Friday, 25 October 2024

‘Could Have Diagnosed Him From Across The Mall’: Neurologist Tells NBC Biden Has Parkinson’s, ‘Degeneration Of The Brain’

U.S. President Joe Biden participates in a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in the Oval Office of the White House on June 17, 2024 in Washington, DC.Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

A quadruple board-certified neurologist based in New York City told NBC News that President Joe Biden “definitely” has Parkinson’s disease and degeneration of the brain.

Dr. Tom Pitts was interviewed by NBC News’ Tom Llamas, who asked, “What you’ve seen from the president over the last two years, what you saw at the debate, the last few interviews, the way he speaks, the way he maybe walks, have you noticed anything that gives you a red flag as a doctor?”

“Oh yeah, I see him 20 times a day in clinic,” Pitts answered, indicating how common Biden’s symptoms were among his patients. “It’s ironic because he has just this classic features of neurodegeneration: word-finding difficulties — and that’s not just ‘Oh, I couldn’t find the right word’ — that’s from degeneration of the word retrieval area.”

“He’s also overcome stuttering, though. Could that be a part of that, too?” Llamas pressed.

“No,” Pitts replied, who admitted he had not personally examined Biden. “This is not a palatal issue or a speech discrepancy,” he said, adding, “Plus the rigidity, monotone voice …”

“You notice when he turns it’s kind of end-block turning; it’s not a quick turn,” Pitts continued. “That’s one of the hallmarks of Parkinson’s; it’s rigidity and bradykinesia, slow movement, And he has that hallmark, especially with the low voice they said was a cold; hypophonia, small monotone voice like this over time is a hallmark of Parkinsonism. I could have diagnosed him from across the mall.”

“Shuffling gait, we call that ‘little steps,” he noted. “Loss of arm swing from the rigidity; when we walk we have a nice cadence, he doesn’t really swing his arms, and end-block turning, meaning he kind of pivots around his foot. If you said, ‘Hey, President Biden,” he wouldn’t go like this,” he said, swiftly turning to look behind him.

When Llamas protested that Parkinson’s was difficult to diagnose, Pitts countered, “It’s one of the easier movement disorders to diagnose. I’m a Democrat… This guy is not a hard case. … once you start manifesting the hallmark motor symptoms, slow movement, rigidity, masked facies, hypophonia, if a med student did not pick Parkinson’s on the test, they’d be remediated.”

“His motor symptoms are degenerating,” Pitts said bluntly. “He has Parkinsonisms. That is a fact. He has degeneration of the brain. Show me the MRI. Show me he doesn’t. Put your money where your mouth is. He definitely has it.”

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