Friday, 14 March 2025

The Atlantic Admits The Deep State Is A ‘Regime Change’

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  • The Atlantic’s “disinformation expert,” Anne Applebaum, came right out and admitted it Thursday: The permanent bureaucracy is a “regime change” in the United States. The article is titled “There’s a Term for What Trump and Musk Are Doing” and subtitled “How regime change happens in America.”

    Her article’s second line reads: “DOGE and its boss, Elon Musk, have … focused their activity on the eradication of the federal civil service, along with its culture and values, and its replacement with something different. In other words: regime change.”

    This is an open admission that the federal bureaucracy runs our government and that Applebaum considers the constitutional branches of president, Congress, and federal judiciary to be impediments to its rule. It’s directly in line with the views of Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, and other early Progressives, who hated the Constitution’s checks and balances within a separation of powers and designed their administrative state to erase the constitutional portion of our government.

    Creating this unaccountable fourth branch of government was indeed a regime change, as many constitutional scholars have documented. It was a secret regime change, though, because Progressives such as Wilson and the Roosevelts kept claiming to support the Constitution.

    They meant a different thing by “the Constitution,” though, than most Americans, meaning they governed by lies. They hollowed out the real Constitution and inserted another: The “living Constitution” that is no constitution at all and is managed by bureaucrats essentially free from the restraints of both law and elections.

    Now Applebaum correctly asserts that it would be another “regime change” to displace this unconstitutional system and return to the original. That’s why this is a limited hangout — she deploys the concept of “regime change” without also acknowledging that hers is the side of the original regime change that constitutionalists are attempting to reverse. The Left is the true regime change party, and like communists they publicly accuse their opponents of what they are already doing.

    Applebaum knows quite a bit about regime change and communism. She’s a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer who studied communism in 1985 Russia. An erstwhile board member of several regime-change organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations and funding-endangered National Endowment for Democracy, she has also served on an advisory panel to the Global Disinformation Index. That’s a government-funded censorship program that has specifically targeted The Federalist and over which The Federalist, Daily Wire, and Texas are suing the U.S. State Department.

    More Projection about Americans Under Occupation

    “The only thing these policies will certainly do, and are clearly designed to do, is alter the behavior and values of the civil service.” Applebaum writes. “Suddenly, and not accidentally, people who work for the American federal government are having the same experience as people who find themselves living under foreign occupation.”

    Beyond her interesting choice to call at-will employment “foreign occupation,” this is insidious projection from those actually forcing Americans to live as if under foreign occupation. The right is not the party of regime change, the left is.

    What else were lockdowns but a tyrannical rule by unelected bureaucrats via edicts that passed no legislatures? What else is the administrative state funding tens of thousands of cultural Marxist organizations to wallpaper every public area with rainbow propaganda?

    What else funds state media to blanket public discourse with political propaganda? What else is the bureaucracy flinging our sons and even pregnant daughters across the world to conduct foreign wars without any legal declaration of war from the elected Congress? All these and more, as I write in my recent book, are signs of an imposed occupation of our government and way of life by self-alienated strangers lacking any legitimate rule.

    Patronage Only for Democrat Voters

    Besides the article’s central projection of evil leftist actions onto their victims, Applebaum is clearly untethered from reality in numerous other ways. She pretends the administrative state is not already a patronage system for Democrat voters, complaining that requiring executive branch employees to obey the elected executive “will in practice represent a return to patronage.”

    In the 2024 election cycle, according to, 69.5 percent of federal employee political contributions went to Democrats. If you take out contributions from federal military employees — from the Department of Defense, Air Force, Navy, and Army — federal employees contributed 84 percent of all their political spending to Democrats in 2024. Zero political contributions from U.S. Department of Education and the Office of Personnel Management employees went to Republicans in 2024.

    Honey, the federal bureaucracy is already a patronage system. You just object to elections giving Republicans power over that patronage system.

    We All Know Which Is the Party of Cultural Revolution

    “Eventually, anyone who interacts with the federal government — private companies, philanthropies, churches, and above all, citizens — might find that the cultural revolution affects them too,” writes Applebaum, who apparently lives under a rock. It feels like an entire lifetime ago that cultural revolutionaries who share the same ideology as the vast majority of bureaucrats hounded a little Indiana pizza shop out of business for doubting they would cater a homosexual celebration, although they’d serve anyone who came to their shop.

    That was just one early spark of pressure against people of faith fanned into a national forest fire by federal agencies. Just last year, those agencies were pressuring big banks to flag as potential domestic terrorists lists of customers who lawfully bought guns and Bibles. Democrats’ vice presidential candidate of three months ago appointed bureaucrats who banned Christians from teaching in public schools by making a public profession of faith in the diversity, equity, and inclusion religion a condition of teacher licensing. There are shelves full of books about “the cultural revolution affect[ing]” ordinary Americans — only many of those books are at least shadowbanned on Amazon.

    It’s as if Applebaum digests no information that contradicts her seriously flawed priors. She goes on to say that now that Trump is president again, federal employees will face “moral dilemmas of a kind no American government employee has faced in recent history. Protest or collaborate? Speak up against lawbreaking or remain silent? A small number of people will choose heroism. In late January, a career civil servant, Nick Gottlieb, refused to obey an order to place several dozen senior USAID employees on administrative leave, on the grounds that the order violated the law.”

    When federal agents were preparing an unprecedented raid on a former president over a documents dispute that also affected the sitting Democrat president who was not raided, not one person in the Department of Justice or FBI encountered a “moral dilemma?” When federal agents were using military-grade equipment to arrest compliant grannies who walked on public property while others were rioting, not one questioned whether to “protest or collaborate?” Applebaum lives in upside-down world.

    Learn to Code, Amirite?

    Applebaum’s refusal to understand just about anything about her own country and people appears limitless. She even complains that Trump offering federal workers a buyout “inflicts trauma” on them. This, you see, tells bureaucrats, “you are expendable,” Applebaum says.

    Where have Applebaum’s tears been for this “trauma” inflicted over the last 40 years on hundreds of thousands of Americans working in manufacturing? Did we see any columns from her class raising alarms about the “trauma” of forcing Americans to train their lower-wage H-1B replacements? What about concerns over mass-importing low-skilled labor to especially displace work for African Americans?

    Did any of these displaced Americans get severance with months of pay for not working? Was their plight also suggestive of “foreign occupation?” Or are only Democrat-voting federal workers worthy of Applebaum’s sympathy, advocacy, and valorization?

    It is absolutely a regime change for government at every level of the United States to openly display hatred for the people whose sovereignty it wields, and without whose free consent it has no legitimacy. That regime change has come at the hands of despicable people who lie not only to us, but also to themselves, about what they have done. It’s long past time for their lies to end, and their regime change to collapse.

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