Wednesday, 23 October 2024

The Mayor Of Baltimore Attacks White People As The City Deals With Bridge Collapse

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - MARCH 26: Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott talks with the media after a cargo ship ran into and collapsed the Francis Scott Key Bridge on March 26, 2024 in Baltimore, Maryland. According to reports, rescuers are still searching for multiple people, while two survivors have been pulled from the Patapsco River. (Photo by Rob Carr/Getty Images)Rob Carr/Getty Images

I’m sure I have canceled MSNBC talking head Joy Reid before. I can’t remember specifically at this moment because all of the ignoramuses discussed during my Daily Cancellation segment blend together in my mind, forming one big, loud, ball of stupid. I can only assume that Joy has been featured multiple times because she is so aggressively, obnoxiously terrible in every way a person can be terrible.

There are evil people who think they’re virtuous and there are dumb people who think they’re smart: Joy Reid falls into both categories. She even looks the part, with the bleach blond, short cropped hair and permanent scowl she looks like the kind of middle aged woman who yells at the pizza delivery guy because the pizza doesn’t have pepperoni on it, even though it’s not the delivery guy’s fault, and even though she didn’t order pepperoni. The point is, I’m not especially a fan of Joy Reid. But today we have to pay her some special attention once again, unfortunately. In fact, we are covering this today because the Joy Reid segment in question takes a certain turn that makes it even more relevant.

So, Joy took to her low-rated cable news show last night to call out the alleged racist conservatives who have been engaging in alleged racist conspiracy theories surrounding the Baltimore bridge collapse. We talked about the conspiracy theory angle yesterday, but Joy takes this in a different direction. It would probably be easiest just to play the segment and walk through all the many ways that she gets things wrong. Watch:


Actually, Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) didn’t suggest it was an intentional attack. And even if she did, that’s not a conspiracy theory. Intentional attacks on infrastructure are a well known threat. There’s nothing outlandish about suggesting that it may have happened. But she’s not even suggesting. That tweet that Joy briefly flashes on the screen says: “There should be a serious investigation into the horrifying tragedy of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Maryland. Is this an intentional attack or an accident? Praying for the victims, survivors and families.”

Which part of that tweet is conspiratorial or outlandish? In fact, I can’t imagine a more measured and normal way to respond in a situation like this. Is Joy Reid suggesting that it’s inappropriate to even wonder whether the incident was intentional? That’s odd, because the people investigating the crash also wondered about that. So far they’re saying they don’t think it was, but that’s obviously an angle they pursued immediately.

Are they conspiracy theorists too? Joy doesn’t say. Let’s continue:

A few points here. Number one, it is fashionable to be openly racist in this country, just not against black people. But Joy Reid herself proves, and what comes next in this segment will again demonstrate, that racism against white people is indeed very fashionable.

Second, she is showing us tweets to prove whatever point she’s trying to make. As we’ve seen, the first tweet she displayed from Marjorie Taylor Green totally contradicted her point. She wants to demonstrate that conservatives are being wildly conspiratorial about this. So she showed us a tweet where Marjorie Taylor Green was completely measured and utterly reasonable. Next we see a tweet from some congressional candidate I’ve never heard of. And then we see one from an anonymous account on X called “I am yes you are no” with a cartoon profile photo. You know, that guy. That world famous conservative thinker named “I am yes you are no.”

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

Now, obviously, Joy is correct that it doesn’t require DEI to get a black man elected mayor in Baltimore. Every Baltimore mayor for the past 30 years, except one, has been black. They’ve also all been terrible, as the city has plunged into decades of crime, violence, and rampant drug use, but that’s a topic for another day. But she is right that the joking nickname given to this guy by an anonymous cartoon Twitter account is not technically accurate.

As to the suggestion that DEI might have something to do with the bridge collapse itself, that may not be accurate. We still don’t know. We may never know for sure. There are many factors that played into this incident — factors that are still being investigated — and at this point it’s just not possible to say for sure whether or not DEI policies played a part. But if people immediately speculate about the role of DEI in incidents like this, it’s not because those people are so terrible. It’s because DEI is so terrible. The fact remains that DEI policies have deliberately and systematically lowered standards across the board in virtually every industry, all in the name of making every industry less white. That is a fact. It has happened. It is happening. Joy Reid supports and promotes these policies. And now we are witnessing the collapse of competence across the country because of it.

That doesn’t mean that every catastrophe is linked to this campaign of destruction in the name of diversity. But it does mean that it’s perfectly reasonable to wonder whether any particular catastrophe is linked to it. And it also means that inevitably some people will draw that connection even before it has been factually established. That’s what happens when you come up with a racist policy that intentionally makes everything worse in every conceivable way. The problem here is the policy. Not the random Twitter accounts that Joy Reid is crying about.

But it wasn’t enough to have Joy Reid cry about them on her own. She also brought the mayor of Baltimore on the air to respond. You would think that the man has a crisis to attend to and would be too busy to spend time doing an interview to respond to a joking tweet from an anonymous Twitter account, but you would be wrong. Watch:

I’m going to skip right past the mayor’s statement that it requires courage to say the n-word. Something tells me that if any white person did say it in his presence, he would have a lot of things to say in response, and praising them for their courage would not be one of the things. The bigger headline here is this part. He said: “Me being in this position means that their way of thinking, their way of life of being comfortable while everyone else suffers is at risk. And they should be afraid because that’s my purpose in life.”

Just to recap the situation here. The mayor of Baltimore, in the midst of a major disaster, has taken the time to go on a political talk show to play the victim because someone tweeted something mean about him. And then, in the middle of this little pageant, he proceeded to issue a threat, and even declare that his “purpose” is to put “at risk” the livelihood of these people he’s threatening. You might hope that his primary purpose right now is to figure out what to do about the fact that a bridge that carried 30 thousand commuters a day is now lying at the bottom of the Patapsco River. But apparently not.

And who is the “they” that he’s talking about here? He says that “their way of life is at risk.” And “they should be afraid.” I suppose the most charitable interpretation is that he’s talking about people he deems racist. Even that would be disturbing. An elected official — a mayor in particular — should not be threatening anyone for having thoughts he disagrees with. Much less should he be declaring that they should be afraid and that he intends to put their “way of life” at risk.

It’s worse than that, though, because Mayor Brandon Scott of Baltimore has obviously demonstrated himself to be a typical far-Left race-baiting Democrat. We would know that even without these statements on MSNBC, simply because that’s the only kind of person who gets elected to lead cities like Baltimore these days.

Far-Left, race-baiting Democrats believe — and will tell you this explicitly, if they’re in an honest mood — that all white people are inherently racist. They certainly believe that all white conservatives are inherently racist. Which means any threat issued obliquely against racists is intended for a particular racial group. This was an anti-white statement, make no mistake about it. Just as DEI is anti-white. Which means that Mayor Scott really has earned the moniker “DEI Mayor” after all, just for a slightly different reason.

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