As they’ve done for thousands of years, Christians celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Sunday.
All over the world, the faithful gathered to celebrate the joyous news: that the Messiah died and rose from the grave, for the salvation of mankind. This is the central fact of our faith, and the reason why Easter is our most sacred holiday.
At the same time, a cult that was invented mere decades ago — and which opposes everything Christianity stands for — was holding its own observances on Sunday. In a deliberate attempt to mock the very idea of Easter, they celebrated something called the “Transgender Day Of Visibility.” Joe Biden, who claims to be a Catholic, ushered in the festivities with a presidential proclamation that can only be described as not only blasphemous, but also completely counterfactual. It’s not overstating things to say that this proclamation document underscores, once again, that the Biden administration is the single most radically anti-Christian regime in American history — and it’s not even close.
In the proclamation, Biden describes so-called “transgender Americans” as “part of the fabric of our Nation.” He accuses millions of Americans of being “hateful” for supporting laws that ban the castration, sterilization and mutilation of children, saying these Americans seek to “target and terrify transgender kids and their families.”
And hHe also claims that there’s an “epidemic of violence” against people identifying as transgender, without mentioning that this violence almost exclusively relates to domestic incidents, or prostitution and drug related crimes. He also failed to qualify this statement with the fact that trans-identified Americans are murdered at a lower rate than the general population.
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Of course, nowhere in “devout Catholic” Joe Biden’s proclamation is there an attempt to explain how the concept of transgenderism is compatible, in any way, with Catholicism. He does not grapple with how a Christian can ascribe to modern gender theory while also accepting what we are clearly told in the first chapter of genesis: “male and female created He them.” There is no way to grapple with this. These views are diametrically opposed. One can either believe in transgenderism or Christianity, not both. Just as one can either believe in transgenderism or biology, not both. On both counts, Biden chooses transgenderism. Coming from the same alleged Catholic who pushes the mass murder of the unborn, that’s not surprising.
This decision — to issue this blasphemous proclamation on Easter — was so unbelievable, so unprecedented in modern politics, that a lot of people wondered if it was real. When I saw it on social media, I had to check the White House website myself. And I found that indeed, it was real. And precisely because it’s real — because it’s easily verifiable and so damaging to the Biden administration at the same time — so-called “fact-checkers” instinctively jumped into action to tell us not to believe our lying eyes.
There were many examples of this, so I’ll just pick one. Here’s the headline from Reuters: “Fact Check: Transgender Day of Visibility falls annually on March 31, not always at Easter.” And here’s the spin: “International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) takes place annually on March 31 to celebrate transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. It was not designed intentionally to fall on Easter Sunday as claimed by some online account. … TDOV has been celebrated on the same date, March 31, for years. The date of Easter changes each year.”
The point of “fact-checks” like this is to censor posts on social media platforms like Facebook by labeling information as misinformation. They do this not by debunking a claim, but rather by intentionally confusing the issue. We see this again and again. It’s like when PolitiFact said it was “false” to claim AOC was photographed crying in front of an empty parking lot, because in reality, it was an empty road. They know what people are reacting to. And instead of talking about that, they pick some phony misconception related to the episode, in order to rate it “false.”
The problem with this excuse, in this case, is that Joe Biden did not have to issue any proclamation recognizing the so-called “Transgender Day of Visibility.” Even Barack Obama never did that, despite the fact that this holiday was invented a year after Obama took office. That is what people are responding to.
Of course, no president should recognize any “transgender day,” regardless of what date it falls on. But if you have any respect at all for the holiest day on the Christian calendar, you would at least skip the proclamation this year. That’s the point. Reuters knows that, and they dodge it on purpose. There was no need to issue this proclamation, except for the sole and express purpose of mocking Christians.
Secondly, it’s not like the Democrats just begrudgingly nodded towards Trans Day because they felt like they had to. This wasn’t a perfunctory checking of boxes. They went out of their way to celebrate the occasion. It wasn’t just some staffer in the White House who put out that proclamation with Joe Biden’s name on it — they all did it. And this went beyond the White House. Here’s Gavin Newsom’s Easter message, for example:
BREAKING: CA Governor Gavin Newsom just released a touching Easter message.
Just kidding.
It's for Trans Day Of Visibility. pic.twitter.com/maKOi0OXGb
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) March 31, 2024
It’s not necessarily the most important point to make here, but notice how Gavin Newsom’s wife claims that trans people have made many incredible contributions to human progress but then fails to cite one single specific example. She just says they’ve done a lot of great things, and moves on. But the truth is that trans-identified people have accomplished nothing of significance in this country, or any country. All they have done is contribute to massively increased rates of depression in the last decade, by encouraging young people to castrate and mutilate themselves instead of improving their mental health. They’ve also committed several acts of terrorism. But beyond that, they’re not doing anything of significance. Even if I was interested in celebrating the achievements of trans people — even if somehow I wanted to do this on Easter, of all days — I still would not be able to partake in that celebration for the simple reason that there are no achievements to celebrate.
But politicians throughout the Democratic Party, all over the country, pretended otherwise yesterday. In New York, Kathy Hochul issued her own proclamation for Transgender Day of Visibility. It states that New York “reaffirm[s] our commitment to see beyond the gender binary and create equity.”
For his part, the HHS secretary, Xavier Becerra, put out this message:
Today, I'm thinking about our country’s great transgender, nonbinary, and two-spirit leaders who epitomize resilience, progress, and joy. Transgender Day of Visibility is an opportunity to celebrate their accomplishments and double down on our commitment to their wellbeing. pic.twitter.com/BehdgWJZV8
— Secretary Xavier Becerra (@SecBecerra) March 31, 2024
He also added a picture of a bunch of people without faces, because that’s what equity means. No one has a face.
First of all, like Newsom’s wife, he doesn’t mention what “accomplishments” transgender people have achieved. That’s because there are no accomplishments to mention. On top of that, like the identity of “transgender,” so-called “non-binary” and “two-spirit” are nonsense labels that mean nothing. The two-spirit thing blew up in Canada a while ago, which is why Justin Trudeau goes around referring to “2SLGBTQIA+” people. But it’s not a real thing; it was invented by some woman at a gay and lesbian conference in Canada in 1990.
There are other major problems with this statement, which again, is from our HHS secretary, who oversees health in this country. The biggest one, perhaps, is that you cannot tell us that trans people will kill themselves if you misgender them and then in the next breath insist that these people “epitomize resilience and joy.” If they really are a resilient, joyful people then we don’t have to worry about what kind of language we use around them. They can handle it, with resilience and joy.
But if we do have to worry about the words we use — worry, in fact, that the wrong word might cause them to commit suicide en masse — then there may be many terms you can use to describe them but “joyful” isn’t one of them, and “resilient” even less so. As for “doubling down on our commitment to their wellbeing,” as the HHS secretary claims to want to do, the only way to accomplish that is to tell them the truth and stop catering to their delusions.
But of course, most importantly, Sunday was Easter. Xavier Becerra, like all of us, should have spent the day thinking not about trans people, but about the lordship of Jesus Christ, and the state of his own immortal soul.
The same is true of Karine Jean-Pierre, who issued a statement about the “courage” of the trans community on Sunday. This is the same woman who claimed that “trans kids” are under attack in this country, just three days after a trans terrorist murdered men, women and children in a Christian school.
But Karine Jean-Pierre never praised the courage of the police officers who put that trans terrorist down. She never mentioned their heroism. They do not need to be “visible,” apparently, like trans people do. They don’t have their own holiday, like the sacred Trans Day of Visibility. A holiday so apparently important, so engrained in our national tradition, that it must be officially recognized by the White House, no matter if it conflicts with Easter or not.
It could be interesting now to take a look at the person who started this fake holiday. It was invented by a man who identifies as a woman and now uses the name Rachel Crandall-Crocker. Here he is:
This is the person who invented “Trans Day of Visibility.” He claims he knew since he was 8-years-old that he was trans. pic.twitter.com/FQtsqig1D2
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 31, 2024
This is the Left’s approximation of Jesus now. This man who believes that 8-year-olds can change their gender, is who they’re choosing to valorize. He achieved the incredible feat of starting a Facebook group back in 2009, which is where Trans Day of Visibility originates. Easter began with the son of God emerging gloriously from the tomb. Trans Day of Visibility began with a guy starting a Facebook group. I guess this is what passes for a great accomplishment in the trans community.
Another irony of this whole “trans day of visibility,” of course, is that trans people are already more visible than any other group in the history of the world, when you compare their population to the amount of media coverage, et cetera, that they receive. There has never been such a vast gulf between the attention paid to a group of people and the actual size of that group. LGBT people in general are celebrated with dozens of special days and months, just for them.
We’ve gone over the full list several times in the past, so I’ll spare you. But we know, of course, that they have all of “Pride Month.” That’s 30 days right there. They have the Trans Day of Visibility, the Agender Pride Day, International Pronoun Day, National Coming Out Day, Transgender Parent Day, Trans Awareness Week, Omnisexual Visibility Day, Bisexual Visibility Day, Bisexual Awareness Week, International Non-Binary Day (which is also a week, for some reason), the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, the International Lesbian Visibility Day, as well as Gay Uncle Day in August. There’s many more. In all, I counted more than 130 days on the calendar reserved to worship our LGBT deities. There might be more but I gave up counting.
Government leaders make a point of recognizing most of these days. Meanwhile, Christianity — the faith that built this country, the faith that many of the most important, most accomplished, most significant human beings in the history of humanity belonged to — only has two holidays that someone like Joe Biden will even pretend to care about. And now one of those two has been overshadowed by one of the 130 LGBT days. It’s outrageous and disgusting, but also instructive. I’ve been saying for years that “LGBT” isn’t just a collection of sexual and gender identities. It’s our new state religion. And never has that been more clear than it is today.
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