Saturday, 15 March 2025

New energies

Message to all New Earth Starseeds

The Pléiadiens are the Masters of Light, Consciousness and Ascension and are indeed the benevolent guardians of the evolution of humanity on Earth! They clearly speak higher truths to the people of Earth, in a down-to-earth way and in an easy to understand language!


The information they bring is pure Light and is coded to activate dormant DNA strands and raise levels of consciousness!


There is nothing more true than ‘what is’ and this higher Light we speak of is the eternal universal Akashic Records and is the Ultimate Truth!


When this Light enters the body, things begin to activate and change! This new light data activates the cellular DNA and causes much larger or more complex streams of cosmic level information to begin to flow through the DNA strands and through the body in other ways!


This new higher data then becomes available to consciousness, greatly increasing awareness and levels of knowing!


Furthermore, as this high vibrational Cosmic Light data begins to flow through the body, it unlocks the memories stored in the cells of the body, even old memories!


When all this happens, one will experience an amazing, blissful ‘aha’ moment where everything begins to make complete sense for the first time!


At this point all states of amnesia and ignorance of ‘what is’ are removed and the Light of Truth forces all things to show themselves as they really are!


This is the great awakening and the great process of Ascension that is now taking place on Planet Earth!


The Great Masters have said, “Now is the time to fully Ascend so that you may know all things!


Later, we will tell you the rest of the story of humanity, Earth and the Cosmos! We will tell you what really happened in Earth’s ancient past and we will shed light on the current state of humanity’s evolution and the great ascension to the Fifth Temporal New Earth.


The data in this stream is long and needs to be read twice to be integrated. Read it slowly the second time and make notes on the data points below. Some of the facts are real eye-openers and it is recommended that you look at the whole picture with an open mind! Make sure you do your own research and find out the truth about these issues.


This relayed message is presented out of intense love for all mankind! Here is the amazing content of this very important new message from the Force of Light ….


The plan was to create a beautiful world on Earth that would function as an experiential centre, an ascension training ground, to see how the beings who came here could consciously evolve their way back to where they came from!


All the information about the game itself, and the data gathered from the experiences on Earth, was stored within Earth itself and hidden within each player’s body; so Earth quickly became a literal living library for the entire cosmos!


Earth became known early on as the most important place in the Universe for soul development, and although you knew it would be quite a challenge to get here, there was still the excitement of going from Heaven to Earth.


You and billions of other higher beings who knew only higher dimensional perfection began to incarnate on the earth plane so that you could experience the contrast of being physical!


You came to Earth with the intention of free will and you came with a plan! You planned everything that you would experience here and you projected how you would one day return to your higher state of perfection!


As you were already perfect before you came to Earth, you had to find a way of not being so aware of your perfection, and you had to make it so that, at least in the beginning, you did not know so much!


You and the others devised a way to limit access to your higher selves and even to most of your memories! You have essentially reduced your consciousness to a very low level. You forgot who and what you really are, and you forgot how to access the divine abilities you have!


At this point you entered a long unconscious state of amnesia and were plunged into darkness with no information about what had happened or anything else! This was the basic starting point and the very first day of your great spiritual journey to planet Earth, which in linear time took place millions of years ago!


When civilisation began on Earth in ancient times, it was very simple, but eventually it evolved into a more complex and advanced civilisation!


Those first Earth beings learned then that the process of natural physical evolution on Earth takes a very long time. The process of soul evolution is different and takes much longer!


The evolutionary project of planet Earth was progressing successfully, and it seemed that whatever challenge humanity faced, it somehow always managed to overcome it and evolve beyond it!

Five great civilisations that existed before the Flood rose to incredible levels of technology and wisdom in their time, but all five of these evolved Earth races had one tragic thing in common:


Just as all these civilisations had reached the pinnacle of their evolution, a cataclysmic event came and wiped them out completely.


All the progress, 99% of the civilisation, all the treasures and knowledge were instantly and completely wiped off the planet!


What is more, each time this planetary extinction happened, the amnesia factor got worse!  Of course, because these civilisations were wiped out by cataclysms, their evolutionary work to go to the next higher dimension was interrupted and, according to the rules of their mission on Earth, they had to return and start again, several times!


It is important to note that each of these great civilisations that existed at different times were the same beings, and in the end there was only one great civilisation with different names throughout prehistory and history!


They were certainly there every time, and every detailed memory of all this is still inside, waiting to be remembered!


In those ancient times, even though mankind was very advanced in each of these civilisations, it seemed that they did not have the ability to prevent their own destruction and extinction!


The rules of the earthly game say that if you are taken out of the game, you must

get up and keep on playing! Of course, the resilience of the great beings who have come to Earth has always prevailed, even after being defeated countless times!


We remind you that you are still here today to finish what you started long ago! This time you have finally crossed the finish line, so be encouraged!


When today’s archaeologists try to determine what happened to these ancient cultures, they will look at the evidence and say: “It seems that these ancient races disappeared overnight!  – It is as if they disappeared without a trace in one day!”


It is known on Earth that most of the stone structures, writings and creations of these ancient cultures were buried under 10 km of Earth’s sediment by the intense global floods of each cataclysm!


Father Absolute goes on to tell us more about these changes


Hello my dear beloved children!

I would like to draw your attention to another manifestation of new energies that is clear evidence of the change in the energy background of planet Earth.


You’ve probably noticed how your sleep patterns have changed.

Where once most people slept through the night into the morning without waking, now many people’s sleep has become intermittent and restless. This is no accident, of course.


The point is that it is at night that the main energy work is done on you. On the subtle plane there is now a real struggle for every human soul. And since it is not easy to do this during the day, when there are too many distractions, at night, when a person’s soul and consciousness are separated from their physical body, they become part of the subtle world and easily interact with its inhabitants.


Why is it so important to put on energy protection before going to bed?

Firstly, because it is the only way to protect yourself from the influence of lower astral beings and other representatives of the dark forces.


As for the messengers of the forces of light, your protection will not be an obstacle for them – on the contrary, you will become “visible” to them, which will allow them to do their energy work with you more effectively.


Why do your defences sometimes fail and your sleep becomes a nightmare?

Incidentally, this happens even to people whose vibration level is quite high.

Most of the time this is explained by astral battles between those who are greatly hindered by your light and those who support you on the spiritual path.

At present the subtle plane of the earth has become a real battleground for every awakened person.


And although these battles remain invisible to you, they are no less important for the salvation of humanity than the battle on the physical plane against the Deep State and its puppets in power.


I believe that many of you, upon awakening, intuitively feel who has won this night in your personal energy space, and depending on your feelings, try to correct your condition on the physical plane.


This can be done in a variety of ways: through cleansing, meditation, awareness of situations or ‘untying’ knots in your relationships with loved ones, relatives and acquaintances.


Try, dear ones, to pick up the clues of your night ‘guests’ – both the light and the dark, so that even your sleep becomes your assistant on the path of Ascension.


The Absolute Father, who loves you immeasurably, has spoken to you.

Thus message was received from Marta at the end of August 2024



Humanity’s DNA will change forever around 21 December! The coming solar wave explained in simple terms


So basically we are moments away from powerful DNA and other changes that will change us forever? It’s a ‘yes’ from the FWC.


Help spread this news far and wide.



For the record;

Our liberation can only be achieved if the mob wakes up and stands up to protest against, among other things, the false information and the unnecessary and dangerous covid injections. All designed to destroy 90% of the population.

Or that the cabal is crippled by

  • A mass awakening
  • The collapse of the monetary system, or
  • Removed by alien intervention
  • Remember this, and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!


    For the awakened who want to know more about where we have come from and where we are going, the book The Great Awakening has been put online for free in both PDF and e-book formats.





    Share this with everyone you know!


    The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.



    Many may ask: when will the change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!


    To be continued when time tells us more …




    With copper wire coil Magnetic free energy generator



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