Thursday, 17 October 2024

Greg Gutfeld Takes Apart Legacy Media For Gobbling Up ‘Cheap Fakes’ Spin

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - JANUARY 22: Host Greg Gutfeld appears during Former 2024 presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy's visit to Roy Rochlin/Getty Images

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld went after legacy media for eagerly gobbling up the White House’s latest narrative — namely that a recent series of unflattering videos of President Joe Biden were “cheap fakes,” deceptively edited to make Biden appear more confused and more frail than he actually is.

On Fox News’ “The Five,” Gutfeld pointed out the fact that many of the same media outlets had also reported almost any story that reflected poorly on former President Donald Trump, even if it was clearly edited or without relevant context.

“Where were these anti-hoaxers when there was the ‘fine people hoax,’ the ‘drinking bleach hoax,’ the ‘koi pond hoax,’ the ‘migrant kids in cages hoax,’ the ‘border patrol whipping migrants hoax,’ the ‘lab leak is a conspiracy theory hoax,’ the ‘Russian collusion hoax,’ the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill hoax’ … did I leave any — the ‘Pee Tape hoax,” Gutfeld said, nearly running himself out of breath as he tried to list them all. “Where were they?”

“There is a difference,” he continued. “When we see something, we vet it. The media does not because they’re the engine behind their hoaxes as long as they go in one direction.”

“The Dems and the media are lucky we don’t match their dishonesty. We could. We don’t,” Gutfeld concluded, arguing that conservatives didn’t have to be dishonest to make Biden look old and frail. “We don’t have to, because basically we don’t have to make up crap. Apparently, though, they hold us to a higher standard than they hold themselves.”


Gutfeld went on to explain that Democrats believe that they have the “moral high ground,” and that justifies all manner of bad behavior.

“They can call you Hitler, they can interfere with elections, they can wage unprecedented lawfare, they can say you’re banning books, they can say you’re xenophobic, they can say you don’t have any compassion for the homeless, they can say anything. They can lie, because they have the ‘moral high ground,'” he said.

“The most dangerous person is one who excuses their bad actions in the name of the good, especially when the good never materializes,” Gutfeld declared.

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