Saturday, 19 October 2024

ICE Busts Venezuelan Illegal Alien Who Urged Illegals To Take Over Americans’ Homes

John Hinckley Jr. sits for an interview in Williamsburg, Virginia, on September 14, 2022. - More than four decades after John Hinckley shot Ronald Reagan, the man who was acquitted of the crime on an insanity defense and subsequently hospitalized for 34 years is fully free. But the one thing he wants most after decades of treatments and years of conditional release still eludes him: a guitarist and songwriter, Hinckley longs to play a live concert.RYAN M. KELLY / AFP via Getty Images

Federal law enforcement officials arrested a Venezuelan illegal alien this week who encouraged other foreign nationals to come to the U.S. and take over people’s homes as squatters.

“Leonel Moreno is an unlawfully present citizen of Venezuela, who illegally entered the country April 23, 2022,” ICE said in a statement. “Moreno was placed into the ATD [Alternatives to Detention] program by Border Patrol and was told to report to Enforcement and Removal Operations office within 60 days of arriving at his destination.”

“Moreno did not report as required,” the statement continued. “On March 29, 2024, Moreno was arrested in Gahanna, Ohio by officers with ERO Detroit’s Columbus office and is currently detained pending further immigration proceedings.”

Moreno has used social media to show other illegal aliens who to exploit holes in existing U.S. laws.

In one of his most infamous social media videos, Moreno told followers to “seize” uninhabited homes in the U.S. by squatting, and went on to claim that he has friends who have taken over 7 homes using such tactics.

“My people! I’ve about squatting in a house in the United States, since I found out that there is a law that says that if a house is not occupied we can seize it,” he said in a TikTok video that went viral.

“Guys, here in the United States, the squatter’s law is also in effect,” he claimed. “And I think that this will be my next business, squatting in abandoned houses. I already got some cheat codes from my African friends. And they told me that they have already seized about 7 houses.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis directly addressed Moreno’s video during a press conference this week where he signed a law cracking down on anyone who would try to squat in people’s homes in Florida.


“In fact, we even have illegal aliens taking to social media, instructing other foreigners how to come into this country and commandeer property,” he said. “Well, today in the state of Florida, we say very simply what passes muster in New York and California is not passing muster here. You are not going to be able to commandeer somebody’s private property and expect to get away with it. We are, in the state of Florida, ending the squatter scam once and for all.”

Related: DeSantis Destroys ‘Squatter’s Rights’ In Florida: This Isn’t ‘California And New York’

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