Friday, 25 October 2024

‘A Revolutionary Movement’: Ben Shapiro And Douglas Murray Discuss The Dangerous Rise Of Radical Leftism

Ben Shapiro/Douglas MurrayShapiro: The Daily Wire / Murray: Roberto Ricciuti/Getty Images

Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro and British author and political commentator Douglas Murray dissected the rise of the radical Left in the U.S., especially within the Democratic Party on the latest episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special.”

Shapiro and Murray first talked about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas and the anti-Israel bias spewed by much of the legacy media, a bias that has been multiplied on college campuses, in the highest echelons of American universities, and even in Congress.

“The idea that you have hundreds of thousands of Westerners marching in solidarity with the murderers, that was on some level more disturbing to me than the actual massacre itself — certainly not in terms of the actual amount of human suffering and the horrifying evil and barbarity of it, but in terms of the threat to the civilization as a whole,” Shapiro said of anti-Israel demonstrations that broke out following Hamas’ attack on Israel where terrorists murdered over 1,000 people.

Murray agreed, adding that the anti-Israel demonstrations on streets across the world were at their core “anti-American” and “anti-Western.”

“Why can you predict with 100% accuracy that the proud Palestinian, not to mention pro-Hamas demonstrators, will never in America carry an American flag? Why do we know with 100% accuracy that when 100,000 mainly Muslim demonstrators go through the streets of London on a Saturday, they will not finish the demonstration by singing God Save the King?” Murray asked. “Why do I know that with 100% accuracy? Because it’s not about Israel, it’s about America. It’s about Britain, it’s about France.”

“This is a revolutionary movement and it finds its first and most fevered and most flattered version in its attack on Israel,” he added. “But of course, it’s anti-American; of course, it’s anti-Western; of course, it’s anti-British.”


Later in the interview, Shapiro and Murray talked about revolutionaries’ craving for violence throughout history, a craving that Murray warned is evident in today’s radical leftists. Shapiro also noted that radical demonstrators and political leaders have been largely supported by the Democratic Party establishment.

“What’s more interesting to me is the collapse of the liberal world order in the face of this. The so-called moderates who seem to be willing to traffic along these lines,” Shapiro said. “In the United States, the Democratic Party [is] continuing to massage the shoulders of the members of the Congress who are members of Hamas, or if not members, then at least fellow travelers of terrorists.”

The willingness to pat on the head, the protesters on college campuses by saying, ‘Well, you know, we don’t want them being bad and, you know, spray painting buildings. But there’s just so much passion, and we hear what they’re saying.’ This attempt to sort of massage them into jet fuel for what they believe is more moderate movement. And that’s the part that that I find particularly disturbing,” he added.

“There seems to be almost a lack of an immune system on the sort of center-Left for this sort of stuff to the point where it’s pretty obvious, I think, to anybody who’s observing politics, whether you’re doing so in Europe or in the United States … the revolutionaries are going to be in control of the movement. I would be shocked if they’re not,” Shapiro continued.

Murray chimed in, saying the coddling of radical leftists by the Democratic Party is similar to bad parenting.

“I would use an analogy that a lot of people will know from family life. You’re a parent. You observe, as I do, patterns and what good parenting looks like, what bad parenting looks like,” Murray said. “And I’m sure you’ve observed, as most people have, a parent who is terrified of their child.”

“People who want to be friends with their children, that’s a ghastly place to start. But … the parent who’s scared of the child and therefore creates the world around the child so the child will not be upset. It’s a surefire way to create an absolute brand of a human being who will probably never grow up,” Murray said. “But I think something like that is happening with the politicians and the generation coming up.”

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