Thursday, 24 October 2024

Army Base Axes Use Of Briefing Materials Labeling Pro-Life Organizations As ‘Terrorist Groups’

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  • Anti-terrorism training materials used by a U.S. Army base that designated pro-life organizations as “terrorist groups” will no longer be used in future briefings, an installation official claimed in a statement to The Federalist.

    On Wednesday, self-described analyst Sam Shoemate shared an image on X of an anti-terrorism slideshow training provided to service members at Fort Liberty (formerly known as Fort Bragg) in North Carolina. The photo shows a slide — decorated with Fort Liberty’s Directorate of Emergency Services symbol — classifying pro-life organizations such as National Right to Life and Operation Rescue as “terrorist groups.”

    The slide listed features of these so-called “anti-abortion” groups, such as their opposition to Roe v. Wade and what types of activities they partake in. Among the noted actions are involvement in “demonstrations and protest,” “picketing,” and Life Chain, annual gatherings of pro-lifers across the country in which participants pray and demonstrate for the defense of unborn babies, according to the Campaign Life Coalition.

    Also highlighted in the presentation are pro-lifers’ support for sidewalk counseling outside of abortion clinics and crisis pregnancy centers. It further features a “Choose Life” license plate, along with National Right to Life’s and Operation Rescue’s respective logos.

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    According to Shoemate, the pro-life slide “followed right after a slide about ISIS, a terror group in the Middle East.” He separately claimed briefing attendees he communicated with said Antifa, a violent far-left extremist group, was not mentioned in the presentation.

    “Keep in mind they’re not labeling [pro-life groups] as extremist organizations (which would still be crazy), but as terrorist organizations,” Shoeman wrote. “The military and Dept of Defense are insanely out of control. Service-members are being indoctrinated to view Pro-Life groups as the enemy.”

    Fort Liberty’s public affairs office confirmed the slide’s authenticity to The Federalist, claiming a commander’s inquiry “determined that these slides were not vetted by the appropriate approval authorities” and “were developed by a local garrison employee to train Soldiers manning access control points at Fort Liberty.” The office further contended the slides “do not reflect the views of the XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Liberty, the U.S. Army or the Department of Defense” and “will no longer be used, and all future training products will be reviewed to ensure they align with the current DoD anti-terrorism guidance.”

    The Biden administration ordered a crackdown on what it considered to be “extremism” in the U.S. armed forces shortly after taking power. In February 2021, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered a “military stand down” to address this alleged problem, citing service members’ and veterans’ participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, demonstration at the U.S. Capitol.

    Despite its hyperbolic rhetoric, the Biden Pentagon’s search for so-called “extremists” in its ranks has yielded few to no results, a report by Arizona State University’s Center for American Institutions recently found. At the same time, the military has pushed neo-Marxist ideology onto its service members through the use of DEI trainings.

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