue the travesty simply because they can.

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