Friday, 28 March 2025

Real history unlocked

Destruction of literature from antiquity

Human history is based on loose fragments. Why do we know nothing more about our past and its many found artefacts? Over the centuries, much of the literature and artefacts have been deliberately destroyed to keep the people stupid and asleep.


What if only 150 years ago our planet was inhabited by a culturally and technologically far more advanced civilisation than we are today?


At that time, the Deep State cabal created a cataclysm and used it to seize power in the ensuing chaos. Apparently, between 1865 and 1876, our ancient civilisation was destroyed by waves over 300 metres high that swept across much of the planet, washing away the inhabitants of Australia and depopulating vast areas of the globe.


Today, buildings in many places have their first floor buried under metres of sand and mud, and remnants of this action can still be seen in cities around the world.


The Straits of Gibraltar, the Pillars of Hercules, the Star Fortress of Tartaria, are here to defend and control an important passage for merchant ships from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, v.v. to seize power.


That’s why there are so many old photographs of St Petersburg and other great cities of the world, showing beautiful buildings but completely deserted. Because the people are missing.


It seems that the destruction of our former civilisation is much more recent than we imagined.


The history of the most recent wars, which appears in more than five thousand Wikipedia pages, careful reading of biographies, examination of thousands of photographs and historical events, shows that these events certainly took place in the years 1860-1920, and that the Second World War served only as a cover for the final destruction of the Aryan-Tartar civilisation and the complete establishment of a new world power, the NWO, coordinated and led by a few corrupt Deep Staters.


Different languages appeared for the first time in the history of mankind about 200-300 years ago, and until then only one language was spoken throughout the world in the Tartar-Macedonian Empire. Different languages were coined by the same Germanic-Nordic institute from the root words of the proto-Macedonian language.


By 1750, after only 50 years of activity, the German-Nordic Institute had established over 700 colleges and universities in Europe alone, and another 100 all over the world, not only for the purpose of creating new languages, but also for the purpose of falsifying all the science and knowledge of the ancient Macedonian world.


This number of colleges and universities grew exponentially over the years, eventually reaching the number of 25,000 universities, plus an unknown number of colleges in the world today, all run by the German-Nordic Institute in disguise.


They created new words by adding superficial elements to the root words in order to change the existing original meaning of the word and create a new word without meaning. This is the reason why today’s etymology does not go back to the Macedonian Old World, and the meaning of the words is mostly meaningless and worthless.


Originally, much was known about our origins, but these were destroyed by the dark powers so that we were not allowed to know how, what and where our origins lie.


Fortunately, in India, these traditional thoughts have been preserved as ‘Veda’ and passed on from one generation to the next through oral transmission. According to traditional Indian thought, ‘Veda’ is considered a self-evident and authoritative public scripture. However, not compiled by human authors.


The word ‘Veda’ means ‘knowledge’ and is derived from the Sanskrit ‘vid’, meaning ‘to know’. It did not originate from a single literary work, but refers to a large body of literature, created over many centuries and handed down from generation to generation.


Apart from divide and conquer, the basis of etymology was one of the main reasons for the superficial creation of new languages, because ancient Macedonian words were made up of syllables written in runes, and each syllable had its own value of energy and power, which traced its meaning back to its source. Each rune was an energetic symbol of the consciousness and power of the life force; to write a rune was to invoke and direct the power it represented.

Some of these additions to the root words were the following


  • Suffixes,
  • Prefixes,
  • Affixes,
  • Compounds,
  • Cases,
  • Agglutination (words made up of a linear sequence of morphemes, each contributing a piece of meaning to the word),
  • Vowel Harmonisation,
  • Verb Conjugations,
  • Definite and Indefinite Conjugations,
  • Definite and Indefinite Articles,
  • Geminations,
  • Emphasis,
  • Phonology,
  • orthography,
  • accents,
  • palatalisation,
  • tonalities,
  • logograms (in Chinese, logograms are single characters that represent whole words or whole units of meaning),
  • phonology,
  • pitch,
  • accent,
  • inflection (changing words to indicate grammatical meaning, as in Chinese),
  • many different fonts, etc.

    All world languages as known today, appeared for the first time about 200 – 300 years ago!


    New Chronology of History

    Based on the history of Anatoly Fomenko and his colleagues, who claim that


  • That different accounts of the same historical events are often ‘assigned’ different dates and places by historians and translators, creating multiple ‘phantom copies’ of these events; these ‘phantom copies’ are often misdated by centuries or even millennia and end up being incorporated into the conventional chronology;

  • That this chronology was largely manufactured by Joseph Justus Scaliger in his Opus Novum de emendation temporum (1583) and Thesaurus temporum (1606), and represents a vast array of dates produced without any justification, containing the repeating sequences of dates with shifts equal to multiples of the great Kabbalistic numbers 333 and 360;


  • That this chronology was completed by the Jesuit Dionysius Petaviu in De Doctrine Temporum, 1627 (v.1) and 1632 (v.2);

  • That archaeological dating, dendrochronological dating, palaeographic dating, numismatic dating, carbon dating, and other methods of dating ancient sources and artefacts known today are erroneous, inaccurate, or dependent on traditional chronology; that their use in conjunction as “confirming” each other is a statistical fallacy – as probabilities cannot be added.

  • That there is no document that can be reliably dated before the 11th century; so that most ‘ancient’ artefacts cannot be explained by consensus;

  • That the histories of ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt were written during the Renaissance by humanists and clerics, mostly on the basis of documents of their own making;

  • That the Old Testament is an account of the events of the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries AD in Europe and Byzantium, containing ‘prophecies’ of ‘future’ events reported in the New Testament, which is an account of the events of 1153 to 1186 AD;

    That the history of religions is as follows


  • The pre-Christian period (before the XI century and before Christ),
  • Bacchic Christianity (XI-XII centuries, before and after JC),
  • JC Christianity (XII-XVI centuries) and its subsequent mutations into
  • Orthodox Christianity, Catholicism and Islam;

  • That the most likely prototype of the historical Jesus was Andronicus (reputedly 1153 to 1186 AD), the Byzantine Emperor; known for his failed reforms, whose traits and deeds are reflected in the ‘biographies’ of many real and imaginary persons;

  • That the Almagest of Claudius Ptolemy, traditionally dated around 150 AD and considered the cornerstone of classical history, was compiled in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries from astronomical data from the ninth to sixteenth centuries. The period of the One World Tartarians;

  • That 37 complete Egyptian horoscopes found at Dendera, Esna and other temples have uniquely valid astronomical solutions with dates ranging from 1000 AD to as late as 1700 AD;

  • That the Book of Revelation as we know it contains a horoscope dated 25 September – 10 October 1486, compiled by the Kabbalist Johannes Reuchlin;

  • That the horoscopes found in the Sumerian/Babylonian tablets do not contain sufficient astronomical data, so that they have solutions every 30-50 years on the time axis, and are therefore useless for dating purposes;

  • That the Chinese eclipse tables are useless for dating because they contain too many eclipses that didn’t occur astronomically; that the Chinese comet tables, even if they were true, cannot be used for dating;

  • That all the great inventions such as gunpowder and cannon, paper and printing were made in Europe in the tenth to sixteenth centuries;

  • That ancient Roman and Greek statues showing perfect mastery of human anatomy were fakes made in the Renaissance when, according to Fomenko, such mastery was first achieved.

    Wikipedia attempted to debunk Mr Fomenko’s work by stating;


    “The New Chronology is a pseudo-historical Russian conspiracy theory which claims that events of antiquity, generally attributed to the civilisations of the Roman Empire, Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt, actually took place in the Middle Ages, more than a thousand years later.


    The history of this knowledge would look very different if the book collection of Alexandria still existed today. However, there is one bright spot: thousands of ancient writings have recently been found and secured in the Vatican library. Probably these books contain the missing facts of the past?


    The origin of man on Earth is different from what is presented in the literature. Man originated from other planets in the universe. Studies of human DNA prove this claim.


    References FWC Archive, series of articles written by Gorgi Shepentulevski


    What is striking is that few readers still delve into our true history, which took place less than 150 years ago and was finally ended during the Second World War in 1940/45 with the massive destruction of old buildings in cities such as Berlin, Dresden, London and Rotterdam.


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    The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.


    Many will ask: when will change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!

    To be continued as time will tell us more …


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