Thursday, 24 October 2024

Fraud George Clooney Delivers Most Unconvincing Performance Yet In Biden Op-Ed

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  • Academy Award-winning actor George Clooney is one of Hollywood’s most successful actors. Maybe that’s what helps make Clooney such an extraordinary fraud. 

    The darling of the leftist glitterati set this week joined the growing chorus of high-profile leftists looking to throw the current demented White House resident under the bus. In an op-ed in The New York Times, which itself has become No Country for a Certain Old Man, Clooney bemoans the fact that President Joe Biden is, well, President Joe Biden. 

    The panic-button screed, headlined, “I love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee,” reminds us that Hollywood’s love for anything is Hollywood-deep. 

    “It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe ‘big F-ing deal’ Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate,” Clooney opined. 

    Really? Well, George, you know when it might have been a good time to “say it”? Minutes after the video clips of Biden freezing up on stage at “the single largest fund-raiser supporting any Democratic candidate ever, for President Biden’s re-election” that you brag about co-hosting in your op-ed. Or at least when the White House and their helpers in the accomplice media ran a disinformation campaign, telling us what we saw — including the raw video — were “cheap fakes.” George, you watched with your own eyes your good buddy Barack Obama grabbing his former vice president by the arm and guiding him to the fundraiser stage exit as Joe stood motionless, confused, and anything but presidential.  

    51 Million People Can’t Be Wrong

    Now Clooney comes clean. At least he acts accordingly. Tells us disastrous debate Biden was the same guy he saw at his Jimmy Kimmel-moderated political mixer. And Clooney is indignant about it. Enough with the lies and coverup, says the movie star whose money and influence helped elect the mess we’ve endured for over three and a half years. 

    “Was he tired? Yes. A cold? Maybe. But our party leaders need to stop telling us that 51 million people didn’t see what we just saw,” Clooney said of the dementia virus Biden was fighting during his debate against Trump. Team Biden claims he was under the weather and just had a bad night at the debate. 

    Speaking of the former president, Clooney asserts, “We’re all so terrified by the prospect of a second Trump term that we’ve opted to ignore every warning sign.” Clooney and his cadre of leftist elites may be terrified of Trump pulling a Grover Cleveland, but Trump was beating Biden before the debate, and his lead has only increased since. 

    “Former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden in 11 of 12 national surveys taken after their consequential June 27 debate, according to Real Clear Politics’ poll tracker,” Forbes reported. 

    Bad Actors

    Joe Biden’s obvious steep cognitive decline appears to have been the worst-kept secret in Hollywood and corporate media. Most Americans didn’t just wake up to the Democrat’s deficiencies, as disastrous as the debate may prove to be for Biden and the left’s chances in November. Polls for a long time have shown a majority of Democrats have wanted someone other than the octogenarian as their presidential candidate in 2024.  

    But the Democrat Party machine to which Clooney has routinely written big checks over the years shrugged off those concerns by rigging the presidential nominating process to kill off any competition the incumbent might face. It helped to anoint Biden for a reelection run, knowing the candidate was falling down, shaking hands with air, and struggling to string coherent sentences together, even with the assistance of a teleprompter. 

    There’s no hiding Biden anymore, like the Democrats did in the 2020 election. If they could, Clooney and crew would be backing Biden as blindly as fellow celebrity Whoopi Goldberg, who this week said she doesn’t care if Biden has “pooped his pants” or if he “can’t put a sentence together.”

    But if they can get rid of him fast, maybe they stand a chance with another candidate, Clooney and the Drop Biden contingent insist. The quick change won’t be so easy for a lot of reasons, in no small part because the old grump-in-chief isn’t cooperating. Biden appears to have little interest in performing what the hypocrites on The New York Times editorial board asserts would be the greatest act of “public service Mr. Biden can now perform.” The easier button would be to move Vice President Kamala Harris up, but she’s less liked and less trusted to competently run the federal government than her boss

    Clooney knows, however, what the growing list of prominent Democrats is finally saying about old, lonesome Joe: He’s now older than old, and voters can’t unsee what they saw. 

    “This is about age. Nothing more. But also nothing that can be reversed. We are not going to win in November with this president,” the worst Batman ever lamented in his op-ed. 

    And that’s really what it’s all about for the Hollywood fraud and his fellow celebrity leftists, holding on to power — no matter what it takes to do it. 

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