Friday, 14 March 2025

Consciousness is key to changing the world

Today’s Government

The real purpose of government today, always and everywhere, is to enable the few to exploit the many. The monetary system is a clever way of doing this. The modern world of industry, commerce and investment operates on a win-win software.


Only government – with its battles, wars, taxes, tariffs, do’s and don’ts – continues to operate on pre-civilisation programming, fleecing the public for whatever it can grab.


Central bankers are in on it too, with their balance sheets, which are essentially self-reinforcing feedback loops: Government and Central Bank  bonds are the collateral for dollar/euro/Yen, etc. liabilities, as bonds are streams of future dollar/euro/yen, etc. payments. So these are backed by the promise of more dollars and euros!


As more are printed, their value inevitably falls. When they fall, the Central Banks respond by printing more money. They use weak excuses to explain higher prices; they blame everything but themselves.


Geopolitics and emerging market growth are classic scapegoats for higher prices. Few bother to ask how these events would affect consumer prices without the influence of a swelling money supply.


Governments continue to spend money they don’t have. They continue to issue perpetual bonds to borrow the money to pay for deficit spending.


Central banks keep printing money to buy the bonds they have issued to keep interest rates low. And all this new money continues to push down the value of the dollar/euro etc. and should push up the price of gold and silver, once their manipulation stops.


Now consider that all the world’s central banks are doing exactly the same thing, and consider whether it makes more sense to sell gold or buy it.


As Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises said,


“Gold is real money”. And he continued: “Public opinion always wants easy money, i.e. low interest rates.”


Clearly, the policy of governments is easy money and therefore monetary populism.


Governments and their associated class of media and financial enablers want low interest rates to mask the true cost of horrendous, irresponsible levels of borrowing, printing and spending.


Low interest rates are simply grease for the countries’ monetary treadmill to nowhere.



The Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, speaks to you


As a result of the change of power in the United States of America, all the plans of the Deep State will begin to collapse like a house of cards.


The strong intention of the embodied forces of light to preserve humanity as a species will be the driving force for all awakened souls on Earth.


You can already see how many people are no longer afraid to speak the truth, how quickly the puppets of the Deep State ‘change shoes’ on the fly, how afraid they are of the coming revelations of their criminal acts.


Thus, the powerful energy wave that is now coming to Earth will be joined by an information wave that will bring the truth to the people and tear off the masks of the hypocritical and cynical world “leaders” whose policies have led the people into the abyss.


All this will contribute to the rapid awakening of millions of people on your planet.

And in order for this to happen as quickly as possible, you should combine your energy work with the manifestation of your clear and unambiguous intent on the physical plane as well.


Here’s how you can do this.


Try to keep track of every new piece of information about the crimes of the deep state so that you can pass it on to the people around you.


It is very important to do this in such a way as not to frighten the person, which will only lower their vibrations and therefore their spiritual potential, but to give them a feeling of liberation from the danger that threatened them.


In other words, any news, even the most tragic, should be linked to the changes that are taking place on Earth, opening up the prospect of a new, happy life for a person, rather than focusing his attention on past painful events.


In this way, not only your own intention to free yourself from the bondage of the three-dimensional world, but also the intention of those around you who have seen the prospects of their new happy existence, will give a powerful impetus to the coming changes in all areas of your life.


The unity you have been dreaming of will come.

And it will be unity not in fear and submission, but in the liberation of the consciousness of millions of people from the darkness of the three dimensional world and in their desire to build a new life on the earth of the fifth dimension.


Another reason that will allow you to accelerate your transition to the Fifth Dimension.

In addition to the vibrational component and the information wave that have been discussed in my previous messages, there is another important factor that can influence the speed of the transition.


This is the dissatisfaction of the people in many countries of the world with their leaders, the overwhelming majority of whom are puppets of the Deep State.


And although this dissatisfaction is primarily related to material problems, in the event of the overthrow of the corrupt and venal leaders of these countries, the people will have the opportunity to replace them with honest and decent people who have the interests of the people at heart.


And when that happens, not only will the energy background in those countries change, but so will the moral attitude of the people towards a better future.


The very fact of restoring justice contains energies of very high vibration.

And if, at the same time, society frees itself from constant fear for its future, it will gain a colossal spiritual and creative potential aimed at building a new society based on completely different principles.


In fact, all three reasons for accelerating the transition of Earth and humanity into the Fifth Dimension are inextricably linked.


For example, the disclosure of information about the crimes of the ruling elite controlled by the Deep State will lead to the change of heads of state and many members of their governments.


And this will already contribute to an increase in the vibrations of people whose consciousness will come out of the control of the globalists, who until now have all the official media in their hands.


Manipulation and control over people will be replaced by the realisation that from now on man can control his own destiny.


But understanding this will be a difficult test for many inhabitants of the Earth, as not everyone will be given the opportunity to take advantage of freedom.

The vast majority of the population of your planet are so accustomed to living according to certain programmes sent down from above that they will simply not understand how to live and what to do with this freedom that has fallen upon them.


And this does not only apply to bio-robots, clones and low vibration beings embodied in human bodies, but also to young human souls.


It is therefore very important that the reins of power in the new society are placed in the hands of representatives of the ‘star seed’ who are not only aware of Earth’s transition into the Fifth Dimension, but who also have sufficient creative potential to build a society based on freedom, equality and brotherhood.


And your task, my dears, is to channel the dissatisfaction of the people with their governments in the right direction: to “re-form” the aggression of the people into the joy of a change of leadership, without destroying the old state structures, as has happened more than once in revolutions, but giving them a new impetus and a new direction.


This will save time in the building of a new society, and will make use of the positive experience accumulated by more than one generation of people in many areas of your life.

The Absolute Father, who loves you immeasurably, has said to you


Accepted by Marta


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