Sunday, 16 March 2025

Freedom sacrificed

Awakened Consciousness is Humanity’s Next Evolutionary Step

Awakened consciousness is not understood by sleeping minds living under collective MSM hypnosis. There are no questions or arguments that can help anyone to awaken.


This language can only be understood by awakened souls amongst themselves.

Humanity has surrendered its sanity and responsibility to corrupt governments on a massive scale. Realise the far-reaching consequences of this behaviour for human existence. When our sanity and responsibility is surrendered, our freedom is also surrendered, and with it, essentially, our life.


Since the declaration of the Covid pandemic, we live in a dangerous world. The satanic Luciferians and their highly paid minions will not let you go easily, they have deceived the whole world with a fake pandemic in order to fulfil their eugenic agenda; i.e. the extermination of 90% of humanity.


The Cabal hates humanity because they fear it, they know the true capabilities of humanity and that is why they are going all out to destroy us. Through toxic covidine injections, toxic pills, mafia health care that thwarts healing, poisoning through fluoridated water, pre-cooked food with harmful preservatives, soft drinks with harmful sugars, chemtrails that destroy the environment, education based on lies, to name just a few facts. They want followers, not independent thinkers. They don’t want people to question anything, when we should be questioning everything!


To awaken is to be enlightened! Let the light not only enter your room, but into every cell of your body. The process goes much deeper than you think. It is so deep that it will actually change the consciousness of every awakened person. In fact much has already changed! And it is this change that disturbs the unawakened.


Your patience and steadfastness in the Light will be well rewarded with welcome changes on the horizon and many wondrous changes in the distance! All the Light Beings of this Universe are encouraging us to move forward and supporting us with an unparalleled power of unconditional love.


Your attention is now being drawn to another manifestation of new energies that is clear evidence of the change in the energy background of the Earth.

Many of you have probably noticed that your sleep patterns have changed.


Where once most people slept through the night into the morning without waking, now many people’s sleep has become intermittent and restless. This is no accident. The point is that it is at night that the main energy work is done on you.


For on the subtle plane there is a real battle going on for every human soul. And since this is not easy to do during the day, when there are too many distractions, at night, when a person’s soul and consciousness are separated from their physical body, they become part of the subtle world and can easily interact with its inhabitants.


Why is it so important to put on energy protection before going to bed?

Firstly, because it is the only way to protect yourself from the influence of lower astral beings and other representatives of the dark forces.


As for the messengers of the forces of light, your protection will not be an obstacle for them – on the contrary, you will become “visible” to them, which will allow them to do their energy work with you more effectively.


Why do your defences sometimes fail and your sleep becomes a nightmare?

This happens even to people whose vibration level is quite high.

Most of the time this is explained by astral battles between those who are greatly hindered by your light and those who support you on the spiritual path.


At present the subtle plane of the earth has become a real battleground for every awakened person. And although these battles remain invisible to you, they are no less important for the salvation of humanity than the battle on the physical plane against the Deep State and its puppets in power.


It is believed that many of you, upon awakening, will intuitively feel who has won this night in your personal energy space and, depending on your feelings, will attempt to correct your condition on the physical plane.


Planet earth has become a real battleground for every awakened person

How the new high vibrational energies will affect biorobots and clones. As these beings have no soul as such, their reaction to these energies will be quite peculiar.


Although these creatures are outwardly similar to humans, their energy is ‘dead’ because they lack the non-material sense organs of humans, namely chakras and subtle bodies, which interact with other energies.


By and large, biorobots and clones are nothing more than biomaterial programmed for certain thoughts, emotions and actions. Although they were created with the help of very advanced technologies brought to Earth by the alien Grey Civilizations, they could not be on the same level as humans with a Divine Soul.


This “biomass” was designed with one purpose in mind: to lead humans away from the path of spiritual development and plunge them deep into the material world.

For centuries, biorobots and clones have set the tone in all aspects of consumer society.


They have become the exemplary executors of all visible and invisible orders from above. They have absorbed them and set an example for others to follow the stereotypes of thought and behaviour created by their puppeteers.

In other words, it is these creatures that have filled the earth, long since transformed into an obedient mass of ordinary people, so easy to control.


For centuries they have been an integral part of the three-dimensional Matrix – the ‘wheels’ that ‘turn’ it.


And now the biorobots and clones, comfortable in the three-dimensional world, found themselves outside their usual habitat. In the new vibrations of the Earth they will gradually cease to exist, like clockwork puppets whose charge has run out.


The higher the vibrations of the earth become, the sooner they will be ‘discharged’.

They will suffer the same fate as low vibration beings incarnated in human bodies.


But if those beings who still have a soul are able, with desire and some effort, to raise their vibrations at least slightly in order to stay afloat in the current conditions, then biorobots and clones will be completely deprived of this possibility.


Nevertheless, they will all gradually leave planet Earth by their physical death.


The Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, has spoken to you

Received from Marta and edited by Peter B. Meyer


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