Thursday, 24 October 2024

Karine Jean-Pierre Called Out for 'Evil' Response to Peter Doocy's Assassination Attempt Question

Karine Jean-Pierre Called Out for 'Evil' Response to Peter Doocy's Assassination Attempt Question In a still from a video animation provided by the United States Coast Guard, an illustration of the Titan submersible is shown near the ocean floor of the Atlantic Ocean on June 18, 2023.
United States Coast Guard / AP

Karine Jean-Pierre got called out — and couldn’t handle it.

At a White House news briefing on Tuesday, Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy cornered the Biden administration’s press secretary with a question that got to the heart of the all-too-real assassination attempts against former President Donald Trump in the space of two months.

A hectoring KJP responded with a lecture instead and got nailed for it on social media.

At the briefing, Doocy’s question was pointed — and on point. When, he asked, will the Biden White House and Democrats stop beating the war drums against Trump by repeating ad nauseam the spurious claim that he’s a “threat” to American democracy?

“It’s been only two days since somebody allegedly tried to kill Donald Trump again, and you’re here at the podium in the White House Briefing Room calling him a ‘threat,'” Doocy said.

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”How many more assassination attempts on Donald Trump until the president and the vice president and you pick a different word to describe Trump other than ‘threat’?”

Jean-Pierre filibustered, but never really answered.

Check it out here:

First, she said she disagreed with the implied premise of Doocy’s question — that President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harrisk, and KJP herself had fed the anti-Trump hatred that infests the American left.

(Even leftists have to know that it’s true.)

She then cited Biden’s endless denunciations of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion and the 2022 attack on the husband of then-House Speaker Paul Pelosi as examples of Democratic efforts to tone down political violence (along with an obligatory phone call from Biden to Trump after the July 13 assassination attempt).

None of that was particularly relevant to the question at hand, which is a problem. But it was an even bigger problem when she said it was “dangerous” for Doocy to be even asking the question.

As related in a White House transcript, KJP said:

“And now for you to make that kind of comment in your question — because it — your question involved a comment and a statement — and, you know, it is — that is also incredibly dangerous when we have been very clear in — in condemning political violence from here.”

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It’s somehow “dangerous” for an American reporter to be asking a perfectly legitimate question of a woman who literally gets paid to answer questions for the president?

Social media users weren’t buying it.

Conservative commentator Nick Sorter called the response “evil.” Conservative comedian Tim Young commented that whatever else KJP said, she’s “intentionally dog whistling psychopaths to keep trying.”

Despite KJP’s pieties, the reality is pretty much the opposite of what she claims.

Paying lip service to the idea that violence has no place in politics amounts to empty words when the heart of the anti-Trump movement is built on the lie that he represents some kind of unique danger to the United States Constitution and its foundational goals of limited government — which justifies the “any means necessary” idea of assassination in deranged leftist minds.

Are Democrats putting Trump in danger with their rhetoric?

The fact is that the greatest dangers to the American system today are presented by a Democratic Party that views any dissent from its demented views as a form of domestic terrorism. (Ask the parents who found themselves getting attention from the FBI for showing up at school board meetings.)

They’re presented by a Justice Department that has made attacking the sitting president’s political opponents and ideological opponents with the legal system — a hallmark of totalitarian governments the world over — a normal course of operations in the United States.

And they’re from an establishment media that parrots the ruling power’s line with a shameless reputation that would have embarrassed the apparatchiks of the Soviet Union’s Pravda.

The keys to their power are endless political lawfare (see “Smith, Jack“), endless vote-buying schemes (see “Student loans, forgiveness of“) and endless accusations that the true “threat” lies anywhere but themselves (see “Biden, Joe“).

So the real answer to Doocy’s question could have come in a single sentence, but it’s one KJP and her party will never admit to, because it would mean admitting the truth about themselves.

“Democrats and the Biden administration will never stop using the word ‘threat’ when it comes to Donald Trump.”

They can’t. They live in the world of “the Big Lie,” and that’s the biggest lie they have.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.
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