Sunday, 13 October 2024

Erasing Marriage And Family Is The True Goal Of Sexual Politics

Chalk drawing of a family

The following book excerpt comes from “False Flag: Why Queer Politics Mean the End of America,” by Joy Pullmann (Regnery/Skyhorse Publishing. June 18, 2024.)

As Nathaniel Blake writes, “the LGBTQ movement was built on a lie, and it is now breaking the promises it made to secure support from ordinary Americans.”

That lie is that queer people were “born this way.” The last ten years’ explosion in queer identification, coupled with social science research’s failure to find a gay gene, as well as its findings that sexuality is fluid, indicate that cannot be true. If people are “born queer,” the explosion in young people identifying as transgender simply wouldn’t be happening.

And it’s clear that identification is encouraged by social conditioning. As journalist Abigail Shrier writes in “Irreversible Damage,” “Those who teach gender ideology do not make adolescents transgender. They simply fill kids’ heads with gender options and ideology. Then, when the adolescents do experience a crisis, the heroic solution readily bobs to mind.” The multiple-hundred-fold increase in children seeking transgender mutilation coinciding with the saturation of culture in queer imagery and ideology indicates that people aren’t born queer — a piece of evidence that erases any claim to legal privileges for immutable characteristics.

The survival of Western culture depends on strong natural families and government structures that protect rather than destroy those families. In homes and institutions like schools whose authority descends from homes, culture is passed on to children authoritatively in the form of normative moral judgments, loyalties, and distinctions. When one learns both at home and in school to restrain one’s passions, it frees the soul to participate in self-government through rational thought and dialogue: logic, argumentation, and debate. This rational self-government culminates in Western culture and its highest expression, the American form of constitutionally limited government.

Regnery/Skyhorse Publishing.

Regnery/Skyhorse Publishing.

Sexual politics makes war against Western culture by attacking its origins in the father-headed household. Identity politics is an assault against the families who discipline their sexual relations within lifelong monogamous relationships. Its explicit goal is to overthrow Western civilization by overthrowing marriage and the families marriage naturally creates. Committed Cultural Marxists in the recent past, like the 1970s domestic terror group Weather Underground, followed New Left philosopher Herbert Marcuse’s “theory, outlined in his book Eros and Civilization, that sexual and political liberation are intertwined. They broke up monogamous relationships and asked members to submit their sexuality to the collective in order to surpass bourgeoise norms and ‘commit suicide as a class.’”

Sexual politics seeks to enact the Communist Manifesto’s demand for the “abolition of the family” as a means to abolish property and “bourgeoisie” social norms.  Marxist critical theory’s demand for “inverting the hierarchies,” as applied by sexual identitarians, practically works out to destroying marriage, the relationships between parents and children, and all strong male leadership. This is what sexual revolutionaries mean by their ubiquitous call for “smashing the patriarchy.”

Sexual politics’ true goal is not simply to grant government privileges to a tiny percentage of Americans who claimed discrimination — but who could have found workarounds such as powers of attorney to facilitate hospital visits between homosexual couples, or pro bono lawyers to write their wills and defend them in court. The goal was to destroy organic families as a mediating social institution that naturally limits government. The queer activist Masha Gessen made this explicit at a writer’s festival in 2012.

“It’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist,” Gessen said, voicing the stance of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and the Cultural Marxist Frankfurt School to loud applause. “…Fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we’re going to do with marriage when we get there. Because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change. And that is a lie. The institution of marriage is going to change — and it should change and, again, I don’t think it should exist.”

Queer theorists and practitioners aren’t kidding that they want a Marxist cultural revolution. They have openly proclaimed that everywhere from street protests to “academic” journals for 100 years. This revolution is already well underway in far-left states such as California, Illinois, Minnesota, and New York. LGBT laws that are replacing the normative American way of life and its original form of government are at the spearhead of this violent regime change.

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Joy Pullmann is the author of “False Flag: Why Queer Politics Mean the End of America,” out June 18 from Regnery Publishing. She is also the executive editor of The Federalist and a happily married mother of six young children.

Copyright © 2024 by Joy Pullmann. Regnery is an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing, Inc., a Delaware corporation.

The views expressed in this book excerpt are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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