Friday, 14 March 2025

Consider what the universe is trying to tell you

Getting a complete idea of how the subtle plane of Planet Earth works


Planet Earth has 12 layers of density

Imagine planet Earth as you once did, in the shape of a globe, and let this be the physical body. Now start to imagine the shells around it, each shell moving exponentially further and further away from the previous one. This is because each new level of density represents more and more of a rarefied substance, in other words higher and higher levels of vibration.


Here follows the explanation of each level.

The first density represents the density in which the lowest astral entities reside; the souls that have reached complete and final degradation. These are the souls that cannot be saved because they have sunk too low, to the level where there is a kind of recycling of waste material. This density is like a disgusting black floating mass.


The second density is where souls go who have failed to free themselves from the lowest passions, but who have at least tried. This attempt, however, allows them to retain their soul and continue the struggle in subsequent lives.


The souls who dwell in this density suffer the most. It is what religions call hell. Here all the vices inherent in a particular soul are ‘highlighted’ and it experiences in ‘concentrated’ form all the suffering that other people on Earth have been subjected to by them.


This training is hard, but you must understand that it is not you or anyone else who is punishing human souls. It is that the Law of Reflection is at work here in an amplified way, working not only on the dense but also on the subtle plane of the Earth. So each soul receives what it has drawn to itself: it continues to learn and process the unfulfilled lessons from birth.


The third density is the level to which the majority of human souls fall after leaving the earth plane. This is the ordinary ‘average’ person – one who is not subject to excessive passions, but who lives a dull, boring, grey and uninteresting life, as most people do, whose soul has not yet awakened and is not yet ready to realise individuality in order to take the path of spiritual development.


Many people’s stay in this density is just as dull and grey as on Earth, but here they get a chance to learn the laws of the Universe and to realise their purpose, in other words they get a chance to “awaken”, many of these souls then consciously choose their next birth and the lessons they want to go through.


The fourth density is a kind of transition level from unconscious to conscious existence.


  • This is the level where souls come who have begun to think about the meaning of life on earth, what they were born for, but have not yet rid themselves of the vices of the dual world that have prevented them from restraining their ego.

    Such souls are given their greatest opportunity for development here, to consciously choose to ‘correct their mistakes’ after their next birth.


    The Fifth Density is the starting point for souls who have taken the path of spiritual development and consciously come to God, not blindly performing church rites and memorising prayers. These are the ones who are called ‘freedom-loving’ people on Earth, ‘those who have broken away from the fold’. Her divine essence began to awaken in these people who lived according to their hearts and not according to the structure of thought or public opinion.


    Such souls, who go to the subtle plane of earth for a while, use the time between two births to great advantage. They eagerly absorb all the information available to them and try to make up for lost time on earth.


    Very often, when such souls return to earth with a specific mission in their next birth, they seek to benefit other people in that next life. They are often born as teachers or healers.


    The sixth density is close to what you call Paradise. People who have left to serve are attracted to it; they are those who have dedicated their whole life on earth to others, who have revealed true divine knowledge to others, who have guided people into the ‘true spirit’ from close by.


    They are great scientists, illuminators, healers of the human soul and body; they are those who have managed to go against society, to break age-old habits.


    During their stay in the subtle world they receive knowledge from the Higher Powers in the Universe, which prepares them for further service, on higher levels.


    And here is the boundary that allows them to make a choice: to ascend higher to seventh density, or to serve permanently on the subtle plane of Earth, or to return to Earth with a mission of their own choosing to lead people to God.


    Seventh Density is the level to which the highest souls who have ever lived on Earth have ascended. These are those who are later canonised and those who have lived ascetic* lives for the benefit of humanity but have not been widely recognised. This is the level of enlightenment.


    *People who renounce material comforts and lead a life of strict self-discipline.


    The one who descends to Earth from this level truly comes with a Great Mission, called to lead humanity to a new level of existence.


    There are now several such Great Souls on Earth, for they have come to complete what they could not do in their previous incarnations, when humanity was not yet ready to acknowledge its divine origin and accept the true universal laws.


    The Eighth Density is the level of the Celestial Angels and Archangels, the Ascended Masters whom you call the Forces of Light, who have chosen to serve in Heaven to protect and defend the human souls incarnated on Earth.


    They are the ones you turn to in prayer, they are the ones who send you the Divine Energy of Love, they are also the ones who protect you from danger and give you strength in the most difficult moments of your life. And they are the main helpers and representatives in Heaven.


    Their lives are filled with righteous work, which each of them has chosen to do according to their abilities. But this work is an everlasting joy to them, for they bring comfort and love to humanity, and that is their greatest reward.


    In the Ninth Density dwell certain beings who are called to check and correct, if necessary, the vibrational levels of the three previous densities – from the sixth to the eighth. This is necessary to maintain the balance between them, as the boundaries between these densities are blurred and the inhabitants of each density can move within these three densities.


    This means, for example, that the souls of the sixth density can, by desire and effort, grow to the level of the eighth density, and the inhabitants of the eighth density can descend to the sixth density to teach the souls there.


    The task of these ninth-density beings is to lower or raise the vibrational levels of these ‘travellers’.


    The tenth density is the Divine Space where the best representatives of the planets at a very high level of development meet. This is the Pan-Galactic Council that oversees the state of the planets in the lower densities. They make decisions and correct them if necessary, if the situation becomes a threat to them or to other planets in the galaxy.


    The eleventh density is the home of God the Father, the ‘caretaker’ of your Earth, who has ‘ultimate responsibility’ for Earth and the ten densities around it.


    Finally, the twelfth density is My abode from where I, the Absolute Father, can observe everything that happens on your earth and in your galaxy throughout the universe.


    It is important, My beloved ones, to have a complete idea of the structure of the subtle plane of planet Earth so that you can see what vast horizons lie ahead and that there are no limits to your spiritual growth so that each one of you can become God.


    This information is given as a guide to help you determine if you are awake and what density you are in.


    Soul awakening is the way out of this prison

    All fears, underestimations or excessive pride are due to the dominance of reason over the spiritual part, which manifests as a disconnection from important feelings.


    When a person is spiritually awakened, he naturally feels everything, and thanks to this he is able to evaluate everything around him impartially, because the awakened spirit enlightens the whole body, and the mind, under the influence of a lighter spirit, is no longer attached to matter.


    This makes one much more resistant to succumbing to all weaknesses and fears. Each of us is trapped in different thought patterns, but for each of us there is only one way out of this prison, and that is through the awakening of the soul.


    Then we must ask, examine, compare, search, perceive, reason and finally feel correctly.


    Of course, humanity will not be perfect immediately, but it is important and fundamental to strive hard to eliminate these weaknesses and to live an honest and spiritual life. This will set you on the right path.


    A sincere effort to make amends is important. A meaningful life is about our inner maturation and active work on ourselves, not just exuberant commercial entertainment, enjoyment and remaining in spiritual stagnation.


    Our weaknesses are much more forgivable if we are aware of our faults and strive hard to eliminate them.


    If a person is really trying to change, then that change will come and slowly but surely change for the better. In this case, you don’t have to feel inferior about your weaknesses because you admit them and work on them! Only your effort counts. No change is easy, but it is more important than ever to embark on this journey, because time is of the essence and is really running out, the bells of destiny are ringing.


    The time ahead will not be easy for anyone. It will be very difficult on all levels. The Light will make its uncompromising way into every soul and this pressure can cause us all kinds of physical and psychological problems, depending on the level of our inner contamination.


    There can also be very sharp changes in your life, whether you deserve it or need it for your knowledge. So do not cry over spilt milk, but ask what the Universe is trying to tell you.


    Think about your improvement in depth and apply it.







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