Saturday, 19 October 2024

Biden Risks Alienating His Family In Pushing ‘Convicted Felon’ Label

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  • Monday, June 3 was a monumental day for the corporate media cabal. It collectively and triumphantly reported that President Joe Biden — “for the first time” — labeled his hated political opponent, the man his Justice Department is trying to put in prison,  a “convicted felon.” It was almost too titillating for the Biden sycophants to bear. 

    “For first time, Biden Tells voters that Trump is a ‘convicted felon’,” MSNBC, fully aroused, hyperventilated in a headline over a story about Biden fundraising on a Manhattan kangaroo court’s verdict last month convicting former President Donald Trump 34 counts of Frankensteinian charges that are unlikely to stand up on appeal. 

    “Biden calls Trump a ‘convicted felon’ who ’snapped’ after the 2020 election,’ “ MSNBC’s media sibling NBC News declared in reporting on the same Connecticut liberal fat cat fundraiser. 

    The stories, drawn from the same Democratic Party public-relations template, hinted at how noble Biden was for avoiding “talking about his election rival’s criminal cases.” But now that a deep blue Manhattan jury instructed by a politically conflicted judge has found the left’s No. 1 political enemy guilty of something, well, the gloves are coming off, buddy. 


    Biden Desperately Needs Convicted Felons

    The only thing less surprising than the conviction is that Biden and other Democrats would quickly campaign on it. An AP top story in the Washington Post, perhaps Team Biden’s most trusted organ, laid it all out shortly after Biden broke his vow of silence.

    The article insists some Dems are torn over overplaying the “convicted felon” line, in large part because polling shows it isn’t really moving the meter. Surprisingly, they have found, a lot of Americans can see through a Soviet-show trial like a first-year med student can spot signs of dementia. 

    Jimmy Kimmel, late-night comedy’s version of eye syphilis, forced Vice President Kamala Harris to deflect “a light-hearted question about whether the people she watched the verdict with were ‘pretending to not be happy’ when the conviction was announced,” AP reported. Just another “light-hearted question” about weaponizing the justice system.

    “She kept a straight face even as Kimmel and the audience laughed. Instead, Harris discussed the case and the jury’s deliberations before adding, ‘I think the reality is cheaters don’t like getting caught and being held accountable,’” the outlet reported. That’s a bold statement from a political climber whose career got a huge boost from the married man she was sleeping with

    But there is good reason for Democrats to tread lightly on the “convicted felon” label, not the least of which is the fact that Biden’s son is now a convicted felon. But the proud presidential dad this Father’s Day runs the risk of alienating what Parker Thayer of the Capital Research Center calls the “criminal caucus.” 

    Fox and Friends’ Brian Kilmeade recently noted as much. 

    You know, what’s also risky? And believe it or not, I got this in The New York Times. I didn’t realize this, but there’s so many convicted felons out there that maybe they had an addiction or they feel they were unjustly charged, or they had a indiscretion in their younger life, and they feel as though, you know, not being able to vote — even though [Trump] can vote in Florida — not being able to vote, not being able to travel to certain places. This is a scarlet letter they live with. And the number’s like 70 million. And when you start ripping the president, ‘you’re a convicted felon, you’re a convicted felon,' are you… There’s a question now: Are you alienating a lot of those people who say this case doesn’t make any sense. And this happened to me whether it was legitimate or not, whether you were found innocent or not, whether you had an indiscretion. But you’re now in your 60s and 70s and you still got this hanging over your head, and your kids are embarrassed, your family’s embarrassed.

    Kilmeade was wrong about the number of convicted felons in the United States. It’s closer to 19 million Americans, with some 70 million having been convicted of some kind of crime. But the Fox host’s point on at least some convicted felons relating to — and perhaps deciding to vote for— Trump is well taken. 

    As I reported last month in The Federalist, the Biden administration is doing everything it can, including spending your money, to get felons to the polls. 

    Felons cleared to vote (and some not cleared) have long been a reliable bloc of voters for Democrats. A 2019 study by Ragnar Research Partners found that in Florida, for instance, ‘Currently incarcerated felons are more than three times as likely to be registered Democrats … or unaffiliated … than Republicans. Ex-felons are four times as likely to be Democrats … or unaffiliated.' In the swing states expected to determine the  outcome of the rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, getting felons and those facing felony charges to the polls could mean the difference between the left and the right guiding U.S. policy for the next four years. 

    As the article notes, Biden’s Executive Order 14019, also known as “Bidenbucks,” is using federal agencies to register and mobilize voters. Led by White House-approved left-wing activists, Bidenbucks is serving as a massive, taxpayer-funded GOTV campaign to re-elect Biden and put his Democrat allies in control of Congress. 

    The Daily Signal reported earlier this year that the Federal Bureau of Prisons is partnering with the League of Women Voters, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Campaign Legal Center, the Washington Lawyers’ Committee, and other far-left groups to bolster felon voting this election year. The effort is aimed at boosting turnout of voters more inclined to vote for the incumbent president. 

    So convicted felon bashing might not be the wisest course of campaigning for a campaign clearly dependent on the convicted felon vote. 

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