Saturday, 15 March 2025

Destruction of a rotten world

Giant deception collapsing

Millions around the world are discovering the truth and must adopt the mindset of a warrior, not to strike the enemy once, not twice, but to strike the giant of deception constantly until it collapses. For in the end lies the awakening of the masses!


The world has had to deal with the likes of Kissinger, Bush, Clinton and Soros. Highly visible proponents of the New World Order. In particular, Soros uses his dishonestly acquired wealth to subsidise many organisations around the world, set up to disrupt societies, through his non-profit ‘Open Society Foundations’.


By following the money trail of Soros, it becomes clear that he is a major source of funding for groups that disrupt societies around the world to create distraction, chaos and polarisation.


Kissinger used his political power to promote the NWO agenda, which was no less dangerous and disruptive.


Soros, as the biggest financier, is responsible for instigating the mass migration of Islamic immigrants flooding Europe to create huge problems for European citizens.


What is even more disgusting is that the leaders of many European countries, especially and most importantly the chief lieutenant, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her ilk, are forcing other countries to take in displaced Muslims. Muslims who have no interest in integrating into polarised Western cultures.


Even more horrific and tragic are the false flag terror attacks, including in France Paris, Nice, Rouen, and in Germany Würzburg, Munich, Ansbach and Reutlingen, four terror attacks in one week! In all the attacks, the police killed the perpetrators immediately to avoid a later conviction, thus revealing the truth.


Your own government, the biggest enemy of the people

All these attacks were carried out with the knowledge of their own government to create more fear among the people in order to take away more of their freedoms. People need to understand that their own government is involved and is literally their biggest enemy. This is the truth and until it is widely known there will be many attacks. Each time with greater frequency and more innocent victims.


Connecting the dots provides a powerful effect to show the cabal how much and what is known about them. Connecting with what others know creates an extremely sinister pattern as a representation of reality.


The walls of compartmentalisation are breaking down, which is why the Deep State Mafia is now panicking. Frightened insiders are breaking ranks many times over as they see that silence is not an option given the direction and magnitude of where the world is now heading.


Popular awakening

People see their world changing and want to understand what is happening and why. They want to be informed and prepared. They want the freedom to make informed choices instead of being told what to do by the same people and institutions that constantly lie and deceive them. Who have deliberately thrown today’s economy into a terrible mess.


A popular awakening is breaking out. The awakening comes at a price; it can be difficult to work on. It is even more difficult to convince others to open their eyes and minds. It is a race against time. What is important is to see all these injustices that could easily have been prevented.


It is sad to see how unawakened people are tossed back and forth, not knowing what is really going on. But even this is a ‘manipulated’ wave designed by the Deep State, but it can help everyone come to their senses and understand the false reality of today.


Millions of people are going to alternative news sources, trying to understand what is going on, and stumbling upon realities they never considered or could have imagined before.


The Duty to Awaken

As the truth becomes known, the awakened have a responsibility to share it passionately, but also to enjoy it. Not always easy, but a duty that must be fulfilled. The hour is late, the time frame we live in is embarrassing, it requires optimal awareness and quick action. There is no alternative.


Those who are awake must now roll up their sleeves. This is it;


Us or them, life or death, truth or lies, freedom or slavery… not only for your loved ones, but for your posterity, for the whole of humanity.


Awakening is primarily destructive

Truth has a price – it is the end of the lies and illusions on which people have based their lives. And this is an ongoing process. Many now feel lost and frightened. The deliberate chaos is designed to do just that.


But in parallel and at the same time as their psychotic designs, it is a huge stimulus to the human spirit, spurred on by an emerging consciousness and a deep sense of growing personal empowerment.


Many may not recognise these emerging, seemingly confusing energetic shifts as the creative process that is now at work. Awakening is primarily a destructive process, eliminating all that is unreal and inhibiting to personal development and progress. These two dynamics are at work simultaneously.


Western world pulled into new reality

Recent events on Earth may be of concern to many of you. After the new leadership came into power in the United States, things began to move.


Representatives of both the Light and Dark Forces have accelerated their actions on both the subtle and physical planes. And this is not surprising as the system of relationships between countries and people built by the globalists is beginning to collapse.


But in reality most is beginning to collapse not only because of the change in the political course of the United States, but because in the new energies of the Earth anything that does not correspond to its vibrations can no longer exist.


The new high vibrational energies affect not only the consciousness and physical bodies of individuals, but also the collective consciousness of entire countries and continents, as well as their physical component.


And when the government in any country changes, and changes radically, then all events in that country begin to happen at an accelerated rate.


In other words, in the new energies of the Earth, everything reaches its concentration on both the energetic and physical planes.


This is explained by the fact that in order to build a new beautiful building, you must first destroy the old one that is no longer fit for habitation.


This is how old and decrepit your three-dimensional world now looks, despite all its technological and digital innovations.


Everything is rotten from the inside out.

Endemic corruption, lies and cynicism have eaten away at it like rust. And only now that one of the main sources of evil on Earth, the previous US administration, has finally been neutralised, do people have the opportunity to begin to more actively destroy the “old building” of the three-dimensional world.


The new US administration, despite its possible mistakes and imperfections, will still become the “locomotive” that will pull the so-called Western world into the new reality.


Man is wired to need an inspiring example to act boldly and decisively, because it is difficult and frightening for him to act alone. And if before only a few desperate people were capable of such actions, often paying with their freedom and even their lives, now millions will rise up to fight the darkness.


So 2025 will not only be a turning point for you energetically. On the physical plane too, events will begin to unfold rapidly and sometimes unpredictably, but in any case the vector of their movement will be towards the light, for it cannot be otherwise, for in the current high vibrational energies negative events will not be able to form.


Bring these joyful changes closer with your thoughts, emotions and actions. Don’t get distracted by long discussions and dialogues about the negative phenomena that are still manifesting in your lives.


These are nothing more than ‘working moments’ that are inevitable in such a grandiose project as building a new society on the Earth of the Fifth Dimension.

Information received from Father Absolute through Marta forms part of this article.


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