Sunday, 16 March 2025

If Kamala Harris Is Normal, Make America Weird Again

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  • Democrats have been trying very hard, particularly over the past week, to convince American voters that their candidate, like her predecessor, is something she’s not. Whereas before they tried to convince us Joe Biden had a pulse, now they’re claiming Kamala Harris is a competent, eloquent, and effective leader.

    The Democrats’ challenge to rebrand Kamala Harris and divert attention away from her slew of failed policies and incoherent word salads is nothing short of monumental. To enforce their feeble attempts, they’re now pushing the narrative that Republicans, particularly their vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance, are “weird,” as if that is some scathing indictment.

    Republicans aren’t weird. Democrats simply have been pushing the boundaries of normal for so long that time-honored principles and virtues now seem foreign.

    First, they convinced women that going into boardrooms, abandoning family pursuits, and ingesting hormones or killing babies so they could have sex like men were normal.

    Then they convinced us homosexuality was normal.

    Then it moved to men dressing like women is natural — nothing to be concerned about.

    Now it’s boys and girls completely wanting to be something they can’t be through life-altering drugs and surgeries. Completely normal.

    As are astronomical rates of depression and anxiety, a 51 percent obesity rate, and a naked blue Smurf opening the Olympic ceremony. All a day in the life of a normie these days.

    I am not suggesting these people ought to be obliterated from society. As much as the left tries to convince voters that a Republican administration would put all non-heteronormative-anything-other than-white-and-fit-people in a concentration camp, most know this is a wild hyperbole. We should embrace the eccentric, the off-the-beaten-path, and the unique and welcome them into society. But never, ever should we consider men stealing women’s clothing, indulging in animal costume sexual fetishes, or engaging in lewd acts in public anything less than psychological pathologies.

    But as Jonathan Pageau so brilliantly outlines in his series titled “The End of the World,” transposing the weird and the normal is not a wise path for a well-functioning, liberal society. The norms, morals, and traditions that bind a society together provide a stable foundation for thriving diverse communities that, despite their differences, gather to celebrate and promote a common good.

    “We’re moving into a world that is so controlling the assault on all our holidays, the assault on our origin, the assault on all the things which tend to bind us together,” says Pageau. I’m pretty sure we’re already there.

    The chaos we are witnessing now is a result of tearing to pieces the principles and values that used to guide Western civilization.

    When standards of morality are no longer held higher than others, society begins to cater to the lowest common denominator. The base. The vapid. The superficial and the saccharine. You don’t have to look far to find examples of this, just turn on your TV. Kamala Harris’ recent rally in Atlanta with Megan Thee Stallion also provides an excellent demonstration.

    Only in the new normal could a man who survived a drug-riddled, abusive, and impoverished childhood, making his way to Harvard Law and eventually becoming a VP candidate, be considered “weird.”

    It’s worth noting that Vance was initially embraced as a hero by the left when he released his autobiographical story about overcoming his Appalachia upbringing, Hillbilly Elegy. Now that he’s enemy No. 1, the only thing they have on him — a man married to what the left would call a “woman of color” with biracial kids — is that he is “weird.” They certainly can’t use the go-to slur they’ve been using for Trump for the past eight years: racist.

    I spent last weekend at two huge country music concerts. I’m sure all the people dressed up in boots, drinking beer, putting their arms around each other, and singing songs about Jesus, love, home, and heartbreak would have been strange to someone like Kamala Harris or the “White Dudes for Kamala” gang. They probably would have been baffled by the lack of colorful flags and singular displays of red, white, and blue and stars and stripes; perplexed that Luke Combs and Jordan Davis didn’t throw condoms out to the audience or parade around naked, crooning about the patriarchy! Because real love, fun, and unity are just so, well … weird.

    If Kamala Harris and the Democrats’ vision for America is the new normal, then it’s high time to #MakeAmericaWeirdAgain.

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