Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Kamala Calls Trump ‘Weak’ Because She Has No Concept Of Strength, Courage, Or Bravery

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  • Imagine having no political victories independent of an entire political machine and the national media hoisting you up by the ankles, plus being married to a man named “Doug,” who allegedly smacked a woman’s face in public. Then imagine still having the confidence to call Donald Trump, currently under threat of imprisonment and recently almost murdered for the second time, “weak.”

    That’s Kamala Harris right now. In recent days, the vice president and her allies have taken to calling Trump “weak,” just three months removed from the iconic moment he took a bullet to the side of his head in front of a crowd, only to stand up, raise his fist and shout, “Fight!”

    Shortly before Kamala’s disastrous performance on Fox, her campaign spokesman Ian Sams said in a podcast interview that “Donald Trump’s weak and withdrawn and retreating to his comfort zone.” At a campaign rally in North Carolina, Kamala called him “too weak and unstable.” And in a radio interview, referring to Trump, she said “the man is really quite weak. He’s weak.”

    To even slightly grasp the gravitas of the person she’s talking about, Trump:

    —won the 2016 election with the national media, all of Hollywood, the Democrat Party, most of the Republican Party, and the Washington intelligence community working against him;

    —single-handedly instigated the political realignment of both major political parties, transforming the GOP, across racial lines, into the party of working-class and middle-class Americans;

    —beat two Democrat-led impeachments;

    —ran for the Republican nomination a third time, won, and did it while Kamala’s Justice Department and Democrat prosecutors attempted to bankrupt and imprison him;

    —survived a gunshot to the head, avoiding a direct hit by fractions of an inch and some dumb luck;

    —and is now on track to have defeated both Biden and Kamala in the same campaign.

    Kamala by contrast was elevated to the Senate thanks in part to a series of men who had an expansive preexisting political network, then to the vice presidency because she’s a black woman, and now to the party’s presidential nominee without having to endure a primary contest that would have surely rejected her. And again, her husband is “Doug,” who had an affair with and impregnated his children’s nanny.

    Kamala wouldn’t know strength, courage, or bravery if they told her their names. The concepts are entirely alien to her, a person of no detectable belief system, value set, or vision. Strength requires resolve, and she’s never been put to a meaningful test. Courage requires commitment and she’s never had one (nor has “Doug”). Bravery requires risk and she’s never taken one. And no, running for president in 2020 wasn’t a risk. She had nothing to lose and likely would have still remained in the Senate in the event of her loss, had she not been chosen as Joe Biden’s running mate.

    Kamala shouldn’t be allowed to demean anyone as weak — let alone Donald Trump. But it’s at least helpful in further evaluating her for what she truly is — pathetic.

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