Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Why Requiring Women To Register For Military Service Will Destroy American Families

COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA - SEPTEMBER 28: U.S. Army trainees participating in the Army's new Future Soldier Prep Course stand in formation following a physical training session at Fort Jackson on September 28, 2022 in Columbia, South Carolina. The course is a pre-basic training improvement camp for those wanting to join the Army but who have not yet qualified due to excess body fat or low academic test scores. If the soldier hopefuls improve enough to meet the Army's standards, they sign an enlistment contract and are transferred into the basic training program. The Army started the program after it was faced with a shortage of qualified recruits enlisting in the service. Even with the high success rate of the prep course, the Army expects to miss its 2022 recruiting goals by 10,000 soldiers. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)Scott Olson/Getty Images

If American women 18 and up are required to register for the military draft, it will be the linchpin to the dismantling of America. As the first leader of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin, once said, “Destroy the family, destroy the nation.”

By forcing young women into war in their prime years of marriage and motherhood, not only would we negate their natural desires for home and family, but we would also potentially leave children separated from both parents in time of war. Absent mothers create a vacuum of stability and love that is essential to the family. When parents are absent from the home, children suffer from insecurity, loneliness and emptiness, and embark on a constant quest for approval to fill the void of love. They show higher rates of psychiatric disorders, including depression and anxiety, and suffer poor motivation and success in school. 

Lenin also said, “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”

There is a repetitious lie alive in America today: being male or female is a “feeling,” not a reality. Men and women can be swapped like apples for oranges and no one will know the difference. Our military has traded this lie for truth and claims gender is self-proclaimed, denying that God created us as men and women with purpose and intention. They even pay for men to get breast implants, calling it “life-saving health care,” participating in the charade of gender “transition.” 

In their desperation to believe men can be women, they have lowered the standards of our military and put the nation at risk. The truth is, strong males are wired to lay down their lives for their country, and strong women are wired to hold the nation together at home, with few exceptions. 

No matter how often a lie is repeated, it doesn’t make it true. 

During a recent hearing at the Senate Armed Services Committee, Majority Leader Jack Reed (D-RI) said, “If we go to a draft, that means we’re in a serious, serious situation.” He went on to say, “It’s not like World War II where we need a lot of infantry. We need cyber experts, we need intelligence analysts, linguists, etc. Wait a second, there are a lot of women out there that can do this better than men.” 

While women can be powerful leaders and strategists, this does not negate the fact that most of our daughters, sisters, wives, and future brides are not equipped for military service. The Left can’t stand to admit that most women actually want to be protected by men. By hiding this proposition in the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act, these fascists are setting our country up for annihilation. As the proposed amendment reads:

Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service.

Senator Reed went on to say, “Women are doing a remarkable job in our forces today, and if we were in a situation requiring a draft, I think we would need all able-bodied citizens 18 and above,” noting that the GOP’s reluctance to pass the proposal “doesn’t make any sense.” What actually doesn’t make sense is their denial of the importance of women to the home and family. 

Carissa Lund is a mother of three who served four years in the Marine Corps. I mentored her for many years and she shared her experience as a mother in the military. She says, 

The truth is that it’s a man’s world. The organization is trying desperately to show equality but it is never truly equal because men and women are made differently. As soon as women have children they just want to be with their babies. I witnessed many of my fellow female Marines in tears as they dropped their kids off at daycare at 5:30 am and picked them up at 6:30 pm. Forcing women into military service would be a terrible mistake. Who would take care of the home and children?

After two years of researching the words “male and female” in the Book of Genesis, I found that being a man and being a woman are actions of the body and soul. Men are protectors and providers and women are life-givers and change-agents in the home. In the language of the Old Testament, the word “mother” means “Glue.” She is the glue that holds the family together. In the New Testament, women are affiliated with the Greek word “Oikourgos,” meaning “the guardian and watcher of the home.” Without women on the homefront, the glue that holds our country together will be dissolved and Lenin’s prediction will come true. The United States will be destroyed. 

And maybe this is what the Left has in mind. 

How will young women stand up to this? By refusing to comply. By elevating the way men and women are created. And by valuing their role as the life-givers and the glue of the nation. Likewise, men need to take the responsibility to stand up for their wives and daughters. They need to value their role as protectors in times like these.

On the battlefield, in the dark of the night, soldiers often cling to pictures of their wives as their only hope. Many times, a soldier’s last words are a cry for his mother or wife. This is how men are wired. Without a woman to live for, they will perish, and so will America.

* * *

Jennifer Strickland is former international model, TEDx speaker, host of the I AM A WOMAN podcast, and an eight-time author, including titles such as Girl Perfect, Beautiful Lies, and her most recent release, I Am a Woman: Taking Back Our Name. She has worked with women of all ages for over 20 years through her ministry, U R More, and passionately aims to educate women, girls, men, and boys about the biblical truth of our identity.

The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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