Friday, 14 March 2025

Indigo Children

Exceptionally gifted, intelligent children with indigo auras

Indigo children are mostly not children anymore. They have been on Earth for a long time, many are adults and it is possible that you reading these lines are one of them. You never know. What may have brought you to this page, perhaps an obsessive question that keeps you awake? Or maybe you know this about yourself, you see your Indigo aura and you’re just curious about which generation you probably belong to.


The arrival of Indigo people on Earth is not new. They have been known for a very long time. Some say they have always been here, but their numbers have increased greatly in recent decades. As the twentieth century drew to a close, many exceptionally gifted, intelligent children with indigo auras and unusually pure hearts began to arrive.


These beings have always been an integral part of human progress. They have guided the world as leaders and innovators, and whether they received recognition or not, they were always there. In the last 50 years or so their numbers have increased greatly. Careful observation reveals 5 distinct periods or generations, each lasting about a decade.


An Indigo child is an enhanced copy of humanity, a term coined in 1970 by a parapsychologist with the gift of ‘synaesthesia’, a mixture of senses and clairvoyance, to analyse these very different children.


Indigo’s auric field is dominated by a royal blue colour. This brought about a change in human evolution and their indigo aura.


Gifted children with a clear mission to challenge and change reality were first recognised in the 1970s. As well as being psychic, they are highly motivated and creative, with a perception that sees through the established norms of society.


They are ancient souls on a mission to shake up the modern world and pave the way for future generations to create more peace and harmony for all. Readers will ask, who are they? Some examples are: Leonardo da Vinci, Nicola Tesla, your author, his wife, and their second son.


Indigo children are destined to make changes, to challenge society and expose the flaws in the existing system. Once this mission is complete, they must drastically change their purpose in life. They are destined to be present on planet Earth at this time.


Other characteristics are: strong-willed, an old soul, independent, easily bored, prone to restless sleep, seeking deep and lasting friendships and a good relationship with plants and/or animals.


One of the most blessed qualities of Indigo children is their integrity. They carry it within them and can sense when others are being dishonest. They may not always see this as a gift, for the world can be corrupt and uncaring. However, they carry a deep conscience because they are often ‘right’, even though they may not be able to confirm this with certainty.


Crystal Children, Rainbow Children and Star Children are all different manifestations or variations of the concept of Indigo. Crystal Children are believed to be the offspring of Indigos, while a Star Seed is the umbrella term for a soul from another part of the Universe who has incarnated here on Earth.


These children are aware of being much more multidimensional than what is considered the ‘norm’ today. Many have a deep understanding of their multidimensional reality and speak of helping humanity to awaken to a higher state of consciousness. They may also be aware of contact with non-human extraterrestrial intelligences.


“They are a race of beings on the planet, growing in numbers, though visually and physically indistinguishable from ordinary citizens. They are the “Bringers of Light” and are here to guide the awakening of Earth consciousness.


These new children are being born without a programme and will bring about a global awakening. – according to an expert on the subject.


Metaphysical research groups – perceiving reality – have recognised these children and given labels to explain the differences. Some, however, are labelled as dysfunctional because they struggle to socialise or cope with the pressures and demands of modern society.


These labels include ADD (attention deficit disorder), Asperger’s syndrome, forms of autism and dyslexia. However, these labels may stem from our lack of understanding of how these generations work or perceive reality.


It seems that many struggle to adapt to 3D reality.


Dr Ohlson, a molecular biologist, calls these people ‘letter people’. She considers herself to be a letter person, i.e. Asperger/ADHD, and has explored her multidimensional and physical sensitivities from a practical and scientific perspective.


Each of these Indigo Generations has its own unique characteristics that set it apart.


Here are the 5 Indigo Generations:


First: Generation Alpha

This is the generation that appeared here in the years 1958-1968. They were people with blue-violet-green overlays, sometimes bronze parts of their aura. The main years of their spiritual awakening (activation) for them were 1986-1996. Around the age of 28.


Second: The Beta Generation

This indigo generation was born between 1968 and 1978. They were born with the same colours as those before them, blue-purple-green. The only difference is that they didn’t have bronze tones. They were spiritual awakening between 1996 and 2006.


Third: Generation Gamma

This indigo generation was born between 1978 and 1988. They differ greatly from the previous two generations in that they have very little, if any, auric overlays. Their colour is mainly violet.


This is the first generation to experience what has become known as early onset ADHD in their childhood. The period of greatest spiritual awakening for this generation is between 2006 and 2016.


Fourth Generation Delta

This generation of Indigo people were born between 1988 and 1998. They are considered pure or unadulterated Indigo because they have absolutely no overlays. In some cases they only have Crystal or Octarine overlays.


Of all the Indigos, they tend to be on the wild side of the ADHD spectrum if they are problem children. The Crystal element in their auric overlay needs to be grounded. Drug stimulation is very inappropriate for their system and should be avoided.


It is recommended to use warm and pastel colours in their environment to keep them calm. This is very important as an overstimulated environment full of flashing lights and sounds will stress them out.


The main period of their spiritual activation is from 2016 to 2026.


Fifth Generation Omega

This is the Indigo generation, born between 1998 and 2008. This generation should be the last of the pure Indigos, with only a few cohorts coming after them. This Indigo generation has similar problems to the Delta generation in adapting to the environment.


It is very likely that this generation will be born into the homes of previous Indigos and/or be the reincarnation of a first or second generation Indigo.


The awakening years of this Indigo generation are between 2026 and 2036. But it can shift or change according to different situations.


After this generation there is a decline in the population of people from the Indigo Ray.


Although it is quite rare to see people under the age of 30 awakening, it’s not that it doesn’t happen. It is just that they are rare. Some Indigos, like your author, are awakened from birth, so there is no such thing as a spiritual awakening. These Indigos have a difficult life. Because there are almost no like-minded souls to communicate with.


However, the time of spiritual activation is the time when the Indigo sees their true self, understands who they are and embraces their mission. By taking off the mask, their hidden potential and psychic abilities are revealed.


However, if they are not well guided, this time can be very traumatic for them. At such a time, good guidance, partnership, support, a place to trust, find equals, gain knowledge and have the opportunity to share it are essential.


  • The timelines mentioned do not mean that anyone born before or after these dates cannot be Indigo. It is just a time when the Indigo population came in large numbers, in waves.

    However, it is an ongoing struggle for New Humans to function when their consciousness and understanding is not understood or acknowledged. This can manifest as arrogance or frustration, but more often it is grief or confusion. Either way it requires ‘standing firm’ by remaining steadfast.


    They may feel that their star family has abandoned them and struggle to stay here when all they want to do is go home. It can be very overwhelming and lead to a conscious or unconscious desire to numb themselves with alcohol, drugs or escape through suicide.


    It is important for humanity to recognise this evolutionary leap in human consciousness. To understand that these new generations are different for a good reason, we really need to listen to what they have to tell us.


    They are truly the ‘signposts’ to an evolving humanity.


    Revelation; if you are a star soul

    If you want to know if you are a Star Soul, just ask yourself.


    In this article are five basic questions to ask yourself. If you find that it’s a good fit for you, then do your research and delve deeper into the world of Star Souls.

    You might be surprised at what you find out about yourself in the end.


    here are three different groups, which will be explained in a future article.

    Indigo Child

    Crystal child

    Rainbow Child


    Each of these groups is very important to the development of humanity, and if you belong to one of them, you have been placed here with an important mission.

    You will help, or are already helping, to change the world for the better.














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