For the past two decades, maybe longer, feminists around the globe have made sure “the patriarchy” is synonymous with the evil machinations of men exerting domination over women rather than a hierarchical structure necessary for nations to thrive.
The insistence that women are the same as men has come at a steep price. The natural order of civilized societies, which cannot be reshaped without consequence, has been disturbed. It’s up to men, doing what men do, to restore that balance.
The Feminization of Society
Over the past decade, many topics that used to be reserved for the realms of private discussion have become political. Everything from sexuality to personal health choices has been thrust into the political arena, mostly under the guise of public safety. Rather than stick to the founders’ original mandate — to ensure the protection of natural rights — the dominant trajectory has been to ensure public safety.
This prioritization of safety has extended far beyond protection from physical danger such as crime or foreign enemies, legitimate justifications for federal government security. Increasingly, the government, private sector, and educational institutions have policed words they don’t like under the guise of safeguarding against “misinformation” and “disinformation.”
Ironically, this has made citizens more vulnerable than ever, ensuring the renunciation of personal responsibility in exchange for protection from the government and a growing dependence on bureaucratic mandates. It has denigrated resilience, weakened communities and civic organizations, and undermined our national sovereignty. As a result, our culture has become increasingly feminized.
We see this in the insistence that “the future is female.” Often bitter women, emboldened by third-wave feminism, inserted themselves into spaces typically reserved for men. Many men, confused by the overpowering and overwhelming resolve of women, seemed to retreat in compliance. The feminized culture has reformulated masculinity, encouraging men to cry, share their feelings, and “open up.” Disorder has ensued. Men have become more feminine, women more masculine, and the natural order has been disrupted.
Men’s and women’s biology is a reflection of this natural order. Trying to subvert it was always going to bring chaos, as we have witnessed particularly over the past four years.
Women Need Men
In his book No Apologies: Why Civilization Depends on the Strength of Men, Anthony Esolen makes the case for reversing this bait and switch and for our society to do the opposite of what the feminist movement has been promoting for more than 60 years: embrace men. The current moment calls for America to promote a manhood that, as the jacket of the book states, “does not boast or swagger, but appreciates its powers.” A man who “does not cringe or cower.”
Watching Robert F. Kennedy Jr. march on stage as Donald Trump awaited his endorsement, smiling and welcoming him with an open arm, set to the Foo Fighters anthem “My Hero,” I felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time and something Democrats can only fake because they have done nothing to cultivate it: hope. I sensed that maybe men might make a comeback.
Seeing two strong, confident, resilient, and battle-tested men standing side by side, ready to put the nail in the coffin of the party that has buried Americans in the ground brought a tear to my eye — like I might find relief from the persistent low-grade anxiety I’ve had over the past three years every time I check out at the grocery store, or hear about a woman assaulted by an illegal immigrant or a man claiming to be a woman. Like maybe this country would once again be in capable masculine hands.
I see the possibility for men to be back in charge, and I am grateful because, frankly, I’m tired. I think a lot of women are. The left’s views have so emasculated men that they’ve stopped taking charge. Stopped leading. Stopped protecting. Stopped doing the things they were created to do. Which has left women to do everything — including take care of both the children and the men.
It was mostly women like Jennifer Sey who spoke up about Covid lockdowns and school closures. It has been mostly women like Moms for Liberty standing up at school board meetings to push against race-based education and insist pornography be removed from classrooms and libraries. It’s been women like Riley Gaines who have had to fight for the right to keep women’s spaces and sports protected.
In his speech to suspend his campaign and endorse Trump, RFK Jr. stated, “We all love our children. If we all unite around that issue now, we can finally give them the protection, health, and the future that they deserve.” Here is a man, despite his many flaws, standing up for what is right and sacrificing his ambitions and ego to align with political forces he may not wholeheartedly endorse. Protecting families is what fathers and men are born to do. As Esolen writes:
Men labor and fight and strive so that there may be decent homes and villages and cities, so that there may be feasts and religious celebrations, so that children will grow up healthy and sane and the next generation will be able to provide for the well-being of the people of the future.
Either RFK Jr. took part of his speech straight from Esolen’s book, or masculinity is a timeless and fundamental principle.
Esolen says, “It is simply and solely for the safeguarding of the home and of woman as the center of the home, that government exists, that men labor and fight and strive and try to rule. Fancy a nation composed only of men — how long do you think they would care how it was governed?”
Not long, says Esolen. “What would be the point?”
There is a reason the professions of teaching, counseling, and medicine are heavily skewed toward women. It is natural for a woman to tend to the emotional well-being of others. She tends to want to talk about feelings. She typically is gentler and softer not only in heart but in stature. Women’s skin is softer than men’s because of estrogen. Women are driven by love, men by honor and duty. God has created us differently and made us complementary for a purpose — to compel our unity to create life in his image, perfectly ordered and balanced through hierarchy.
There is no grand conspiracy to keep women out of board rooms, government, or tech. It is more likely that most women simply don’t want to be there or to sacrifice the time and energy necessary to rise to the uppermost ranks, particularly if they have the natural desire to marry and raise a family. For those who do feel the singular call to the upper echelons of the corporate boardroom or political sphere, the path has been cleared and the glass ceiling shattered. But be warned, it may not be as fulfilling as those who have enthusiastically promoted the girlboss life make it out to be.
As Riley Gaines declared in her address at a recent Turning Point rally, “We must support the candidate that acknowledges womanhood as an immutable reality. We need to win back the White House, we need to win back the Senate, we need common sense, we need sanity, we need strength, we need stability … we all need Jesus and his grace, and we need Donald Trump back in the White House.” In other words, we need men.
The New Man Is Not a Man for Now
This is why few, if any, are buying the corporate media’s version of masculinity represented by Tim Walz and Doug Emhoff. They are the opposite of a properly matured man, not because of their size, stature, or status but because of their behavior. The left’s new masculinity is one of feigned sensitivity, men who “wear their emotions on their sleeves” but do absolutely nothing to protect and defend.
Claims of Walz’s stolen valor emphasize his abdication of duty. Allegations of Emhoff having an aborted or abandoned child with his nanny reflect the same. Neither emulates personal responsibility or defense of family.
It’s hard not to contrast the posture and confidence of Trump and Kennedy to the wildly childish and overly enthusiastic antics of Walz with his jazz hands and uncontrollable limbs. His tyrannical Covid policies are the embodiment of safety over ordered liberty. (Walz set up a hotline for residents to narc on their neighbors for failing to abide by social distancing rules.) His mandate to place tampons in school bathrooms, including boys’, is an example of his disordered view of human nature. Yet Kamala Harris claims Trump is the “unserious” candidate.
Averting an assassination attempt seems to be the opposite of unserious. In fact, it is probably one of the most sobering events a person can experience. One that would rattle most people to the point that they step down from whatever position instigated such a drastic move. I don’t know many women who wouldn’t have glided off under the protection of others (likely men) rather than insist on getting back up, fist in the air, encouraging people to “fight.” That was not a calculated decision on Trump’s part. There wasn’t enough time for calculation. That was sheer unadulterated, manly instinct.
This is why I don’t want a woman in the White House, at least not at this juncture in our political history. I want a man. A man who will not back down in the face of not only adversity but death. I want men to defend our borders, fight against our enemies, foreign and domestic, and establish order. There are other battles women can, and should, fight right now.
Putting men back in charge will ensure we are safe enough to do so.
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