Friday, 18 October 2024

Fear-based society

It is striking that only a few of us who are truly awake are writing informed comments. Are the rest still insufficiently awake? Remember that only the truly awake will move on to the 5D world. It is disheartening to note that the cabal has done more mental damage than originally thought.

Look at how history has repeated itself over hundreds of thousands of years, it’s all about wine, women and gambling, as the football championship is proving once again. Anyone who does not see this is not awake!

Without the fear campaign and media propaganda, the actions of governments would have no leg to stand on. “Social distancing does not prevent the financial elites from giving instructions to corrupt politicians. On the other hand, “social distancing” combined with imprisonment is used as a means of social subordination. It prevents people from meeting each other and from protesting against the so-called New World Order, which it really is.

What is not mentioned are the unspoken causes: a scare campaign on behalf of creditor orders through corrupt governments to shut down the economy, supposedly to “save lives”, which is a big lie. No lives are being saved and they know it.

Truth and solidarity are essential to turn this tide. The first step in a global movement is a well-oiled “counter-propaganda” machine.

The ultimate goal of Big Money is to transform nation states – with their own institutions and national economies – into “open economic territories”. This has been the fate of Iraq and Afghanistan. But now, without sending in troops, by simply ordering subservient proxy governments combined with corrupt politicians to shut down their economies on humanitarian grounds, the so-called “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) can be completed without the need for military intervention.

This is an imperial agenda. What do the global financial elites want? To privatise all nations? To own and privatise the whole planet? It is the final step in the completion of the New World Order society.

Few people really understand what is happening. But the injustice is there for all to see. And then, thanks to low interest rates and fake money printing, debt increased. Both companies and households switched from ‘just in case’ saving to ‘just in time’ borrowing. The result? Over $23 trillion of new debt has been added to the economy in the last 10 years, and mouth-to-mouth respiration economy is now more fragile than ever.


Fear is something the Sirians feed on, and it became important to create this kind of survival emotion in ignorant people who didn’t have the wisdom of shamans and high priests.

The problem with elitism is that power corrupts, so the Lemurian cultures, or many of them, were quite unique in the sense that they could still maintain a good relationship between the priesthood and the people.

Not so in many other parts of the world; there it was the exception rather than the rule that this unique relationship prevailed. Soon, and as part of the plan, the shamanic leadership began to use the power they felt they had due to the knowledge and wisdom they possessed and began campaigns to dumb down the people.

This was part of EA’s genius; he understood the human mind because he had created it. So he didn’t have to be there for this particular elitism to develop; it became largely a natural process. By whispering secrets to a select few, they automatically felt that they were ‘God’s chosen people’ and therefore above the rest of humanity.

Once this was achieved, fear, uncertainty and confusion could be instilled in these societies. The priesthoods told people that there were dangers out there in the woods; that other tribes were hostile and could come and kill or kidnap you at any time; that there were monsters and invisible forces everywhere that could devour you, and the list goes on.

The people became very superstitious and gave their power to the Priesthood, who became their ‘protectors from evil’. The Priesthood became more powerful, and this power in turn was used by the Sirians, who stole it from the Priesthood, feeding off the vibrations of fear in the general population, and sucking energy from the Priesthood, just enough to keep them feeling they were more than the people…


Once this basic structure was in place, the rest was easy. The kings, whether they were direct hybrid sons of EA or second or third generation hybrids, could easily manipulate the masses.

The best way to feed on fear and terror is through war and conquest. So wars and conflicts became commonplace, and the Atlantic Empire, with its ten major kingdoms, began conquering other parts of the world to expand its empire.


Parts of what is now Egypt and Western Europe were conquered and fell under the banner of the Atlantic Kings. Existing cities or kingdoms were either completely destroyed and everyone killed or driven out, or they surrendered and became part of Atlantis, many of the conquered people becoming slaves under the Atlantean Kings.

Grotesque and horrific rituals were performed by the Sirians, often as revenge when one Sirian family had a dispute with another, or just to show off their power.

When people first read about this in Sitchin’s book ‘The Wars of Gods and Men’, they were stunned by their cruelty and total lack of love and compassion.

Lord ENLIL didn’t mind the Atlanteans expanding eastwards, as he and his people were mainly based in South Africa, South America and the Middle East. His own main residence was in Mesopotamia, modern Iraq. He also took advantage of all the bloodshed that was going on, feeding off it like all the other gods. Until one day he was threatened…

Shuruppak was a city about 35 miles south of Nippur on the banks of the Euphrates in modern Iraq. It was later, after the Flood, dedicated to NINLIL, the Aryan wife of ENLIL. Although neither of them lived there much in the days of Atlantis, it was very close to ENLIL’s main residence.

So when one day, around 49,000 BC, EA decided to put one of his hybrid kings on the throne of Shuruppak because it was strategically located and would make a perfect outpost in the little game he was playing called ‘war’, ENLIL was furious.

Firstly, it was far too close to home, and secondly, he felt that EA had given his hybrids far too much power and knowledge. In other words, he felt threatened that the humans were becoming more and more like the gods.

He also had a lot to say about the Pleiadian experiment, which he saw as a contamination of the original Aryan/Sirian experiment that he and EA had planned and started.


He told EA that the Giants were like monstrous savages who had ruined the genetic library. He accused his brother of abandoning their plan and working with the Pleiadians in favour of the Sirians, thus starting his own experiment and contaminating the original.

EA defended himself, saying that the original plan was still in effect and that the creation of the Nephilim would not interfere with their common goal.

ENLIL, however, thought EA was wrong and began to plot against humanity, allowing his own plans to take shape in his mind, plans that would eventually lead to the downfall of humanity. So he started his own war against the Atlanteans, using heavier equipment in his warfare.

Thus he created the conflict between the ENLILITES and the ENKIITES – the Ram and the Serpent Clan respectively. One of ENLIL’s aims was to use humanity as his foot soldiers and just let them destroy each other.

EA could see what ENLIL was trying to do, but the Lord of Command was determined. EA’s son, Marduk, who supported his father, was by this time king of Babylon, not too far from ENLIL’s domains.

Half Sirian from his mother and half Aryan from his father, Marduk was more aggressive than his father and began to fight back more ferociously than EA had anticipated; in fact, EA wanted to restore peace between the clans to save his creations.


Wars and battles came and went, but the wars didn’t kill enough humans to put an end to his experiment, ENLIL realised. EA had allowed humans to breed without restriction, and the world’s population was growing exponentially. Unless ENLIL used nuclear weapons, humanity would spread like a virus and contaminate the planet. Not to mention the giants. ENLIL had to reconsider.

So for a while, the wars were less intense, although they never stopped altogether, as they had become self-propelled by people’s ideas about each other and who was superior to whom.

Marduk, who was still in Babylon, gathered many people around him and loved the fact that he was worshipped, so he ruled Babylon with an iron fist.

Meanwhile, EA, who was known to be quite promiscuous with human females, both for the purpose of sex in general, but also to gain power through sacred sexual rituals, had many affairs.

One such escapade resulted in the birth of a human hybrid. His name was Utnapishtim, better known as Noah. He became one of EA’s favourites and spent his adult years living with EA’s son Marduk in Babylon.

ENLIL didn’t like Marduk gathering so many people around him, not trusting his intentions and anticipating a future attack from Marduk.

So when Marduk was on a mission in another part of the world, ENLIL used his authority as Lord of Commands and decided to starve the Babylonians to death by cutting off their communication systems and preventing food supplies from reaching them.

He also refused to help the sick in Babylon. However, Utnapishtim managed to get a message to his father, EA, about what was happening in Babylon. The kingdom was now basically occupied by ENLIL.


Utnapishtim also tried to tell the people to stop worshipping the ‘gods’ and to give themselves more power over their own lives. This was unsuccessful, however, as very few dared to challenge ENLIL’s authority.

EA, however, began smuggling water, medicine and food to the Babylonians, unbeknownst to ENLIL, and also taught them how to fish and become self-sufficient.

When the commander noticed that no one was starving, he immediately blamed EA, because Marduk had been ordered by EA to complete his mission elsewhere before returning to Babylon, probably fearing that Marduk would become angry and attack ENLIL again if he stayed in Babylon.

EA lied and said that the Babylonians had taught themselves to fish and become self-sufficient. ENLIL didn’t believe him for a second, became angry again and decided that something had to be done. The experiment had to be stopped and started all over again; this time under his authority!

To be continued. Anyway, it shows us today that the same command structure was in place in the past as it is today. A good lesson to learn from!

References FWC Archive, The Urantia Book and The Wes Penre Papers.

A Journey Through the Multiverse.


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The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.

Many will ask: when will change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!

To be continued as time will tell us more …

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