Friday, 18 October 2024

Here’s How The Media Are Lying Right Now: Everything Is Fine Edition

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  • There isn’t a single thing normal about the past week of this campaign, and yet the news media are acting like this is, at most, an interesting time, but otherwise politics as usual.

    To recap: A sitting president, up for reelection, announced in a terse letter that he was abandoning his campaign just a little over 100 days from Election Day. He was supposedly sick for the second time in the course of a month and nobody saw him for days after the announcement. To replace him as the presumptive Democrat nominee, he endorsed his vice president, a woman whose entire term in that office has been marked by wild turnover, unresolved problems, blame shifting for those problems, and an irrefutable lack of charm.

    Kamala Harris is literally the reason Joe Biden couldn’t not run for a second term. If he hadn’t, everyone knew she would have, and it was going to be the worst campaign ever, or at least tied with her first campaign for president in 2020. Unfortunately for Biden and his party, the already decrepit president’s health deteriorated at a much quicker pace than anticipated, and now Harris will be the nominee anyway.

    But that doesn’t change history and what everyone has known for almost four years — that Harris has been a complete failure as vice president, she isn’t equipped for the job as president, and she didn’t miraculously become popular. To the contrary, she’s the least liked vice president in the history of polling the question.

    A bizarre and woefully underwhelming endorsement from former President Barack Obama says everything. There was no reason to expect anything less than a blowout campaign event wherein Obama took to the stage and delivered a thundering speech as he declared his support for what could theoretically be the next somewhat black president of the United States.

    What happened instead was a staged and highly suspect phone call with all the enthusiasm and candor of a debt collections notice.

    “It appears that people feel very strongly that you need to be our nominee,” is literally how Obama put it to Harris, according to a transcript of the call that all parties involved mutually agreed to release.

    There have been more favorable assessments of diarrhea.

    Obama’s X account posted a 55-second video of Harris receiving the call — at 5 a.m. on a Friday.

    A legitimate news media would declare that a scandal because it is. What just happened? What’s going on? Something’s not right.

    But here’s the New York Times headline: “Obama Endorses Harris for the Democratic Nomination.”

    The media continue humming along, talking about this freak show like it’s a little unusual but nothing untoward. The poll numbers… The fundraising… The rallies…

    This is all wrong and if the media weren’t lying, it would be impossible.

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