The FBI took a virtual beating on Thursday for an X post highlighting Director Christopher Wray’s “warning” to foreign actors who might have designs on meddling in American elections: “Knock it off.”
With a display of force not seen since President Joe Biden told Iran, “don’t” enlist terrorist proxies like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis to attack Israel — or since Vice President Kamala Harris warned migrants, “do not come” — Wray urged foreign adversaries to butt out and leave American elections alone.
“‘Knock it off.’ — Says FBI Director Christopher Wray to foreign adversaries meddling in American democracy,” the post read.
“Knock it off.” – Says FBI Director Christopher Wray to foreign adversaries meddling in American democracy. https://t.co/DbocEMxFbRhttps://t.co/mpSEnuDVlZ pic.twitter.com/L9gj4aTcnm
— FBI (@FBI) September 4, 2024
Critics made it clear that they fully expected Wray’s directive to be equally as effective as Harris’ and Biden’s had been — which is to say, not in the least — and they took to X to mock the bureau.
“A fail-proof tactic,” Chuck Ross said of Wray’s strategy.
A fail-proof tactic https://t.co/TlKEFzD3vy pic.twitter.com/9zunvSBu1u
— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) September 5, 2024
Newsmax’s John Bachman added, “The @FBI employing same tactic to stop foreign election interference that my dad used to keep my feet off the back of his car seat.”
The @FBI employing same tactic to stop foreign election interference that my dad used to keep my feet off the back of his car seat. https://t.co/O7OBhqRumQ
— John Bachman (@JohnFBachman) September 5, 2024
“Did a 12 year-old from 1950 write this for Director Wray? Where are we as a country when something from the FBI is dumbed down to this level?” Jeff Clark asked.
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Did a 12 year-old from 1950 write this for Director Wray?
Where are we as a country when something from the FBI is dumbed down to this level? https://t.co/3QrYq5A9C4
— Jeff Clark (@JeffClarkUS) September 5, 2024
“Xi, Putin, and the Ayatollahs are laughing at this and asking ‘Or what?'” Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) added.
Xi, Putin, and the Ayatollahs are laughing at this and asking “Or what?” https://t.co/FuzMbGX8QV
— Rep. Mike Waltz (@michaelgwaltz) September 5, 2024
“From the people who brought you ‘don’t,’ I present to you the sequel ‘knock it off.’ The trilogy will end with ‘don’t you even think about it, buddy!'” Ethan Fine predicted.
From the people who brought you “don’t”, I present to you the sequel “knock it off”. The trilogy will end with “don’t you even think about it, buddy!” https://t.co/rUhJkDmnw1
— Ethan Fine (@FineEthan) September 4, 2024
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