Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Democrats’ ‘Fake Electors’ Smear Is A Debunked Conspiracy Theory

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  • A leading House Democrat pushed the debunked conspiracy theory there were “fake electors” in the 2020 presidential election during a floor speech on Wednesday. The moment came during a debate on the SAVE Act, a GOP bill that would require individuals to show proof of citizenship when registering to vote.

    Refusing to address existing loopholes that open the door for illegal aliens to register and vote in federal elections, New York Democrat Joe Morelle, ranking member on the House Administration Committee, pivoted to attacking Donald Trump and Republicans’ lawful challenging of the 2020 election results. Included in this barrage of dishonesty was an often-repeated Democrat lie that the GOP electors who voted for Trump during the 2020 certification process were “fake.”

    “There were criminal efforts to send false slates of electors to Washington to steal the presidency from Joe Biden,” Morelle hyperbolically fumed.

    Contrary to the New York Democrat’s claim, the naming of contingent Republican electors during the 2020 cycle was neither unprecedented nor unlawful. In fact, the process conducted in contested states such as Georgia parallels a similar endeavor that took place during the 1960 presidential election between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon.

    As The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland previously reported, Kennedy and Nixon electors cast their votes for their respective candidates when a disagreement arose over who won Hawaii’s electoral votes. While the state’s acting governor certified the election for Nixon initially, a legal challenge ultimately resulted in Kennedy receiving the electoral votes.

    Had courts ruled in Trump’s favor in lawsuits disputing the election results in battleground states, the alternate electors would have been in place to ensure the will of the people was exercised.

    [RELATED: Sotomayor Hijacks Trump Immunity Hearing To Push Democrats’ Debunked ‘Fake Electors’ Smear]

    Rogue leftist prosecutors in battleground states have weaponized these debunked “fake electors” smears to justify charging GOP electors for their lawful conduct in the 2020 election. This includes Democrat attorneys general in Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Michigan. Fulton County DA Fani Willis also brought such charges against Georgia Republicans.

    A Nevada judge dismissed Democrat AG Aaron Ford’s charges against the Silver State’s 2020 GOP electors last month.

    As my colleague Jordan Boyd previously highlighted, Democrats and their media allies had no problem “calling for electoral disobedience” after Trump won the 2016 election. In an effort to keep Trump out of office, so-called “news” outlets ran “[a]rticles demanding state electors ‘prevent an irresponsible demagogue from taking office’ and overrule Americans to install Hillary Clinton as president.”

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