It’s clear that legacy media’s priority this election cycle is to elevate Kamala Harris to the presidency by any means necessary. So, why should Americans expect them to play fair during the Democrat’s Tuesday night debate against former President Donald Trump?
Hosted by ABC News, the matchup between Trump and Harris will be moderated by network anchors David Muir and Linsey Davis. It will likely be voters’ only chance at seeing the two candidates appear on stage together before early voting starts in key swing states, giving Trump and Harris a critical opportunity to define their respective opponent before a general election audience.
With so much on the line, it would be nice if Americans could be confident in knowing the moderators will remain neutral throughout the debate and abstain from favoring one candidate over the other. Unfortunately, both Muir and Davis’ track records indicate that isn’t likely to be the case.
On Monday, the Media Research Center (MRC) published a study reportedly finding that Muir’s “World News Tonight” program has produced heavily favorable coverage for Harris and negative coverage for Trump in recent months. After analyzing “all 100 campaign stories that aired on ABC’s World News Tonight from the day Harris entered the race (July 21) through September 6,” MRC purportedly “found 25 clearly positive statements about Harris from reporters, anchors, voters or other non-partisan sources, with zero negative statements — none.”
“That computes to a gravity-defying 100% positive spin score for the Vice President,” the report reads.
MRC analysts claimed to have discovered “just five clearly positive comments, vs. 66 negative statements” regarding Trump during the same time frame, amounting to “a dismal 7 percent positive (93% negative) spin score.”
MRC separately highlighted prior on-air incidents in which Muir and Davis deployed left-wing talking points and deceptively framed stories in ways that cast Trump in a negative light.
During an Aug. 19 interview at the Democratic National Convention, for example, Davis asked Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, D-Mich., her thoughts about Trump’s plans to visit Howell, Michigan, the reported site of a recent neo-Nazi gathering.
“Many people are aware that a month ago, in Howell, KKK protesters marched in the streets with the white robes on and suggested that they support Donald Trump. I’m curious if you make anything about that connection and him going in particularly to Howell tomorrow?” Davis asked, neglecting to mention that Joe Biden visited the town in 2021.
The incident was hardly the first time Davis has attempted to use racial politics to further the left’s “Trump is a white supremacist” narrative, however.
In a 2019 interview, she asked Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams if she believed Trump “is a white supremacist or a racist.” A year later, she regurgitated a lie from network anchorman and former Bill Clinton henchman George Stephanopoulos that Trump “refused to condemn white supremacists” in his September 2020 debate with Biden.
“Right and he said he would, when he was asked, sure, I will, and then he ended up essentially giving a call to action, saying stand back and stand by,” Davis reportedly said. “That was something that really got my attention and I was — I can’t say I was surprised, but it was really a moment that I think that people especially in the black community heard loud and clear.”
Davis also gave a “softball” interview to Harris last year and hyped the California Democrat “crack[ing] this second highest glass ceiling” to become vice president several years ago, according to MRC.
Both Davis and Muir have used dishonest pro-abortion phrases such as “reproductive freedom” and the “right to choose” when discussing abortion-related stories. More recently, Muir gleefully highlighted Biden’s departure from the 2024 race, reportedly saying after the president’s July exit speech, “Tonight gratitude is the word for so many people in this country, pointing to Joe Biden now and calling him a patriot who stepped in when democracy needed it.”
And these are the “reporters” Americans are supposed to rely on to conduct a fair debate?
As documented above, regime-approved media exist to do one thing: To serve as the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.
It wouldn’t be the least bit surprising if Muir and Davis go out of their way Tuesday night to cover for Harris’ radicalism and incompetence. After all, that’s what the media have been doing relentlessly since the day she was unceremoniously tapped by Democrat oligarchs to be the party’s 2024 nominee.
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