Friday, 14 March 2025

Why Non-Christians Should Care About The Olympics Drag Show

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  • The opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics were deeply offensive to Christians around the world. Numerous people from across the denominational spectrum have described this event as blasphemous and even demonic.

    However, I would like to say something to the non-Christians who may be uneasy about the opening ceremonies but cannot quite explain why. Perhaps the opening ceremony bothers you, but you’re not quite ready to align yourself with its Christian critics.

    Let me help you with this. The group of people who created this spectacle betrayed the trust that was placed in them. They were given responsibility for an event that should have honored the athletes and the pursuit of excellence. Instead, they used it to put themselves and their agenda at the center of attention. And their conduct creates doubt about some cherished assumptions of the modern secular world.

    Pathological Narcissism on Display

    Let’s start by giving a moment’s thought to the athletes. These world-class athletes have spent years preparing for the opportunity to compete in the Olympics. The athletes deserve to be honored for their dedication and pursuit of excellence. Instead, these men and women who are talented and self-disciplined were upstaged by men and women who are neither.

    You don’t need to be a Christian to see that something is seriously wrong with this picture.

    We’ve all been told that we are supposed to tolerate and even honor the type of people who created this spectacle. Gay people are oppressed victims, after all. They were born this way, after all. There is nothing wrong with being gay, after all.

    Can we agree that pathological self-centeredness is not “virtually normal?” Suppose we agree, for the sake of argument, that people are “born gay,” (a point I by no means concede). Can we at least agree that wearing garish costumes is not an inborn, immutable trait? Can we agree that having an irresistible urge to ridicule other people’s beliefs is not generally a sign of good mental health?  

    Even if we agree that people do not “choose to be gay,” can we agree that these individuals did chose to put on this particularly tasteless display in a wildly inappropriate time and place? They didn’t make “a choice”: They made hundreds of choices over the course of many years that led them to believe what they did was a fine thing to do.

    Phony Claims of Inclusion and Regret

    The artistic “genius” who created this event claimed he wanted to be “inclusive.” He expects us to take this claim at face value. He is either delusional about the effects his work would have, or he is lying through his teeth. He knew perfectly well he would offend and disgust many people. He had to have known that even among the people who were not offended for religious reasons, a sizeable number would be bored, turn off their TV, and stop watching the Olympics.

    Various individuals and entities associated with the Paris Olympics have issued statements with varying degrees of “explanation” and “apology.” I’m not going to attempt to catalogue them. I’m not interested, and I will tell you why. Their apologies are phony. These people are not the slightest bit sorry for offending 2.4 billion Christians around the world. They aren’t sorry for hogging the stage and detracting from people of authentic achievement.

    They are sorry they got caught. They’d do the same again if they thought they could get away with it. They feel entitled to do what they want for their own purposes. They have a vision for society. They believe they are entitled to offend and marginalize the people who stand in their way. 

    Now, it is an interesting question to ask: who is the relevant “they” here? I make no claim to know exactly who is responsible for the opening ceremonies. But someone chose this particular gay man to be in charge. Someone approved the end product. Someone is issuing these “apologies” and “explanations.” I don’t know who these people are. But we can make a general statement without fear of contradiction.

    Whoever they are, they have the sanction of some very powerful people: the International Olympic Committee, corporate advertisers, and no doubt, the government of France. The self-identified gays and drag queens are a long way from being “victims.”

    ‘Live and Let Live’ Is Over

    You may ask, why can’t we just live and let live? Why can’t we just tolerate each other? I’m sorry to have to inform you: the “live and let live” train left the station a long time ago.

    The people who put on this display have the sanction of the global ruling class. This is who they are. What the world witnessed in Paris gives us a glimpse of what they want. This is their plan for you and your family. They think they are entitled to put themselves and their agenda at the center of anything they are in charge of. They are entitled to offend you, and then expect you to go along with the pretense that they didn’t really mean it.

    Each of us must decide whether this is what we want for ourselves and our families—and then think, and act, accordingly. You don’t have to be a Christian to see that we should stop taking the gay radicals and their handlers at face value.

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