Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Vision of the fifth-dimensional inhabitants

The difference

How to overcome the barrier that separates you from the worldview of the inhabitants of the fifth dimension.

The main difference between their living conditions and worldview and those of the inhabitants of the three dimensional world is enormous, mainly because the bodies of the representatives of the higher dimensional worlds have a completely different structure, so they are not susceptible to disease.


This alone frees them from negative thoughts and emotions caused by pain and physical ailments, and they do not think about old age or prepare for it morally or materially, as is typical of the inhabitants of the three-dimensional world.


Their excellent physical fitness allows them to enjoy life in all its manifestations. In addition, due to the absence of space-time parameters, they exist constantly in the moment of the ‘here and now’, which largely determines the level of their consciousness, unencumbered by thoughts of the past and future, which constantly happens to those who exist in linear time in the 3D world.


Even more important is the absence of duality, which largely determines the existence of the inhabitants of our world.


In the absence of hostility, rivalry, competition, judgement, comparison and other phenomena based on duality, the inhabitants of high vibration worlds are completely free of fear – the most destructive energy in the universe.


The inhabitants of these worlds live in complete security and trust in each other, creating the conditions for maximum self-expression without regard for others.


Such an existence may seem ideal to you and difficult to achieve in the realities of your present life. But even now you can come as close as you can, energetically, morally and even physically.


In fact, many messages on this site have been guiding you along this path for many years, helping your consciousness and physical bodies to adapt to life in higher dimensions.


Now that you are on the threshold of the new world, you must cross the final barrier – the vibrational barrier that separates your realities.


It is time to talk about this in more detail in light of the recent energetic and physical events that have taken place on planet Earth.


Divide and conquer

How the new energies are helping awakening, pure human souls to restructure their thinking from dual to unipolar.

Once you have understood the underlying causes of everything that happens in this world, the next step can be to ‘zero out’ anything in your consciousness that carries duality.


First of all, remember that duality is based on certain programmes and mental attitudes that are embedded in the three-dimensional matrix, the purpose of which is separation in all its forms.


It is only possible to get rid of duality in thought and behaviour when a person begins to understand these programmes and attitudes, but also begins to consciously work to free their consciousness from them forever. This applies to both personal and social relationships.


When the partial revelation of the actions of the Deep State, which has held humanity captive in a three-dimensional matrix for thousands of years, has begun, its plans and programmes have already become so clear that even deep-sleeping ordinary people are able to see them.


These programmes have always been based on division in all its forms: political, economic, social, religious, cultural. As a result, every “match” thrown into the “fire” of this division led to small and large “fires” in the form of political, economic and religious wars.


“Divide and conquer” became the main principle of existence not only of the Draco reptiles, but also of the way of life of millions of inhabitants of our planet, whose consciousness read and absorbed this programme embedded in the three-dimensional matrix, which gradually took root in their subconscious and continued its destructive work from one incarnation to the next.


This is why it is so difficult to get rid of this programme, because you have to ‘remove’ it layer by layer, carefully ‘cleansing’ the duality from your subconscious.


Even very pure human souls, who are not capable of meanness and deception, sometimes unconsciously act in accordance with duality programmes, manipulating their loved ones to fulfil their desires.


Think of how often parents or teachers praise some children and scold others, citing as examples those who study or behave better, not realising that such behaviour is a manifestation of the very principle of “divide and conquer” embedded in the matrix of the three-dimensional world.


The same thing happens in adult communities when a boss sets an example for one of his subordinates, thereby sowing enmity and division in his team.


Such actions are so ingrained in the flesh and blood of the inhabitants of planet Earth that they are not seen as something negative, heartless or harmful to another person’s soul.

In reality, the person who is humiliated in this way becomes either a victim who carries these grievances with him for the rest of his life, or an avenger who hatches a plan of revenge that often harms not only the perpetrators but other innocent people as well.


If humanity could realise that not a single fleeting thought or emotion goes nowhere, but leaves its energetic imprint in space, which begins to live its own life, bringing happiness or sorrow to people, depending on the energy with which those thoughts or emotions were filled, then its entire history could have taken a completely different path. And this is the unity that is so often spoken of in the messages of the Forces of Light.


Planetary transition

As the days are counted, human consciousness is now expanding at the speed of light. The practice of meditation is recommended to evaluate yourself, for what you were yesterday, you are no longer today.


It has also been said that what used to take centuries now takes a few weeks or months. Of course there is a large part of humanity that still clings to the old energy grid of the planet. They are trying to maintain the status quo, known as ‘normal’, at all costs.


But what is normal? Is it perhaps nothing more than the so-called comfort zone?


Be assured that most symptoms of pain, suffering and discomfort are nothing more than the resistance that each of us puts up against the changes that are now necessary. Resisting and fighting these changes makes life much more difficult and painful.


That is why it is said,


“Go with the flow!


You have incarnated here at the best time on planet Earth. This is a privilege that few have had. To incarnate now, in the final period of the planetary transition, gives you a unique knowledge in the infinite universe.



Duality in human relationships

How duality affects human consciousness, but this time we are not talking about personal relationships, but social relationships.


What is happening in the world today can, without exaggeration, be described as the culmination of the duality inherent in the three-dimensional world.


The division is now taking place on all “fronts”: military, political, economic, social, cultural, moral, religious.


And this division now permeates not only relations between different countries, but also relations between people within most countries of the world.


The migration policies imposed by the globalists have contributed enormously to this, leading to real internal wars between the natives and the newcomers from other countries, who have brought into their once happy and serene existence completely alien and unacceptable customs and traditions, based on values of life and moral principles that are alien to the population of these countries.


And this internal division is far from harmless, as it energetically transforms these states into conglomerates of negative energies that feed the three-dimensional matrix.


So there is a confrontation between new high vibrational energies that are destroying this matrix and low vibrational negative energies of the highest concentration that are feeding it.


And while this is happening, the three-dimensional matrix cannot be completely destroyed, which would mean the end of the old world that the Draco reptiles have been building on Earth for centuries.


What can save the situation in such a situation, when the globalists are trying with all their might to artificially mix the population of your planet in order to sow fear and aggression in the people who have found themselves hostages of their criminal policies?


The first step to improve the situation should be to create decent living conditions in every country in the world, so that the inhabitants of these countries can return to their native habitat where they feel good and at peace.


This must become the first priority of the new generation of leaders of countries who realise the inevitability of change in your world, which is currently at a dead end.


There is no other way, for the differences in the mentality of the inhabitants of different countries will not allow the building of a harmonious society in conditions where the consciousness of the majority of the inhabitants of our planet is still completely captivated by the three-dimensional world.



The impact of duality on social relations

This is about duality and how it manifests itself in interstate relations.

In fact, it was the duality underlying the three-dimensional matrix that allowed the Draco-Reptilians to manipulate the consciousness of entire nations, pitting different countries and religious denominations against each other.


This is how all kinds of wars and various conflicts were created, killing millions of people both on the battlefield and in peaceful life, destroying them morally and physically, driving them into poverty and hopelessness as a result of economic and financial crises.


All this can be seen all over the world today, in an even more cynical form than before.


A striking example of this is the fratricidal war within the united Slavic people of Russia and Ukraine, unleashed by the Deep State with the aim of the mass destruction of the descendants of the Rus, who carry within themselves the spiritual principle of planet Earth.


At the same time, the economy, culture and traditions of European countries, where many pure human souls live, capable of preserving universal moral values and their national cultural traditions, are being destroyed.


In this way, the intelligent part of the world’s population has been pitted against each other in three ways, as the official media belonging to the Deep State have aimed in recent years at provoking hatred of Russia in all European countries.


As you can see, this is where the “handwriting” of the Deep State is most clearly and vividly visible, and its “rule” is manifested through “division” by means of mass dissemination of false information, which already covers dozens of countries around the world.


But now, with the coming into power of a new administration in the United States of America, changes will begin to take place that will destroy the “divide and conquer” programme that is so destructive to human consciousness.


And “ironically”, but actually based on Divine expediency, these changes will come from the “lair” of the Deep State, as it was in the US, where power was in the hands of its representatives for decades.


And from there it spread, systematically destroying all the rebellious leaders of the countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America by organising colour revolutions and coups d’état in these countries.


In their place came obedient puppets of the Deep State, who did not dare to take a single step without the permission of their masters, being completely dependent on them.


There was no place for honest and decent people in a government based on total submission to the globalists and built on threats and blackmail.


But now, layer by layer, this picture, which has been hidden from the human eye, is becoming clearer, revealing the monstrous crimes of the Deep State’s protégés, as a result of which the pyramid of power on Earth that they have been building for centuries will begin to collapse like a house of cards.


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