Peace and Harmony
The entire past history of our planet is known, for everyone in the Universe knows exactly what we on Earth have gone through throughout history. Despite all the suffering due to many deliberately created problems, such as wars and floods, caused by so-called duality, there has always been an attempt to find peace and harmony from the heart.
Originally Planet Earth was created as the most beautiful planet in the Universe, very diverse and natural, as were the creatures that lived there. Time and again the opportunity arose to maintain the planet as Mother Nature intended.
From the position of orbiting the planet it was possible to clearly observe what was happening to the people on the planet and how much damage was being done. It was clear that we had been taught what the ‘Great Goal of the Deep State Cabal’ was to destroy Planet Earth.
Unfortunately, few people today enjoy the beauty and nature of the Earth. As a result, many do not appreciate its beauty as it was meant to be.
Every other planet in the universe where people live is beautiful in its own way. But a beauty equal to that of planet Earth is extremely rare in the entire Universe.
It was decided by the Galactic Federation that our planet should be saved from the hands of the Satanists, who have terrorised the planet and its inhabitants for more than 450,000 years, and that its people should be told the real truth.
Finally, all 4.5 billion elite star beings decided to voluntarily go to Earth for this long-term Earth Liberation Mission!
Then the order was given to send a rescue mission to Earth as soon as possible! For some time they all gathered in the great halls of the Galactic Federation and began to prepare for their mission to Earth!
On great tables they opened the scrolls and writings of the Light and began to make a plan for the journey to Earth! They made blueprints and cosmic contracts and agreements for their mission to Earth!
And that is why most of the Awakened came here, to be part of this cosmic rescue operation.
Expand Your Consciousness
As the transition draws to a close, the consciousness of those who are ready for Ascension will expand to very high levels, to the point of facilitating the memory of all past lives. Not just life here on planet Earth, but life beyond.
This preparation now requires some effort, especially to understand that you are here in a school of souls. The experience of duality is that in each incarnation you can actually live as a good person or a bad person. This change of status is what is actually taught to the students of this school.
When consciousness has reached its highest levels, which will not be long, any incarnated soul that is ready to ascend will gradually be able to remember each previous life. It will remember that in each of those lives a different character lived. In one life he was a murderer, in another he was murdered. In one life you were a thief, in the next you were robbed.
In one life you were rich, in another you were poor. In one existence you were wise, in the next you were a fool. In short, everything we can imagine has actually been experienced in the past.
When we understand that there are no more lessons to be learned, we have the impression that this school belongs to the past. But it is not enough to have experienced it, it is necessary to have learnt its lessons and to understand its duality, that is, both in the state of the good and the bad. This is what is called duality or polarities.
Until recently, you were taught that any evil that is done must one day be undone, that is, the same actions must be done as before. This is indeed true. But it is not punishment as you think. Nor is it karma to be redeemed, for when you live the experiences that teach us what it is like to be in one state or another, it is the lesson you have learned.
You can compare life in 3D to a great open air theatre. Each soul that incarnates here has a different character in each incarnation. Nothing is real in 3D. That is why is said that everything is an illusion.
As consciousness expands, you will know for sure soon enough.
Message received from Father Absolute
War and Peace
The role of the Deep State in world politics.
Now that the American government has begun the process of exposing its criminal activities both in the United States of America itself and in many other countries around the world, the representatives of the deep state have no choice but to declare the threat of a new war as a diversionary tactic.
In the current situation, it is already clear to any reasonable person which of the current political figures are on the side of the forces of light and which are on the side of the forces of darkness.
War and Peace – these eternal antipodes throughout mankind’s existence in the world of the third dimension – have always been a “litmus test” to test the purity of their adherents’ souls.
War is always evil, it feeds on the energies of fear, hatred, aggression and brings sorrow, suffering and destruction to people, which means that all its supporters invariably end up on the side of darkness.
And vice versa, peace is a state of peace, security, well-being, nourished by the energies of harmony, joy and happiness, and therefore people who live in these energies are on the side of light.
And now on Earth everything is being pushed to the limit. All the masks have been thrown off, and it is already obvious to any reasonable person which of the world leaders are on the side of war and which are on the side of peace, and therefore which of them bring evil to the people and which bring good.
Yet the main “villains” remain behind the scenes because the evil they bring is so great that people are unable to comprehend its full depth and tragedy – their psyche simply cannot bear it.
The time has not yet come to reveal the truth about the existence and true nature of the Draco-reptiles who pull the strings of their puppets in power and do not allow them to deviate one step from the programme of human destruction they have imposed upon them.
Why is it that many of the inhabitants of your planet are still unable to tell good from evil?
There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that it is not pure human souls that dominate on Earth, but low vibration beings embodied in human bodies, for whom everything that carries evil is a source of nourishment, and therefore a desired and natural energy for them.
These creatures are the very same ordinary people – the millions of grey masses whose consciousness the Draco-reptiles and their ilk have learned so skilfully to control.
As a result, the evil that comes from above is fed by them from below, giving it strength and momentum.
And yet, my beloved, know that good always triumphs over evil. Even when its followers are outnumbered, as you are!
Not only in fairy tales, but also in real life, the Bogatyrs defeat the dragon and his servants.
And this is explained by the fact that the light, high vibrational energies they emit are destructive to dark, low vibrational energies, or in other words, light always dissolves darkness.
This is an absolute truth, and I wanted to remind you of it again, so that you do not lose faith in yourself, even in the most difficult moments of your life.
Stay tuned, there is more to come …
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