Friday, 18 October 2024

Kamala Harris’ ‘Equity’ Speak Is Code For Communism

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  • Kamala Harris is a communist. That’s not an opinion. She has unwittingly admitted this on video more than once. We begin with this example:

    After watching this clip, it’s obvious that Harris outflanks Bernie Sanders to his left, something not to be overlooked considering Sanders is a self-avowed socialist (the fact that Sanders uses the oxymoron “democratic socialist” to describe himself is not relevant).

    Through “equity,” Harris believes everyone can “end up in the same place.” Communism distilled to its most fundamental principle is the pursuit of equality of outcome through central planning. Some might suggest I am putting words in Harris’ mouth, but that excuse is either obtuse or ignorant. Would Harris describe her belief system as communism? Of course not, but so what? The arbitrary and flattering labels people apply to themselves are meaningless. Your belief system is defined by its ideas.

    If someone running for office intends to murder you for no good reason as soon as he’s elected, but he calls himself the Peaceful Unicorn, which part is more relevant — the fact that he’s going to murder you, or the name he picked for himself? In this same vein, the label Harris might give to her belief system is immaterial. Harris stating that “people need more so we all end up in the same place” and the phrase “I am a communist” represent a distinction without a difference. Both phrases mean the exact same thing.

    It is, of course, impossible for everyone to end up in the same place, but to even attempt this would require government control of every facet of the economy and the categorical elimination of individual rights. Even if Harris doesn’t want those things at this very moment, it is her destiny. It has been the destiny of every utopianist who has ever lived.  

    Because the magical world Harris lusts for is impossible to attain, each law or executive decree will inevitably fail to achieve equality of outcome and will therefore be replaced by a more extreme version of the same policy. It’s not that their idea is fatally flawed, it’s that they didn’t go far enough, you see.

    This trajectory is why all socialist and communist regimes devolve into authoritarian nightmares. We have the bodies to prove it. One hundred million people were murdered or starved to death in the 20th century in pursuit of “everyone ending up in the same place.” To be fair, they succeeded. Too bad that “same place” ended up being a shallow grave.

    The clip above is not an isolated incident. Here’s another clip posted back in 2020 on Harris’ official X account in which she states, “Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.”

    When Harris isn’t awkwardly laughing when nothing funny has happened, she suffers from these chimerical fantasies as she dreams up a make-believe society in which every human being is given, oh, I don’t know, say $100,000 annually. What charlatans like Harris don’t understand is that even in the Candyland world that exists in their futile brains where everyone receives the same income, disparities would emerge immediately as different people have different spending and saving habits. Some would be frugal, others frivolous.

    Even if you could snap your fingers and magically equalize earnings, you would be no closer to achieving equality of outcome, but you’d destroy the entire economy in the process, causing mass privation while depriving people of their most basic rights. That’s how the equality of outcome experiment ends. Every. Single. Time.

    Utopianism isn’t the only communist idea Harris has fallen in love with. Like all communists, she has an affinity for criminals, namely those who are “oppressed” by “the system.” In 2020, Harris posted support on her official X account for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a left-wing bail fund that frees violent criminals from jail, including murderers and rapists.

    Legacy media articles that attempt to “debunk” this claim only end up confirming that the story is entirely accurate. The fact that Harris supposedly intended for people to help free “protesters” is irrelevant (“protesters” is just left-wing speak for violent rioters) because the funds she encouraged people to donate were ultimately used to set free even the most violent criminals.

    This wasn’t the first time Harris was involved in deceiving the public regarding the release of violent felons. As Ann Coulter details, when Harris was attorney general of California, she routinely lied to Californians about various propositions by giving them pleasant-sounding names intended to conceal the fact that those propositions would result in violent criminals being turned loose on the streets to terrorize the people of California. As Coulter notes, one proposition that Harris named “The Early Parole for Non-Violent Criminals and Juvenile Court Trial Requirements Initiative” resulted in the release of a man who was in prison for attacking his girlfriend with a butcher’s knife and raping his 11-year-old niece, to name a couple of his heinous crimes.

    If the whole communist thing isn’t enough to sour voters on Harris, consider that she supports forcing taxpayers to pay the health care costs of illegal aliens, confiscating guns from U.S. citizens through mandatory buyback programs, and banning fracking and offshore drilling.

    In Kamala Harris, the left finally has a candidate who represents the soul of their new party — a shrill, race-hustling 59-year-old childless woman. A self-righteous but morally vacuous idiot. Most of all, what they finally have is a candidate who is willing to admit on video that the party is headed exactly where we always knew it was headed.  

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