Sunday, 16 March 2025

Learning by doing

Education at school teaches nothing

After clean water and food, education is the next most important human need. Education should be a benefit to the individual and to society, right? Wrong. Education is only a benefit if free market conditions and prices are allowed to determine its value.


What you do see, however, is that true education stands in stark contrast to indoctrination, which, as the word suggests, is all about filling someone’s mind with dogma, belief systems or doctrines. In other words, it is mind control.


Accordingly, our current education system is a false education or indoctrination, having been created by the elite in the early 20th century. They based it on the Prussian industrial school model, which was designed to produce obedient citizens, workers and soldiers – not creative free thinkers who would challenge the system. It is essentially a model of compulsory education, where all members of a society must attend school up to a certain level and/or age.


Building a business is about solving problems. Problems don’t stop just because you’re not in business. A family still has problems. You still have problems. Everyone has problems. Even in retirement, you use your problem-solving skills to help solve them.


“Besides, getting money without working for it is probably more of a detriment than a boon to civilised behaviour. It will be a disaster for our children if they earn money they don’t have to work for.


It is work that challenges and struggles to give meaning to people’s lives, not money!


That’s why all ancient Greek drama has a hero and some sort of confrontation. The hero has something to fight against, even if it is fate, or the gods, or his own character flaws. That’s what makes drama meaningful. It also makes life meaningful.


The typical young person would be better off going out into the real world and learning as much as possible by working rather than staying in school. After all, that’s how almost all the world’s great geniuses, inventors, scientists and entrepreneurs learned.


It is only in the last 120 years that public education has become ubiquitous, and only in the last half century that ordinary people have felt that they should go to college or university. But as more people went to university, the economy became less dynamic, less creative and less productive.


Young people have no idea or appreciation of the work that goes into learning a trade and making money. And the old know a deeper truth: it hardly matters. It is more a matter of feeling and intuition.


Since the 1960s, inflation-adjusted per capita spending on education has soared. From the 1930s, when the first careful records were kept, to the 1990s, real spending on education per pupil increased fivefold. Since the 1960s, it has more than tripled. this is what your life consists of;


It includes upbringing and education, the organisation of your leisure time, medical care, culture and sport, help for the poor, the disabled and the elderly.


But let’s start with education

How well do they meet your expectations: your interests and needs, from nursery school to school to university?

If you look at this over the last few decades, you will probably see a huge difference between your own experience and what you can observe in the example of your children and grandchildren.


In almost every country in the world, education and training have undergone a colossal degradation, and with it the consciousness of the generations of people who received them.


Have you ever thought about why this has happened?


It seems that technological progress, which has touched every aspect of your life, should have been for the benefit of mankind. But in reality it is the other way round: not only is man’s soul hardened, but his mental faculties are also noticeably weakened.


All these are the links of a chain that the Deep State has “entangled” humanity in, the purpose of which is precisely the degradation of the human race in all its manifestations.


The cabal is well aware that it is impossible to herd a fully educated and highly spiritual person into a single obedient herd. Therefore, its main task is to minimise the educational process and to wean people away from thinking for themselves.


And as you may notice, it has been very successful at this.


Not only have the Deep State puppets minimised the educational programmes in schools colleges and universities, they have also succeeded in distorting scientific and historical facts, rewriting textbooks in a way that is necessary and beneficial to them at any given moment.


Truly objective and truthful information about all areas of knowledge today can only be found in old books, which are only accessible to a few people, and in alternative sources of information, which are collected little by little by caring people, who are often ridiculed and sometimes threatened by representatives of official science.


And yet many people prefer to ignore this and go with the flow, leaving themselves and their children at the mercy of socially oriented educational institutions.


Only a small number of consciously awakened people, sensing the danger emanating from these institutions, are trying to find alternative ways of educating their children and grandchildren in order to keep their souls and minds pure.

Think about and write your opinion in the comment box.


For the record;

Our liberation can only be achieved if the mob wakes up and stands up to protest against, among other things, the false information and the unnecessary and dangerous covid injections. All designed to destroy 90% of the population.

Or that the cabal is crippled by

  • A mass awakening
  • The collapse of the monetary system, or
  • Removed by alien intervention
  • Remember this, and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!

    For the awakened who want to know more about where we have come from and where we are going, the book The Great Awakening has been put online for free in both PDF and e-book formats.




    Share this with everyone you know!


    he New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.



    Many may ask: when will the change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!


    To be continued when time tells us more …


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